What NOT to Do After Mortal Sin

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Fr. Mark-Mary explains what NOT to do after you commit a mortal sin.

We’ve talked about what you should do after you commit a mortal sin, and that mainly is to get to confession as soon as you can. We are blessed to have the ability to confess our sins in confession, and God’s mercy is so abundant that he will forgive even the worst sins as soon as we ask him to.

There is, however, one common temptation that comes with committing mortal sin, and that’s to repeat the sin just because you have to go to confession anyway. This is exactly what we SHOULDN'T do after mortal sin. This act is known as the sin of presumption, which assumes God will grant you mercy for your sins and should be included in our confession.

Why is the sin of presumption so damaging? It’s because it does exactly what the devil wants us to do after mortal sin. Not only does it assume God will give us a gift that he already gives so generously, but it convinces us to do the same mortal sin again. In the sin of presumption, we take advantage of God because we know how good he is. The devil is always trying to mock the Lord, and the sin of presumption is the ultimate form of mockery against God’s mercy.

The effects of sin are very real, and if we repeat a certain sin over and over again, our passions will start to form an attraction towards this sin, and its temptation will become even stronger. The sin of presumption is one of the devil’s strongest weapons against us, but the sooner we get to confession and become immersed in the Lord’s mercy, the weaker the temptation will be.

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"I don't wanna be that guy who takes advantage of the Lord because of His goodness" .... oh my oh my oh my .... that's a punch in the guts ... I have been that guy and I want to leave that far behind. Lord Jesus have mercy on me a sinner.


Any dude in here knows how tricky this can be particularly with the sin of masturbation .I've fallen myself to this trick many times. "Well, I'm in a state of mortal sin...there's no difference between one time and two times." So frustrating. Stay strong guys, pray the rosary. Viva Cristo-Rey


There is nothing worse than to be in a pit of mortal sin. It is a truly horrible place to be. Father is right, RUN to confession and be set free!


Well said, Fr. Mark-Mary. I have never heard the term "sinning against God's mercy" before. That is an extremely powerful term. Thank you.


Jesus Christ son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.


As someone who has struggled with this for years, I can say getting out of this pattern can seem very difficult. The temptation which then follows is to say: "oh well, I'm going to stop confessing then, so as to not abuse of the Lord's Mercy". If this is you, know that there is one way out. And that way is to get closer to God's heart (and Mother Mary through the daily rosary). Renew your prayer life, offer some sacrifices and ask for your own conversion. And remember, at the end of our live, there is only one tragedy, and it is to not have been a Saint. You can do it.


Not a Catholic, but really loved your explanation of not presuming upon Gods mercy... it’s just good manners! 👊😉


I'm a novice Catholic. Thanks for the education. I have a lot to learn and remember.


mortal sin is lethal, one must consider introspecting the misusage of God's love, grace and mercy as priority and seek for forgiveness from Jesus Chrst for restoration of dignity and holy self.


Thank you father Mark. I didn't know about the sin of presumption and never even thought of it this way. So glad that you cover these topics we miss or overlook in regular Catechism.


Thank all of you at ascention presents! You have been a massive help and inspiration in my life and the lives of many many others


Wow, I've always known it was wrong, but I have never thought about it this way, it is sinning against God's mercy, taking advantage of God because of His goodness... Wow, thank you.


I've always thought about this. This is why I slowly began to reject "faith alone". Now, I am in RCIA classes.


“Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” -JESUS
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭22:12-13‬


Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner. I am an adulterer, prideful, I take advantage of your Grace. I am not worthy of thy Grace, but only say the word and my soul will be healed. Praise and Honor are yours. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Thank you. That's exactly what I need to hear in this particular moment of my life. God bless you.


Thank you, I really needed this. I just don't know if i would have the will power to resist the temptation to the sin of presumption (or ask for the grace to resist it). I feel like I don't even feel like trying once I commit a grave sin. I just keep making it worse by repeating the sin and taking advantage of His mercy. I don't believe I've ever been able to resist this. Please pray for me


Ser Santos! poco a poco vamos a llegar! Bendito Sea Dios!


Thank you. This opened my eyes as a new Catholic.


A wise Priest said, "You can NEVER lose your salvation.... Because you can not lose something you do not yet possess" Onward and upward my brothers and sisters.
