Libertarianism, Explained - What is it?

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According to Dr. Stephen Davies, libertarianism is first and foremost a political doctrine. Libertarians seek a society most conducive to human flourishing amongst autonomous self-defined individuals.

Libertarians argue that this state of affairs is accomplished when the role of government and power is kept to a minimum. Although some have argued that libertarianism is a cult or rigid creed, Dr.

Davies argues it is not, as there is a great deal of debate within the libertarian tradition. These internal debates are a sign of intellectual vitality, and are healthy for any intellectual tradition.




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I was a Libertarian long before I ever heard the word Libertarian. It seems only natural that I have a right to my body and my freedoms and that no other man has more rights than do I. Or that any man has the right to impose his will on me as long as I am not violating anyone else's rights or freedoms. Why is Freedom such a hard idea for most people?


The crux of true libertarianism is essentially this: "Leave me the hell alone, I can handle my own affairs just fine." It's also really the only view that assigns people some measure of intelligence and demands that they be responsible for their own actions. You reap whatever it is you decided to sow; no one is going to tell you what that should be. Use your brain and figure it out for yourself.


I can sum up libertarianism in one word.


Human happiness cannot be achieved when government tells us how to feel happy


I think its not the government's job to have an answer for everything. Does that make me a libertarian?


I am a libertarian. I am pro choice. I believe in equality. I believe it is the womans choice. If someone kills a pregnant woman they should only be charged with one murder. If a man decides that he doesn't want to be a father then he is not to be held accountable for the well being of that child. A women who doesn't want a child is called pro choice, a man who doesn't want a child is called a dead beat. 100% equality, not just when it is convenient for someone.


Just registered as a Libertarian. Might even vote Libertarian this year.


“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” - Peter Drucker. We are more lead by culture than principle, libertarianism means nothing when culture is broken. People just revert to the primitive mindset


not a moral philosophy? but what about the nonaggression principle?


I am a libertarian now and forever. Thank you. You go left, you go right, i'm going straight down the middle. Also, a porcupine vs an elephant... you will jump off, vs a donkey? Please! Less government more liberty! It's good to know where you finally belong. I thought I was a republican; I was growing up. The military and police corruption almost made me into a democrat. Learning where you stand in government is similar to what I imagine enlightenment must feel like


Libertarianism is a profoundly moral, ethical set of beliefs. It's founded on the assertion that people have a right to live without interference, and that they also have the right to ownership. The economics follow from that and, happily, they're good! However, even if state-confiscation could somehow lead to greater human happiness, it would still be unethical and could therefore not be rightly embraced.


Libertarianism is the most wise political party ever to come into existence!


I've been a Libertarian since I was 19, I've been a christain and I'm an atheist and a pantheist, non of these changed my view of Libertarianism.

My position is most of the time it's more immoral for the government to do X, regardless of what other immoral thing is going on, with exception to clearly things necessary for society .

Like prohibiting murder, theft, rape, ect. .

At 18 I was prolife(three months ) I shifted to pro~choice(5months +)

And I currently hold the position that abortion is a tragedy, but government prevention of such is a greater tragedy.


Can one not be a left-libertarian? The "free-market" is not necessarily most conducive to freedom, neither is it natural.


Libertarianism is a great economic model for the gentiles. Much love from New York. Shalom!


Listened to this three times all the way through and the only thing I got from this that libertarians want the government controlling and intervening in less parts of the people's daily lives.

This smart man said more stuff and I tried to pay attention, it only went in one ear and out the other.


Pretty much me. Your life, your family, your body, your affiliations, your problems, etc… same with me.

If you need help, you can request it. If someone decides to start a charity to help the cause, good for them.

Just… don’t force it down someone else’s throat.


I absolutely disagree with the notion that you can be an interventionalist in foreign policy and remain consistent with libertarianism. A basic and founding principle of libertarianism is the right to personal property in one's self, labor, and things. To aggress against other's property right in the form of foreign intervention or violence directly violates this basic tenant.


Since I became a US citizen, I have been researching where I fit in the political spectrum. I took several online tests and quizzes. So far, it looks like I am a pragmatic, realistic, left-leaning libertarian who is most passionate about some of the conservative views.


I feel like the fundamental libertarian belief basically sums up America, freedom, of virtually everything that doesn’t come at the extent of anyone’s rights. This is how things should be.
