Rand Paul's BRILLIANT Speech on Libertarianism

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A Short Bio on Rand Paul
Senator Rand Paul, M.D. is one of the nation’s leading advocates for liberty. Elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010, Dr. Paul has proven to be an outspoken champion for constitutional liberties and fiscal responsibility. As a fierce advocate against government overreach, Rand has fought tirelessly to return government to its limited, constitutional scope.

A devoted husband and father, Dr. Paul and his family live in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where Rand owned his own ophthalmology practice and performed eye surgery for 18 years. As a hard-working and dedicated physician--not a career politician--Rand Paul came to Washington to shake things up and to make a difference.

Dr. Paul has been married for 24 years to Kelley Ashby Paul of Russellville, Kentucky, and together, they have three sons: William, 21; Duncan, 18; and Robert, 15. He regularly volunteered to coach teams for each of his three sons in Little League baseball, soccer, and basketball. Rand and Kelley are both devout Christians and are active in their local church.

Rand is the third of five children born to Carol and Ron Paul. He grew up in Lake Jackson, Texas and attended Baylor University. He graduated from Duke Medical School in 1988. Dr. Paul completed a general surgery internship at Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta and completed his residency in ophthalmology at Duke University Medical Center. Upon completion of his training in 1993, Rand and Kelley moved to Bowling Green to start their family and begin his ophthalmology practice.

In 1995, Rand founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic, an organization that provides eye exams and surgery to needy families and individuals. Rand is a former president and 17-year member of Lions Clubs International, which is dedicated to preserving sight by providing eyeglasses and surgery to the less fortunate around the world. In recognition of his outstanding and sustained efforts to provide vision care to Kentuckians in need, Lions Clubs International has awarded Rand many of its highest commendations.

A large part of Rand's daily work as an ophthalmologist was dedicated to preserving the vision of our seniors. In 2002, The Twilight Wish Foundation recognized Rand for Outstanding Service and Commitment to Seniors.

During his free time, Dr. Paul performs pro-bono eye surgeries for patients across Kentucky. Additionally, he provides free eye surgery to children from around the world through his participation in the Children of the Americas Program. Most recently, he traveled to Guatemala on a medical mission trip with the University of Utah's Moran Eye Center. During the week over 200 patients, many of them blind with cataracts had their vision restored by Dr. Paul.

Dr. Paul's entrance into politics is indicative of his life’s work as a surgeon: a desire to diagnose problems and provide practical solutions, whether it be in Bowling Green, Kentucky or Washington, D.C.

Randal Howard "Rand" Paul (born January 7, 1963) is an American physician and politician from Kentucky. In office since 2011, Paul currently serves in the United States Senate as a member of the Republican Party. He is also a trained ophthalmologist and is the middle son of former U.S. Representative and physician Ron Paul of Texas.

Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Paul attended Baylor University and is a graduate of the Duke University School of Medicine. Paul began practicing ophthalmology in 1993 in Bowling Green, Kentucky and established his own clinic in December 2007.

Paul has been considered a supporter of the Tea Party movement, and a vocal critic of the Federal Reserve System. He has opposed NSA mass surveillance of Americans and supports reduced government spending and taxation. He describes himself as "100% pro-life" and has cosponsored legislation for the equal protection of the right to life from conception. Paul officially announced his candidacy for the 2016 U.S. presidential election on April 7, 2015.
Рекомендации по теме

Well done Rand Paul, "your right should not infringe other people's rights". That is true Libertarianism.


Thank you Rand, I voted for you . I voted for your father too, and if I ever see your name on the ballot again I will vote for you again.


Minarchism is the way the Founding Fathers intended it to be.


Love you Rand, this pretty summarizes everything I believe in. Since liberty is based upon personal responsability, you cant have a libertarian order without personal restrain, and the grow of virtuosism.


Very good speech. I hope Rand sounds like this more often.


As a native American who is spiritual and has seen what a moral compass people are speaking of.

I do think it is important for us to help each other. Let's treat people how we want to be treated.


Man this guys level of thinking is on another level he’s looking from a deeper perspective and on all dynamics. He should have been president but his voice is echoching and he’s doing an amazing job he’s the real voice of the people


Rand Paul is a real Keep up the good fight Senator Paul.


Rand unintentionally explained why both of the major parties are broken; they both want to take all of your shit, just for different things.


I was Libertarian before i ever heard the word. It's exactly as he's describing and is only recognized by innately virtuous people. It's a matter of character and insight. Caring for others in the sense of caring for yourself. Not making yourself an enemy or a burden to others and getting the same in return. But also with a basic rule of law easily recognized by people of this sort and people not of that sort will be quickly removed and after a time the breeding would catch up to the population. It would take as many generations to gain as it did to lose our true selves. The words "self evident and self governing" weren't chosen randomly.


Fantastic! I’m speaking out these ideas now, Rand Paul is absolutely CORRECT.


Respect: People, Property, Markets, Contracts & Choice


That's the guy I'd vote for happily yet the public is apparently too dumb to figure that out and continue to vote for nuts, sociopaths, and criminals. Ugh.


Refreshing thought on Libertarianism...thank you, Mr. Paul


_"A totally handsome and swell guy Rand Paul said something brilliant."_
—Rand Paul


Thank you for this clear and concise speech on the libertarian political philosophy.


Well said it's refreshing to hear a common sense discourse from a politician.


Amen! Rand Paul= Common Sense! All of America should watch this....


Anybody here in 2020? Just fantasizing about where we might be this very second, if we listened to him?


Great speech! More people should listen to this.
