Autistic Adults Daily Routine Hacks! Including de-cluttering Tips!

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🌟 Have you ever felt like adulting with autism is hard? Need tips to survive through your rigid routines and behaviors?

Repetitive behaviors and rigid routines are a hallmark trait of autism. I'm going to give you some strategies to help! I will also share my struggles and how I did progress with my day.
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Part of my daily routine is to take 30 mins every night to write a plan and what-to-do list for next day (including a plan B safety net in case something doesn't work out). This gives me time to make decisions without being under stressful time pressure. Without my daily lists I would be lost, wouldn't even remember to take the washing out of the machine etc. etc.


Yes we are martyr's to our routines and habits🙌🙋‍♂️


When I first did the Autism tests online I selected no for the strict routines. Then I started to become self aware of things that I did, and I was utterly shocked at the amount of things I do the exact same way every day. Same order, same routine, every single day. A fine example of how you can screw up your diagnosis if you're not self aware of your own actions / masking / the Psychologist is not asking the right questions.


Lists help me so much as well! I also will just sit there feeling unsure of what to do with my day. Thank you for sharing this!

Calendars are also very helpful in planning out appointments and/or monthly events.


That was a great video. It's exactly what I am trying to do right now, establish a routine and get rid of stuff. I have too much stuff! It's really hard for me to get rid of things, I am always finding a use for them, in the future. After your last video on decluttering, I started to use the time that I heat my coffee in the microwave, to do something. I was really surprised at how much can actually be done, in a minute!! Luckily, our building is having a flea market this weekend, so I might be able to get rid of some stuff. Have a great day, Jenny😊❤️🙏


I live exactly the same way...and I just moved in with my boyfriend(first time not living alone since I was 17. I'm 42) also started new job and everything is in flux and I don't know where any of my stuff is. I had a mini meltdown yesterday when I was alone for the first time in weeks but otherwise I'm holding it together surprisingly well


Sometimes you just gotta work up the courage and crank up the ol' confession cam lol 😄...I can relate to the need to create at least some kind of structure on days when I'm not working. Just today, I created a to-do list...these can be lifesavers, as long as I don't get overambitious and put way too much on the list; I've learned not to do that. And the music and SFX were so appropriate when you were trying to organize the electronic equipment, wires, etc. I've been there!


absolutely our routines are our lifelines


The cables😅! Just a few weeks before I made myself happy with ordering elastic things for putting cables together plus signs to put on each of the cables. Now I never get the wrong cable again to charge something AND as I put them all together and got rid of cables I don´t need any more don´t have to search for one again. The trick was to order this things, as new stuff gives the ADHD-part of the brain that adrenalin-kick that keeps You on track hyperfocused on this new stuff. And as it was a one-time-job it worked perfectly out. The adrenalin did not went out before the task was done.
Oookayyy, I might have done the job twice alone in the time i spent searching for the right stuff to choose online, but hey, this felt like a task I mastered too and I need a good feeling from time to time...

With lists it´s a thing...I write them, but then they are a demand, so I ignore them. But I try again and again😂


I keep a marker ("sharpie") in my refrigerator for marking items.


keep things visible (due to poor object permanence-- "if its not visible it ceases to exist")

also, label everything; laminate labels by putting clear tape over them


I label date my food too. My mom used to do it and I found it so necessary as well.

When I have a day that is out of routine, especially if I have to be somewhere, I have to make a list with tines when I need to maybe eat before I leave. Then what I need to take along and time to leave, etc. Also I put alarm reminders on my phone about leave time. It helps me not worry about forgetting to do these "out of routine" things.

Great video!


I need to have my routine and I'm pretty good at sticking with it because I know that I can get overwhelmed if my routine is thrown off too much. Your video is timely Jenny. My wife and I have been de-cluttering recently and we just donated 3 boxes of books to a second-hand store yesterday. It was a good feeling to let them go. There is only so much room in our tiny cabin for excess books or anything for that matter. I like your idea about using the criteria of deciding that an object can go if we haven't made use of it in the last couple of years. Now I am thinking that I haven't read Walden in the last year or so; maybe I should start reading that classic book about simplicity again.


Diaries are important for me. I suppose it's another way. Lists.


When you said be prepared I got that song from The Lion King stuck in my head. Jeremy Irons is the man.


I have a chance to get together a healthy routine, basically starting from scratch. I think I want to try to come up with a routine that brings my nervous system online when waking up. I'm sure there is a something natural that I could build on (like, am I aware of my surroundings by hearing it first? Is there a best way to do that? Did we come up evolutionarily to hear bird song or insects in the morning for orientation or just to get blood moving in our nervous system?) Maybe if I do it right, I could be a morning person.


Do you collect dolls, as well? Im an avid collector, and I make some, as well.


I love that awkward Mom she soooo funny with her raping and dancing.
