Romans 8:29-30 Predestination Adoption Foreknowledge Called Election

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This video covers Romans 8:29-30, showing how that the original intent behind the passage gives hope to the future of the believer, and is not foretelling the conversion of 'elect' lost people.

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My girlfriend recently broke up with me because I don't believe in the "doctrines of grace". I even gave an explanation of Romans 8:29-30 very similar to this one, and she seemed to understand it at first, though I think all the buzz words muddied things for her. Now I'm an "outsider". It saddens me how sincere Christians like her have been brainwashed into thinking this way. She even told me "Are you saying that my church and my family have been wrong my whole life?" It reminded me of something my old pastor used to say: "How do you know you're being don't, because you're being deceived." I've really appreciated your approach to these issues, and it's caused me to be weary that I'm not carried by every wind of doctrine either. Appreciate and love your ministry, it's been an encouragement to me during this difficult time.


Fantastic teaching Kevin. We are blessed to have you. I came to faith in Jesus at age 46 in 2014 and came under the teaching of MacArthur, Piper and Sproul for many years. I was never of the belief of Calvanism and had really not picked up on the system. My wife and I relocated to a different state in November 2021 and quickly became members at what turned out to be a 5-point TULIP variety church. This became crystal clear after I had been invited into to a small group of individuals for training for potential future elders and deacons. The training was weekly and scheduled from September 2022 through May 2023. On the first night each of us was issued the book Systemic Theology by Wayne Grunem. During the fourth or fifth class we went through the chapter dealing with the order of salvation and TULIP and reprobation. I immediately thought "I don't believe this." I raised my concern to the lead pastor who was the leader of the course. He had no interest in studying the scriptures. Instead, his response was "That's just the way it is." Long story short... My wife and I left the church within two months. We have since very carefully settled in to a local church that is neither Calvanistic or Arminian. When I now listen to Washer, Piper, Sproul, James White, which I'll intentionally do, their arrogance astounds me and I truly do wonder where their faith resides... Quite possibly their election and their providing their election by "persevering..." I now see their preaching and teaching in a totally different light that almost always concludes with what sounds like works-based salvation. Thanks again! I often share your videos even with people from the church we left including one of the pastors and elders I got to know fairly well. Thanks for your boldness!!!!


By listening to you I feel like I am hearing the gospel for the first time. This gospel (the one and only true gospel as it was always meant to be) is so pure and simple and beautiful when it is freed from all the clouds of presuppositions I have absorbed through my life. Thank you, Kevin. And thank you God.


Ref: The Foundation of Augustinian-Calvinism by Kevin Wilson, Ph.D.

2:05 Rom. 8:29-30
7:42 Rom. 8:23
12:55 1 Peter 1:2
28:42 Rom. 8:13-17
29:50 1 John 3:2
33:14 Eph. 1:12-14
1 Cor. 6:20
41:40 Rom. 8:18-23
43:07 Rom. 5:2
45:41 1John 3:2
48:13 Rom. 8:24-27
50:33 Eph. 1:5
Rom. 8:23
1:06:26 Rom. 8:28-30
1:06:51 2 Thess. 2:14
Eph. 4:1
1:10:19 Rom. 8:1, 12:2
1:16:33 1 John 3:2
1:18:45 Gal. 4:8-9
1:20:01 Eph. 2:12
1:24:43 Rom. 4:5
1:26:18 Rom. 8:36-39
1:26:53 Rom. 8:33
1:28:34 Eph. 2:12


Brother the truth you speak and the authority of which you speak it is extremely apparent to those that love the truth. God bless.


This an absolute blessing. I was preparing for Bible Study and had prepared a diagram of the verses which makes it clear that reference was being made to saved people. When I saw your video I was elated at how it is presented. Now I have to go and watch your other videos. May the Lord bless the ministry to which you have been called. Blessings my brother


This is why it only takes one juror to prevent someone from getting the death penalty. That juror seen something that convinced him or her that the defendant doesn’t deserve death even if eleven others did. We must all be able to think independent from each other and not a bunch of lemmings.


Brother Kevin, Lord willing you should write *books* about the 5 points of Calvinism. Because it would be a huge blessing to the body of Christ and unsaved people as well.
Even if you wrote small books until you are ready, and have time to write a big book. With Ad-lib. That would be awesome. :) Your books would sell like you cant even imagine brother. 🙏


Thank’s Kevin for dealing with this passage. The Calvinistic grid is slowly but surely being removed. Loved the explanation of what Adoption of Sons is about - the redemption of our body and not Salvation.

The only thing I’d say about not letting anybody shut you up is that when you’ve got something to say that it’s done respectfully and openly.

I particularly liked this session because you’re honing in on the ‘U’ in the TULIP which seems to be an area that even if God removes the TLIP from Calvinist’s thinking it’s the ‘U’ that they still hang onto and find hard to shake off. Hopefully this session will help them do that!

Thanks for all that you do in setting people free from Calvinism presuppositions and the mind control that that grid has over peoples minds when interpreting scripture.


I lost count of how many times I’ve watched this... but there is SO MUCH GREAT INFORMATION that I want to dissect that I get a fresh perspective each time I watch it! Thanks Kevin, you are a truly anointed blessing!


i love this so much. it's unreal how firmly these presuppositions are engrained in my mind. i know i don't believe them but i can shake them out of my head. it's so odd. i need to diligently study and read to root this deeply.


Thank you so much! Listening to this glad you are addressing Romans 8:29-30...I was just asked about how I reconcile this the other day and I thought of emailing you. praise God ..He answered my prayer!


They call it, *The Golden Chain of Redemption* but its ONLY for *The Elect* . Their doctrines logically *demand* the opposite for the Reprobate, *The Golden Chain of Reprobation.*

*"For those whom He Fore-hated, He also Immutable Decreed to be conformed into the image of the Devil in order that the Devil might be the first-dead among many Opposers, and those He decreed, He predestined, and those whom He predestined He called, and those He called He judged, and those He judged, He condemned. What are we going to say to these things? If God is against them, who can be for them? He who spared His own Son and DID NOT give him up for the Reprobate, how shall He not freely withhold from them all things?"*


So good! I wish Calvinists would drop the ego and listen.


Truth can't overcome pride.
Only those that seek truth above all, will find truth.
If a human's sense of self, identity and tribal affiliation are wrapped in a ideology, they will not be open to examining their ideology.


God chosed the already saved people who got it by grace through faith alone, according to their own free will, to be predestined to service and then be glorified. Brillian, my church also teach this.


Hi brother Kevin. Grace and peace. Thanks for your videos and for letting me know about J. Parkinson's book. Now I have it and have read it. Lord be with you.


I love that you put Calvinism and Arminianism in the same box. Truth.


This is wonderful powerfully clear and clarifying teaching! Praise God!


would not calvinists find freewill and the possibility for ALL people to be saved a "nicer" theology than a preselect few? i have been taught that ALL babies/children who died before the age of accountability as going to heaven. HOWEVER, calvinists would have to concede (according to their theology) that SOME babies/children who died would be damned.
