How stress is killing us (and how you can stop it). | Thijs Launspach | TEDxUniversiteitVanAmsterdam

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What cause us to have so much stress these days? And why are especially young people vulnerable to this?
What is stress? What happens in the brain and in the body during stress?
What are the consequences of stress, if you’re not careful?
What is burn-out?
Which 5 steps can you take to reduce stress in your life?
Final message: is IS possible experience less stress in life – with some practical solutions. But YOU have to make the choice to do this!
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Summary -
*take care of yourself.*
*Get enough sleep.*
*Take care of your diet.*
*Regular exercise.*
*Be careful of alcohol and drugs.*
*Be care of intake of caffeine.*
*Get time for yourself.*
*Breathing exercise and meditation {mindfulness}.*
🙏 please like this if i saved your time. Because i right this for you.


"Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" Psalms.
Cast all anxieties onto the Lord, and make it his burden.


What I’ve learned is living in todays day getting a job in the city your gonna have alot of stress but if you live out in the farms and grow your own food and make everything yourself you won’t have nearly as much stress. I feel like the perfect balance is finding a mixture of the two. Meaning don’t just buy everything, make some things too so your not spending as much money though you would be working harder and spending more time I feel like it would be worth it


I really liked this video because he went into detail about how your body reacts to the onset of stress and he also gave helpful information on how you can reduce the stress. I love that saying at the end: you either deal with stress or it deals with you.


stress is my middle name and anxiety is my last name


The biggest problem with relaxing, going at your own pace, is that other people...usually when they see you take offense of it. If people'd just stop...before the hate on a person, they'd see that that's what THEY nerd to be doing.


Stress is such a health killer. That soul-body-mind connection is so important.


Yeah, reducing stress and being healthy is really cool, but there are people who wake up at 5 AM, come home at 18 PM and have to take care of their kids. Others only come home at 22 PM because they need two jobs to pay their bills. Exercise? 8h sleep? No caffeine? It's not their fault for living in a world like this.


For anyone who is feeling blue, tired, apathetic, or overwhelmed: just imagine the dog from the “happiness noise dog meme”. :) I love you.


Almost gave up on this talk. But info at 12:51 made it worth my while.


the only one who can change our stressful situations is us... no one else would do it for us... we gotta stick to ourselves and fight for our stressless happiness


Rational thinking... stressing just makes you clouded.. find the solution and start making it happen. Easy idea, but hard to apply.
Prioritize your life.


10:26 is where he starts how to deal with stress... :)


We all just need to collectively move slower. If we all do it than they cant fire all of us. Whenever they try to force you to work faster and do more slow down.


Best solution to stress is to change the toxic work culture rampant in our society so that people are able to do even the bare minimum to care for themselves. I know it doesn't create immediate and enormous profit but just maybe there is more to life than maximizing profit and productivity.


It is ok, if you do not feel energetic. It is ok, to be upset. Just know this; you are doing the best you can. You are a superstar! Take good care of yourself.


At times because of stress I go into shutdown now. Sometimes I can’t talk, think, or even move. It’s a lonely place but freeze sure is peaceful.


As he said, social media makes us stressful, and negativity in comments prove this statement. Keep calm, please? If you don't find it helpful, it means that you give up on fighting this stress. For some listeners like me this is the best explanation on how stress makes everything worse and how to not let this stress fight back. Or just stop negative comments! Thanks 🧘‍♀️


He makes a lot of sense and I found just listening to him was relaxing me!


I agree. I know that I battle back and forth with the thoughts that I’m to busy and then thoughts of what bad things would happen if I’m not busy. Crazy
