The Truth About the Book of Revelations | Elaine Pagels

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Revelations about the Book of Revelation

Probably the most consequential vision of the future ever written is the Bible’s "Book of Revelation". If God didn’t write it (through the sainted instrument of someone named John), then who did, and why?

Elaine Pagels has a persuasive answer, spectacularly illustrated. The author of "The Gnostic Gospels"; "Beyond Belief"; and "Revelations: Visions, Prophecy, and Politics in the Book of Revelation", Pagels analyzes other revelations of the time (they were common) and examines how John’s particular version of apocalypse made it into the world’s most popular book. John had his own agenda. It wasn’t Christian.

"The Truth About the Book of Revelations" was given on August 20, 02012 as part of Long Now's Seminar series. The series was started in 02003 to build a compelling body of ideas about long-term thinking from some of the world's leading thinkers. The Seminars take place in San Francisco and are curated and hosted by Stewart Brand. To follow the talks, you can:

The Long Now Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to fostering long-term thinking and responsibility. Our projects include a 10,000 Year Clock, endangered language preservation, thousand year+ data storage, and Long Bets, an arena for accountable predictions.

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Skip to 26:20 for the main subject, where she puts the book of Revelation in the context of what was going on at the time, and of the many other diverse Revelations that appeared at about the same time but which didn't make it into the New Testament.

Before that she shows a selection of images from the western art tradition inspired by the biblical book, and gives an outline of the contents.

It is worth pointing out that the audience assembled by the Long Now Foundation couldn't be assumed to know much about Christianity, so this may be why she gave this long intro. It also provides evidence that this particular part of Christian literature has had a considerable cultural impact over the centuries, and thus may be of interest to them.

The error in the title of the video - Revelations for Revelation, is down to whoever put it up: someone working for the Long Now Foundation I suspect. Pagels herself uses Revelation in the singular for the New Testament book throughout.

43:53 for Blind Willie Johnson and his wife singing about John the Revelator.


Pagels is a genius because even when she is a master scholar is easy to understand she is amazing ❤ Elohim barush, , thank you


All those wishing to comment, correctly, that “Revelation” is singular not plural please form an orderly line here.


Elaine is quite thought provoking in her books and personal speaking. She certainly addresses the "I'm right and you're wrong" crowd in a way that is neither. She is not about religion so much as she is about the way of thinking history. She encourages people to think for themselves after learning different perspectives.
There are many other utube channels that feature her and her lifetime of perception.


Guys, - please, - it would be important to provide automatic subtitles
In my case, - in Portuguese
Thank you very much


It would have been nice if she went over the process of how and why some books made it into the Bible and some did not. The Canon process is something that should be talked about. And yes she knows the book of revelation is singular but her point is there are more than one book on the subject of revelation, hence, revelations.


There seems to be a lot of ignorance in these comments. For those who think the Bible is the inerrant word of God, you really need study the work of Biblical scholars, and not Fundamentalists who are nothing more than apologists.
Most of what Dr. Pagels says is agreed on by other scholars. If you think the Book of Revelation was written by the same person who wrote the Gospel of John, you’d be incorrect. The Gospel is written in highly educated Greek. Revelation is written in rather pedestrian Greek with lots of grammatical errors.
Prophecy in the Bible was always about something related to what was happening at the time, not about something that might happen thousands of years later. Even in the early church there was debate about whether to even include Revelation in the canon of the New Testament. Prophecy was about something that was expected to happen soon.
Again, study the works of scholars who actually learn the languages of the scriptures and read and study them in their original language as well as reading the history, cultures, and other literary works of their times. If you don’t take the time to learn the history of the Bible and the changing theology and Christology in it, you are not interested in truth.


How could John be grieving Christ death if he was among those who saw Him ascend. This lady might be worldly educated but she is still to come to the knowledge of the truth.


All this seems like a bad mushroom trip where the one trippin was their own (unlicensed) therapist...


What book does she mention around 1:04:00 that sounds like 'eloguiness'? No captions and tried searching but did not find it


Correction pls. : Vespasian was the father of Titus, not brother


It doesn’t surprise me that she doesn’t like the Gospel of John much, and then doesn’t attribute the Book of Revelation to John. Personally loving the writings of John and understanding his ties between his Gospel and the Book of Revelation, I would absolutely say that these two were written by the same author.


the lady is making historical errors, Titus was not the brother of emperor Vespasian. he was his eldest son. Domitian was the second son of emperor Vespasian. Titus and Domitian were brothers. Titus was general under his father Vespasian and HE was the one who conquered Jerusalem. Vespasian, Titus and Domitian became emperors of Rome. This is the FLAVIAN dynasty.


You can't possibly understand the Book of Revelation if you believe Jesus simply died and was buried and is forever gone.
John knew God raised him up from the dead.
FYI being in the Spirit doesn't mean a trance like in movies and such.
To those who complained about comments if you don't like them don't read them.


I remember back then to say that you are gay meant that you're happy/alegre.
Now today, that would mean that you're homosexual!

The sentence(word) didn't change. However, the meaning given to the word has changed thus making the sentence, the word, say what was not intended.

This must be considered.

There are songs that mention cassette, telephone line, LP records, walkman, postage stamps; etc.
To the newer generation these don't mean a thing!
Like wise some describing their high school days in the 50's (if there were high schools) to a youth today, they would surely walk away with different and unintended views!
But why?
Context of time and culture

The Bible made mention that knowledge would increase and people would be cold.

I believe that the Internet and social media is that fulfillment. You could easily befriend 100 persons online that a 3-line conversation in person with just 1 of them!

Sometimes we forget that the objective and intention of languages is communication!
So, we get all hanged on the words, structure, expressions, imagery; etc al. Thus, we miss the message - the intention!

You may choose to focus on the font, size and colour of the letters 'E, X, I, T' and even the background colours so much so that you don't know how to get out!
You missed the message of the sign indicating the EXIT!


Professing themselves wise they became fools...


2:15 I give up. Yes, The Holy Deception. "I shall send a lie, that man may believe and be Dammed"


I remember during the mid 70's, we had a Vatican theologian speak at our church to assure us that Revalations was NOT prophecy but words of encouragement to the people's of that period. He talked about the code that showed who each monster was actually referencing and why. That sermon was very relieving.


From the gamer perspective :
It's a book of respawn and cheaters.


It seems reasonable to view this writing of Revelation for what it really is. The enemy is clearly Rome. The Red(color of the Roman Legions) Dragon, The Beasts From the Sea(Roman Empire) and land(Roman Emperor). The "vision" of Great Babylon(Rome the City). These are all about Rome and the Empire. To say the least, John the author wanted to give the scattered Judeans some hope of vengeance and a triumphant conclusion. Hence the New Jerusalem. very likely John was a student of the Book Of Daniel. A writing that ends with a hopeful end for Israel after invasion from Empire after Empire. When we look at these writings from outside any secluded view. We tend to have a more reasonable perspective.
