The Dumbest Health Trend Of 2024: CGM

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CGM devices are everywhere.

They're great...if you're diabetic.

But is there any benefit to using them if you don't have diabetes or any issues with insulin resistance?
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1:12 I think the real problem is you are a doctor eating an apple. Everyone knows an apple a day keeps the doctor away


"Blood glucose is like a moody teenager, affected by everything and impossible to tell what's going to make it act up." Sir, that is the best description I've ever heard.

My husband uses a CGM and pump and I wish he could have gotten them years ago. It's been such a big help in controlling his diabetes.


I'm diabetic and my cgm is amazing, it's lowered my ha1c, from 8-10 to 5.4-6.7 (under a 7 is amazing for a diabetic) I recommend it to any DIABETIC, but I wouldn't do so to anyone who's not diabetic or at least prediabetic, healthy people using diabetic meds and such are making it harder for those of us who actually NEED it to survive and thrive


Diabetic here: I just cant wrap my head around the fact that there are healthy people out there wanting to monitor the blood glucose!!!!😮
I dream of not knowing what mine is. Not having to monitor it 24/7. Not having to worry and consider everything I eat. Not having to think about what stress, illness and activity levels are going to do to it.
Yet there are folk out there putting themselves through it out of there own acord 💀


I'm worried about high blood pressure - it goes up every time i see an ad for the Zoe monitoring device. So sick of it! Thank you for your rational explanation Dr. K ❤
Edit: OMG I just got a Zoe ad after this video!


This is literally one of the most smooth brained videos I've ever watched. Whoever told you apples were healthy proved the point that doctors don't get nutrition training. Apples are literally full of sugar. They're not good for you and should be eaten in extreme moderation- as should all fruits. The same argument you use to justify apples being health could be made with your chicken wing. "It's got protein, vitamin D, Magnesium, etc- therefore fried chicken is healthy." An apple is only marginally better for you than a breaded chicken wing. A non-breaded wing deep friend, however, would be healthier than the apple.


I don’t have diabetes, and diabetes doesn’t run in my family, but a CGM was life saving for me. I have a rare condition that causes sudden severe hypoglycemic episodes that my doctors missed. If it wasn’t for a cgm I would have never received a diagnosis before my condition became life threatening


I'm pre-diabetic, but only recently diagnosed. I've started monitoring my blood glucose lately (not with a CGM) and discovered that I have severe spikes and crashes. Those spikes also correlate with fatigue and makes emotional regulation much harder. Some of those spikes are technically not in diabetic blood glucose levels, but still affect me. I have no clue how long I've been pre diabetic, but I guarantee you this is a problem that's been going on undetected for years. I don't see anything wrong with people wanting to monitor their own health or see how they personally respond to different foods. People also take their own temperature and blood pressure at home. If it was known this was a problem earlier I could have gone to my doctor with some evidence and asked for help instead of rely on a stranger that might just tell me that I'm making it up.


The sad part is that these devices can be life changing for Type 1 diabetics like myself but they are so ridiculously expensive (especially here in the US) that many of us just can’t afford them. They have saved my life many times by alerting me when my blood sugar gets extremely low in my sleep.


Wearing a glucose monitor shows how my body reacts to certain food and how long it takes for my glucose levels to return to my normal. Knowing this helps keep me on track and has motivated me to lose 50 lbs. It always shows me how the dawn phenomenon and cortisol spikes in the morning and how long it takes to get back to my normal.


CGM were designed for 1. type-I diabetics who need the CONTINUOUS glucose reading for dosing their insulin throughout the day. and 2. for their Endocrinologist to prescribe insulin treatment by providing a database of the diabetic's daily continuous glucose readings. They are a vital part of the A-I technology built into next generation insulin pumps. For the Medtronic Insulin pump system, the Guardian-4 CGM "talks" to my husband's MiniMed 780G insulin pump adjusting his basal and correction insulin rates minute by minute by what the sensor (interstitial) glucose reading is. CGMs are meaninless for nondiabetic people that have a normally functioning pancreas. Their pancreas adjusts insulin secretion naturally as soon as the body detects a normal glucose spike after eating anything with carbohydrate in it. Maybe a CGM might be used to make you aware of what foods have carbs in it to guide your eating choices but just read the labels! The scam was for Libre CGM to expand their market to non-diabetics to get health conscious people to measure something they dont have any control over, their pancreas does the work for them secreting insulin as needed.


Checking a bodily function over and over again is dangerous and harmful, when not necessary. My son, while being investigated for Marfan syndrome, along with other blood test abnormalities such as kidney and cortisol functions, was told to take his blood pressure every two hours by a doctor. We did it. He was just 15 years old. Every other doctor thought it was insane to be doing this. And, most importantly, it was not good at all for my son. You might say, it’s only taking your blood pressure, no harm. Nope. He was pulled out of class regularly for 3 months and worried constantly that he was dying. After all kinds of tests, including genetic, turned out that he was just a very tall, thin boy. Because he was very tall (6’5”) and thin, the paediatric tests were always “wrong” because he was “adult” sized. That was two years we could have done without.


I am SO glad to see you talking about this Dr Karan.... I smelled bullsh*t on this as soon as I saw Zoe & Dr Spector on 'diary of a ceo'...

As someone that's been living with disordered eating for my whole life, I've spent most of those years vulnerable to these snake oil salespeople, Now having woken up from it and focussing on long term, holistic, steady health approaches, It makes me fear for the 100'000k's vulnerable people getting sucked into these schemes and lining the pockets of these so called influencers!


My 7yo daughter has T1 diabetes and I was surprised the first months after adopting a cgm how sugar fluctuates, it’s really not just food that influences the numbers!!


As someone with PCOS and POTS I found CGM very helpful for which foods make me feel terrible from getting reactive hypoglycemia after eating them


As a T1D who haaates the cgm trend, I do appreciate it being more easily available for women with gestational diabetes. I have never heard such confused statements (I met one woman who thought cheese was a carb). Pregnancy is killer on glucose levels, the women are stressed and scared and basically tossed into diabetes hard mode right out the gate. I think it would be comforting and informative for them


Pre diabetic here. By finding out which foods spike me and which amounts has led to me making life changing changes that have drastically improved my life. By attempting to always stay below 125 my life is better and my body is healthier visibly and internally.


As a pre-diabetic who is insulin resistant and pregnant the cgm has been a game changer for me. I can see what affects my blood sugar the most and stay away from it. I mostly see that ultra processed foods and sugar spike my glucose way too high.


I guess security cameras are a scam as they don’t completely eliminate all the crimes in the world. I have seen some wacky YouTube videos but this one tops it in terms of lacking a common sense and logic. Also it scares me that we have doctors like this treating real patients if his bio is correct. Oh and give me back three minutes of my life.


I'm type 1 diabetic since I was 8, I'm 24 now and I've been using the Freestyle Libre since I was 16, which it appears it's the one you used.
Makes me glad to know that I knew most of this information you presented. Even how interstitial fluid works.

I never understood why a healthy person would use a CGM without a medical reason, but I guess it's part of how rampant misinformation goes nowadays.
If you're reading up to this point you might be interested in CGM's so I will give you my only piece of advice since our beloved Doctor here said pretty much everything.
Regarding CGM's is that MAKE SURE YOU INSTALL THEM PROPERLY, read the instructions well and install exactly where it tells you to, otherwise your readings might say that you're low all day or it won't work at all, also never install it before a shower, the temperature will mess it up.
And always compare your readings with a capilar, CGM's are not a replacement, they're support
