How Square Works

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Seriously though, Square makes it easy for you to start, run, and grow your business with reliable, affordable hardware, and powerful, intuitive software. You can manage multiple locations, employees, adjust menu items, track sales and inventory, from anywhere with the Square Point of Sale App and Dashboard.
You probably know Square as the little white reader that lets you accept payments anywhere.
But there’s so much more Square can do to help you work smarter and save time. It all starts with our Point of Sale app. The point of sale app is simple, powerful and highly customizable.
It works in all kinds of setups, including Square’s beautiful hardware,
but right now, we’re going to focus on the apps.
First off, you can name and organize your products and you can take pictures of them for faster checkout and less employee training.
Which means you or your employees can easily take a payment for, say, a pizza. Just tap the item, add some toppings, then bingo, you’re ready for them to swipe, dip or tap. A tip window pops up, customers can then sign and you’re all set.
It works perfectly, whether you’re selling clothes, coffee or cradles.
But the point of sale app does more than just take orders...
It lets you add employees so they can clock in and out, and give them secure permissions to keep control of what they can see and do.
You can also create and manage your customer directory, right in the app. You can keep a card on file for regulars, which is great for recurring charges.
You can also create and manage your customer directory, right in the app.
And through digital receipts, your customers can send you feedback directly, which shows up right in your Dashboard.
To keep track of all your sales and see how your business is performing overall, you can go to your Dashboard.
What’s your Dashboard you ask? Dashboard is a free resource from Square that’s built to help you make better business decisions.
When you open it up, you’ll see this main page with high level metrics, and then you can click to see your sales summary, best selling items, and over here, a comparison to previous performance.
With real time information, you can keep track of your business constantly...
..from anywhere. You can access your Dashboard with the mobile app, whether you’re at another location, or a beach vacation.
You can manage multiple locations all from the same app.
You can click here to see sales from different locations and see which employees have sold what.
You can also integrate 3rd party software seamlessly through Square Dashboard. You can sync with apps for bookkeeping, tax prep, e-commerce and more. All to help you save time, work smarter and make more.