Top 5 Glute Muscle Exercises For Knee Pain

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Learn more about the 28 Day Knee Health & Wellness Boost Program:

Glute exercises are CRITICAL for fixing knee problems for the long term! NOT quadricep or hamstring muscles.

In fact, strengthening quads and hams might feel good in the short-term, but more strength tends to make knee problems worse over time.

Getting stronger in the quadricep and hamstring muscles will create more arthritis, meniscus problems, cartilage damage, tendonitis, IT band syndrome or ligament problems.

The reason quadricep and hamstring strengthening makes knee problems worse is because it creates more knee pressure, rather than reducing pressure. Over time, this creates more inflammation and knee injuries worse.

This is sooo backwards thinking from what is usually recommended: Knee problems = Knee muscle strengthening.

But the research is growing more and more. And the patient success stories are growing too!

Really the only time we recommend patients directly strengthening their quads or hamstrings is after a traumatic knee injury (like a car or sports accident) or surgery (ACL, meniscus or knee replacement) because these muscles will be much less active after these events.

But if you haven’t had a traumatic knee injury or knee surgery, and your knee problem just crept up over time with normal everyday activities and exercise then you MUST pursue glute muscle strengthening!!! And DO NOT pursue quad or hamstring strengthening!!!

Now I’m saying it’s bad to ever feel your quadricep or hamstring muscles working. No, they will work normally, but they should be secondary to your glutes with nearly every leg motion.

If you don’t feel your butt muscles getting tired regularly with leg exercises, then there’s a big chance you’ve got a muscle imbalance and you’re using quads, hamstrings or even lower back muscles too much.

It’s only a matter of time before a knee problem progresses to a chronic knee problem.

So get going on these glute exercises. Make your glutes work harder and more often. You need more strength back there and you need to use them more!

Disclaimer! If your knees are swollen, locking, and painful when you move them, glute exercises are probably not for you right now. You likely have lots of inflammation and need to start with an easier exercise to get the swelling and inflammation down. It may even be necessary to visit a healthcare professional to get personalized guidance with your meniscus, knee arthritis, knee tendonitis, or patellofemoral pain syndrome.
Are you looking for a simple way to fix your knee problem from home?

Learn more about our 28 Day Knee Health & Wellness Boost Program.

It’s a comprehensive at-home physical therapy program you can use for your knees at home.
The program is 100% online and taught by Dr. David.
It’s full of the best exercises, tips and advice for improving your knee health.
This is the method he uses for helping his patients in the clinic.

Check out the link below to learn more:

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Any information available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a physician, medical provider or a physical therapist. El Paso Manual Physical Therapy will not be liable for any injuries that happened due to performing any exercises or advice on this channel.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions about your medical condition or to diagnose any conditions.
Рекомендации по теме

4:19 starts fire hydrants
6:34 donkey kicks
8:36 glute bridge
11:35 clam shells
15:00 isometric squat


Finally I find someone who offers advice that actually makes sense especially for people with athritis


Dr. DAVID I am following you from London UK. I was diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis a year ago. I had 5 sessions with a physiotherapist without any relieve then followed a physio on You Tube until I stumbled on your videos about 3 months ago. I found your videos informative and entertaining and your charisma inspiring! I have been doing your glute exercises religiously and am delighted to report that the certainly work. I am now able to isolate and engagemy glutes doing the glute exercises, both standing and in the lying position AND walking ( that was a tremendous video). You were correct when walking you have to concentrate. In 3 months I am now pain free and consider it fortuitous to have 'discovered' you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your emphasis on the importance strengthening the glutes. It certainly helped me big time. With gratitude, Susan


I have mastered the stairs at 70 with your glutes strengthening. OMG I was in excruciating pain with the stairs.
last year I got shots. Nothing helped
this is miracle advice.


You have helped me tremendously. My right knee has been clicking for 1 year. It clicks when I bend it. I sometimes have pain, but for the most part, it is pain free, but very annoying. Literally, my knee will click going down each step. I went to a physical therapist, and he told me to do most of the exercises that you recommend NOT doing. I went one time, saw that most other PTs on YouTube were recommending the same exercises, and never went back. Then, I found you. You are different. You make so much sense. I am 35, have always been reasonably active, healthy weight, etc. However, my glutes being weak made total sense. Even when I would do lower body moves, my quads were doing most of the work, leading to an imbalance. I have been doing the exercises you recommend and the clicking has finally reduced. I think I will be able to get it to go away entirely. I am very, very pleased with the results. I can tell my knee is getting better and my glutes are getting stronger. I watch some of your other videos too for neck issues and I find that information helpful as well. Thank you for being smart and sharing your information on YouTube. I hope everyone who has issues is able to find you. Your information is truly better than everyone else's. Please continue to share your knowledge. You are helping so many people, because honestly, I feel like a lot of "professionals" either don't care or don't know what they 're doing. And to anyone reading this who feels like they have a problem similar to mine, the 2 exercises I found MOST helpful were donkey kicks and clamshells. I do so many each day. I go slow and really think about working the glute specifically. It's not about getting some huge range of motion; it's about activating that glute muscle. Put your mind to the muscle, go slow, and you will get better. Stick with it too! If you have had an imbalance or problem for a long time, you most likely won't fix it in just a few sessions. It takes months of dedication doing these movements, but it does work!


UPDATE: Dr. David, I thank you and my knees thank you. I have been doing the glute exercises daily for about 1.5 months and I am now pain free in my knees! Besides starting my exercises in bed as soon as I wake up, I also have become very conscious of doing them throughout the day.: waiting for an elevator, to cross the street, waiting at the bus stop even from stop-to-stop on the subway. I am loosing that hesitation to go up the steps or stepping off the curb in expectation of pain. Going up/down a flight of stairs is relaxed and calm.

I want to strengthen my trunk more and that will come in time. Rigtht now, I am basking in no more knee pain, that's the holy grail right there!!!! Thank you again and again!!!


I had a pulled and torn cartilage at 10 years old when someone tried stealing a 10 pound box of chocolates I won at a fair. My mom used a bread poutine to reduce the swelling at the time. I am in my 70’s now so I am tireless in working to keep that knee working . Walking Stairs is better already since I watched your Utube channel. Thank you so very, very much. From Midtown Toronto Ontario, 🇨🇦 Canada. Maxine


I can’t believe it works!! My knee pain gone when I did butt firming for the first time and I can sleep better now. Thank you Dr El Paso Manuel❤. You are simply the best and so so kind and honest. You are there not because you need to create a content for YouTube but you are there to help people. You are an angel on earth! Thank you ❤❤❤


I have been doing your exercises for 10 days straight. Already I am noticing a difference in my patella pain. I’m going to see my orthopedic doctor only for x-rays and a diagnosis but nothing more. I’m going to continue these exercises because they make sense. You make sense! You are the only one I’ve seen online that addresses the glutes. Everyone else talks about strengthening the quads. If I lived in El Paso, I would come see you! Thank you for everything you do.


I have been told that both my left knee and left hip have "a lot of arthritis and I need joint replacements" from my ortho M.D. My pain level when I saw him was a 2/10. For the last 8 weeks I have been doing your exercises for the hip arthritis since the dr. said I should have the hip replaced first. I have found that after doing the exercises for over 6 weeks, my knee has no pain and the groin stiffness has lessened. I give you so much credit for being such a giving Dr. with your advice for people who (unfortunately) can't see you in person. So many ortho "surgeons" just have one advice-get joint replacements. I hope you are blessed many times over for your helpful advice.


Finding so much hope here! Thank you Dr and the community here. I woke up one day not being able to walk at all and I'm just 55. I literally was on the floor crying. Also doing this and trying hard to isolate the butt muscles. Along with avoiding inflammatory foods, I do see improvements. Still a little afraid and wobbly sometimes but what a difference! God bless you doctor for helping a lot of us!


Dear David, almost 1 yr. ago I had a TKR .Do to a tibia fracture which occurred during the tkr, my rehab was delayed by one month due to restricted weight bearing . After 3 months of phyiso exercises, working hard. Unable to get away from the same persistent pain(inside lower corner) the physio instructor recommended I eased up a bit on my exercises.😂 . So I searched YouTube for help, because I had hit a wall, referring to my pain. Your first exercise, toe turned in, pulling foot from straight to up under my knee, was fantastic, just what I need. The next day I knew I was on the right track. Working on all your recommend exercises now, always keeping in mind tightening my glute muscles has taught me thatIhaveweakness in my glutes. I feel our thankful for your help, I share and will keep sharing to anyone who could use your help. Your the best. Thanks again, Manitoba Canada Canada 🇨🇦.


I’m 36 y.o suffering from knees pain, visited 3 different orthopedics doctors 4 X-ray done, 2 mri for left knees and lower pain, took more than 400 non steroidal drugs pain killers and anti inflammatory pills, 20 physiotherapy Ift, then decided to get my own ems machine and still suffering from knees pain but so far no one advised me to focus on my glutes whereas I was strengthening my quads and hamstrings all the time, finally someone explaining my situation which is my glutes are weak and the way I walk (always focusing on my thighs) is the reason behind my knees pain, I’m working on activating my glutes and again this is my second day and somehow I believe this is way I’ll heal and treat my knees problems thank you doctor for sharing this


Am a medical dr with long standing, years of right knee pain then hip pain recently. All resolved with glut exercise you recommended. Your explanation Simply the best.


You are the only physical therapist that I TRUST!




I'm a 68 year old female, reasonably active.. light hikes walking swimming. I have been advised after taking MRI scans to have total knee replacement surgery. I have minimal cartilage & osteoartrhitis. I want to have the surgery as a last resort. I am so happy to have stumbled on your videos. I am definitely going to take your advice and hopefully don't have to go through total knee replacement


I'm going to do these exercises every morning before I start my day.! Thank you. I am willing to do anything to avoid a knee replacement I've been told I need!


I can't believe a PT that really makes it easier to understand about muscle imbalance, incredible. Thank you do much for your videos! Actually changing my life and reviving my l9ve for strengthening and staying active! Please never stop your videos! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


this Dr is one of the best, helped me more than any so far!!!
