Glucose Goddess on GLUCOSE MONITORS: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly | Episode 10 of 18

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In today’s episode, I dive into the world of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) and how they can revolutionize understanding of glucose levels and overall health. I discuss the basics of CGMs, their benefits, and how they've personally transformed my approach to health and nutrition. I'll also cover common concerns and misconceptions, ensuring you have the knowledge to use CGMs effectively without becoming overwhelmed by the data. Join me as I unpack the science and practical tips to harness the power of continuous glucose monitoring for better health insights.


00:00 - Intro
01:10 - Explaining CGMs
02:42 - CGMs for people without Diabetes
03:06 - Who Should Wear CGMs
03:32 - Benefits of CGMs
04:42 - Anti-spike Formula
06:19 - Interpreting CGM Data
07:31 - Motivational Aspects of CGMs
08:40 - Exercise and Glucose Levels
10:57 - CGM Apps and Services
11:32 - Affordable CGM Options
14:25 - Common CGM Data Patterns
15:52 - Nighttime CGM Readings
17:19 - The Dawn Phenomenon
19:16 - Vitamins and CGM Readings
19:47 - Misconceptions About CGM Data

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As a mum of a diabetic 11 year old son, I am so glad you exist ❤Thank you for informing people about diabetes xxx


starting a low carb lifestyle, i used to wear Dexcom G6 ( for 15 months ) goal was to try and put my type 2 Diabetes in remission...and i succeeded after only a couple of months really was a good guide for succeeding... together with intermittent fasting and aerobic exercise mostly integrating also the Glucose Goddess hacks...and i have seen more improvement


i LOVE how mantural she looks whilst talking, leaning back relaxed on the chair and swining her leg/foot whilst smiling and getting excited over sharing information. This is what dedication and passion looks like. This is what being a GREAT teacher and communicator is. LOVE you thank you for sharing with us xx


As a non-diabetic who occasionally wears a CGM I’ve been raged at by people online for “taking resources away” from those who really need it. I even emailed Abbott and asked about it and they said there are no shortages and that if there ever were to be one they would always prioritise the medical market.


She called us angels. So sweet that I said the same thing when I texted my family the other day to ask how they were all doing I said hello angels. Love my family


This is hands down the most thorough and thoughtful explanation of the pros and cons of a CGM that I’ve seen. Thank you.


I had the opportunity to wear a CGM for 4 months because a family member (Type I diabetic) had a mix up in ordering them. A non-diabetic, I was curious to experience what my family member was experiencing (inserting, living with it, seeing/sharing data). I was also curious to know how I was fairing with glucose since I was actively in process of adjusting my lifestyle (had lost 78lbs in 5 months).
It confirmed a few things for me. 1. Glucose levels are perfect. 2. Amazing how your body controls the level. 3. Chinese food buffet was the only thing that skyrocketed my glucose off the charts. I actually got a call from my family member asking “what the heck are you eating!?”. 4. It answered a question about when to eat, before or after exercise routine. On some days, we all have them, I could feel when I struggled to push through weights and consistently it was when my glucose was low. I now eat 20-30 minutes before routine as it takes that long for glucose to start rising and carries me thru the routine. Note, this also depends on what I eat, so was able to dial that in as well. Max out workouts most of the time now.

BTW, I don’t recommend permanent use for non-diabetics if you don’t have a problem per se, but if you are curious like me it is helpful to understand how your body reacts if you like to dial in your lifestyle choices. And I still eat Chinese from time to time but it’s a cognitive choice as (part) of an otherwise wholesome lifestyle.

Finally, your content has very relevant content and presented in a “digestible” way. Congrats. Know how food reacts with you to make better lifestyle choices. You speak the truth!


I've been watching CGM videos for hours and this is the most helpful video I found. Thank you!


I have no problem with you wearing one as a non diabetic but...I think CGM should be covered at 100% for those who are diabetic and not just those that are insulin dependent. When I wear one I am way more conscientious of what I am putting into my body. Right now my insurance covers CGM with a $75 per month copay and I know that isn't much but I can't afford it.


Listened to your book for school. Your voice is so lovely. Excellent book. Thank you so much for all your efforts. I can relate to your story in ways. You sharing is gold to me- one chapter made me cry with joy, knowing I am not alone with food affecting my mental health. A donut story for me too.


I'm a huge fan from the Philippines and watching your videos has truly transformed my life. I never miss any of your content, especially to miss Miss Glucose Goddess. Sadly, the app I'm interested in isn't accessible in my country, but I hope it becomes available here soon.


I watch your stuff quirky french girl, I am a type 2 diabetic and have struggled with it for more than 20 years.As a big foodie person when I was diagnosed with it it destroyed my love affair with food....dead.Everything in a supermarket has been messed with by the food growers and preparation factories and they are poisoning people on a massive scale.The governments are only interested in taxes what the food brings in and are not bothered that millions of people are getting sick because of the food we are eating.


As a prediabetic I was glad my doctor encouraged me to get and use a CGM. It was still expensive for me (on a fixed income). After listening to this episode I will ask for one about every 6 months or so. I have been eating sauerkraut first, when I break my fast, and then the savory and lastly sweets, if any. My A1C did go down a little, but my fasting blood sugar was great and my doctor was impressed. I'm lucky my doctor listens to me!


Thank you Jessie!!! I have gotten a CGM for my Type 2 Diabetes. I was off medication and under control a few years ago, through intermittent fasting. Then my A1C levels started creeping up again. So I requested the CGM. I feel like it is giving me a better picture of what is happening, but the graphs are not explained well. I was becoming a bit obsessive at first, but I have a great doctor that I just started seeing. She told me some of the answers, but I can turn here to learn more as often as I need to!😅 You have provided the answers. Thank you for all you do!


Today's content is brilliant. I just can't believe sometimes how helpful your learning and insights are. Thank you.


Your book Glucose Revolution opened my eyes! It was life changing. If anyone is following her who hasn’t read that book stop and do it NOW! It’s a wealth of information and so easy to comprehend.


THANK YOU for being such an intelligent, patient, caring, knowledgeable human being. IMHO you really care about presenting this VERY IMPORTANT information to the masses. You explain things very clearly for people with little to no science background. You also have style/panache that keeps it interesting. GREAT JOB!


I experienced both upside and downside of using the CGM. A year ago, after catching some of your videos. It was the best decision of my life. I'm not diabetic but had been trying to lose belly fat. Whilst my values were well within the healthy range, my postprandial spikes peaked at about 10. So I startrd to adjust my meal variety as well as quantity to understand their effects on my body, before I realised it, I had modified my diet such that I got used to less than half the carbs I used to eat. I guess I got caught up in the gamification of the whole process that I didn't really think about getting hungry. Long story short, in just one year, my visceral fat droped from 11 to 7 (based on a bio impedance weighing scale), my belly cut by 70% and cholesterol levels dropped as well. Fast forward 1 year later, suddenly there is an influx of CGM watches on the market. So I decided to buy one to try and to validate its accuracy, I also wore a CGM. On the first day, I was quite impressed by my data as my steady state glucose levels went down to about 5.5 when it used to be 6.5. My postprandial peaks had also dropped to healthy levels of between 7 and 8...then came the nightmare. On day 3, I noticed a short noctornal dip below 4 which turned red. Feeling rather impressed that I wasn't getting some of those small peaks previously. In the ensuing days, the dips became more pronounced until day 4 when the drop continued til I woke up and stayed just slightly above 4 throughout the day. By day 7 or 8, I was getting hypoglycemic symptoms everytime the dips came. I even woke up in the middle of the night sweating with heart palpitations. I even started bringing a bottle of honey drink to sip to bring up my numbers as well as sooth the symptoms. On day 10, I was so worried I went to the doctor for a check. A finger prick was taken and contrary to my CGM, my blood glucose level was fine. To be sure I had a fasting bloodwork done the following day which again showed normal levels. Despite this, my doctor referred me foran appointment with an endocrinologist in October. I will not be going though because after getting my blood glucose results, the symptoms startrd subsiding regardless of what the CGM indicated. Again long story short, it was all psychosomatic. Less than a week after the sensor was removed the symptoms totally disappeared. The bad news is, all that binging on sugary drinks and snacks to bring up my levels up caused my visceral fat to jump to 8. I'm not sure if I got a faulty CGM or that it is not as accurate if you don't have sufficient fat at the application site but the good news is the the blood test also revealed that my cholesterol levels is on a downward trend. Sorry for the long story but your video really spoke to me.


It always feels like I’m just sitting down with my bestie, when I watch your vids. LOVE the content — but/AND how you deliver it is in a category all on its own! Keep up the great work, J!


I can't live without it. A absolutely a game changer. I will never prick my finger.
