10 RIDICULOUS Secret Endings in Video Games You MISSED

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Some recent video games have had some absolutely ridiculous endings. Here are some of the biggest examples.

0:00 intro
0:36 Saints Row
1:42 Dead Space REMAKE
2:45 Elden Ring
4:22 Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
5:33 Sons of Forest
6:39 Pizza Tower
7:35 Singnalis
8:27 Atomic Heart
10:48 Sifu


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I actually took the time to get the secret ending in Saints Row. BUT, since the game is so glitchy, the audio cut out for that entire sequence, except for my character's voice. So it was just a bunch of people dancing in silence, and my guy occasionally shouting "love shack, baby love shack!"


Tbf, most people missed the secret 2022 Saints Row ending because the game wasn’t worth finishing.


Honestly getting Sifu's special ending wasn't that bad since it didn't require more skill than getting the normal ending. The only bad thing about Sifu's secret ending is that it's become so ingrained in you to press the execute buttons, that you'd probably have to redo the whole level 3 times per boss since it's become muscle memory at that point and you keep killing them on accident lmfao.


My favourite "secret ending" ever, was on True crime streets of New York, I think you had to 100% the game and then you would get a mission where you would become Redman and have to drive across Manhattan to a concert venue where everyone in the city became hostile and try to take you out. Your Redman branded truck would be totalled pretty quickly so actually making it was a struggle in itself.


to be honest, you make the frenzied flame ending sound a lot more random, than it actually is. If you do the questlines related to it you are told both where to go, how to get there and even that you need to undress to open the door. And yes, i would argue that unpledging yourself from the frenzied flame takes a lot more effort in comparison and is a lot more secret, since the game does tell you that saving Melina is possible, but the only hint you get about Miquella's needle being usable in your situation is while you are on your way down to pledge yourself and next to noticing about how to actually accomplish that.


Hollow Knight's 'Embrace the Void' ending is also insanely difficult to achieve.


I was almost upset Nier wasn't on the list but then I see RECENT games. Excellent list as always👍


Hey this made me feel quite good! I beat Sifu and got the “peaceful” ending. It was pretty hard, but I did it.


Donkey Kong 64 had a ridiculous secret ending that unlocked with 101% completjon. It was basically a 'blooper reel' of auditions of various characters. It was pretty funny


The true ending for castlevania portrait of ruin had me lost for ages. Had to look up a guide.
If you play through the game normal, you will never find it. And theres practically no hints to find it.
Firstly you have to get the spell that turns your character into a frog, which alows you to travel through a narrow tunnell in the castle to a difficult to find stage. In that stage you can get the sanctification spell, which is pretty much worthless outside this one miniboss fight in particular where your suppoused to use it on these two vampire girls to free them from the curse. Not to mention it has a ridiculously long cast time. If you dont do that, the game ends and the castle falls well before you reach Dracula.
But theres only one hint you get from this ghost NPC but it gives no indication of what direction your ment to go in.
Hate. Just hate it.


Falcon, you're a dude I'd talk about bideo games over beers for hours. Always entertaining!


Honorable mentions:
Fallout: New Vegas: Dead Money: Siding with Father Elijah and wiping out civilization in the Mojave with the Cloud.
Fallout 4: Far Harbor: Dooming the titular port town by turning off the Fog Condensers, which may be performed in conjunction with the other bad endings if you're really evil. Also, in the main game, allying with all three opposing factions against the Institute.
Hollow Knight: Embrace The Void, better yet the Delicate Flower variant
DuckTales: Scrooge Loses It All
Star Fox: Out Of This Dimension


Falcon and Jake Baldeagle are 2 of the best chill bros on video game YouTube. Keep up the great work.


I thought the ending to atomic heart was to get stuck in the corner of a room or behind a bench or walking between a railing and anything next to it and getting soft locked and the having to restart from your last save 45 mins to an HR from where u left off


Not really a secret ending, but many people apparently didn't realize that Gravity Rush 2 had an ending beyond the one seen in chapter 2 where Kat defeats the villain Dr. Brahman and his twisted minion/daughter figure Kali Angel, which is already weird enough since the character Kali goes all Tetsuo and mutates into a giant blob monster.
There is not hidden path to this ending either, you just have to look for a mysterious shimmering figure that resembles a young woman and speak to her four times to finally prompt the start of the game's final chapter. But for whatever reason, back in 2017 when the game had released, many people somehow missed this and thought the game had ended abruptly without resolving the big mystery regarding Kat's origins.


Sifu was fun as hell when it came out. I got the platinum and haven't been back since but with all the new updates, I just might. After a point, it literally felt like a rhythm game but a rhythm game where you gotta know the rhythm


That elden ring secret ending, is just way beyond bizarre


The true ending for Way of the Samurai was both really complicated to figure out, even with guides, and really satisfying to finally get.


No ending will be as crazy as the dog ending from Silent hill.


Regarding Atomic Heart, if you actually finish the game, they explain the crispy critters thing and it makes a lot more sense.
