How Calvinists Control the Narrative

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Eric and Drew clarify their declaration of war on rhetoric from Calvinist leaders from their recent episode critiquing RC Sproul.
In spite of knowing that he would be interpreted wrongly and wanting to make sure he claimed that he was understood as being against the ideas of CalvinISM rather than his Calvinistic brethren, some still heard the opposite of what Drew said. Eric shows that the very fact that people misrepresented what we said proves our point about how many Calvinists seek to control the narrative. Eric also talks about how R.C. Sproul being objectively wrong about the statement from the Westminster Confession of Faith on God's decree being the dividing line between atheism and theism *should have* been a really easy point for our Reformed brethren to agree on with us. He also highlights that the very tactics being used against the Provisionist Perspective are the same that were levelled against Donald Trump in order to eliminate important political dialogue in our country. Drew then goes on to lament the tribalism that creates these kinds of misunderstandings and why some Christians automatically feel attacked when people question their nuanced theological positions. Drew goes on to seek to "soften" the blow of some of our more polemic rhetoric by expressing his heart for unity and love among his Calvinistic brethren while also doubling down on not being willing to back down from speaking out against ideologies that are harmful to his brothers and sisters in the faith.

0:00 Intro
1:46 Our Misunderstood Clip
7:36 Hearing the Opposite
9:40 Thank You For Proving Our Point
11:49 An Easy Point to Agree On
13:33 Control Eliminates Meaningful Dialogue
19:48 Tribal Mindsets
25:25 Our Heart For Unity & Charity
32:20 Demolishing Arguments
35:05 Conclusion

#Provisionism #RCSproul #Calvinism

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Who are these two pro-war atheists talking about Calvinism?


I don’t understand how anyone can be a Calvinist in 2021
Great video guys 👍


Love your show brothers. I would ask that you consider asking the calvinists you come in contact with just one question. I have found it will befuddled, anger them, but has caused a few to rethink their position. Here is the question I present to them " What is more important to you, your election to salvation before the foundation of the world, or Jesus Christ living a sinless life and dying on the cross for the remission of sins, but you're not elect under the second scenario..." sit back and watch the confused, frustrated, scared looks on their faces....

If they answer the first scenario, they are preaching a different Gospel other than Christ, if the second, Christ's death and resurrection has no value to them. It can produce some serious thought for the shallow calvinists, that have just become one without thinking it through. The true blue, locked in, blinded by arrogance, those it will aggravate them, but not change their view.
Certainty produces no wisdom, but blinds the mind, uncertainty( willing to openly pursue truth), brings forth wisdom
God bless brothers 🙏


Texas is a one-party consent state for phone call recording... no crime by recording and not telling. You can eliminate that attack.


I'm not at war with ALL Calvinists. I'm just at war with the ones that teach it.


Love you guys and the fruit of the Spirit you exude. The proof is in the pudding.


Calvinism: Where the road to hell is paved with God's good intentions...


I can not help but observe this is a condition that worsens as the Calvinist gets older... There is a gentleness to those who remember that whether we are dealing w a Mormon or a Catholic or a Calvinist, whether we agree about theology or NOT, *_ALL people are "those for whom Christ died"_* and if Jesus loved them enough to die for them.. we, as the ambassadors for The Kingdom of Our God, ought to be patient and LOVE them too. <-- hard sometimes (I know!!!) but that's what Jesus did for US "..But God commended His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us" (Rm 5:8)

Calvinism _fosters_ a cataract-like blindness and hardness that develops and worsens over time in a Calvinist.

It gets worse with age and the more these guys dig their heels in on falsehoods or tangential foolishness to avoid what is being said, the more they become like liberals and believe their own non-sequitur arguments, and the more distorted their thinking becomes... That guy Matt Slick and older Calvinists like James White, (or even RC Sproul, or MacArthur ) are perfect examples, it is obvious that Matt and James White have grown INCAPABLE of observing/ hearing themselves and their inconsistencies. They BECOME the very thing they hate....

You can observe this phenomenon occurring in any group that rejects truth and defaults to emotion for argument whether it is liberals default to "racism" or Calvinists accusations of inconsistencies, "Palegianism", or a "low view of God" they all slip into the same patterns of defense: they hear the EXACT opposite of what was said, they can not see they have contradicted themselves, or they veer off on tangential details to avoid the substance of what is being discussed as if they can NOT stay on focus. These people flee the conversation and can not stay on topic, I really believe this is a form of judgment, it gets worse over time and it may very well be a biblical consequence of not receiving a love of the truth (2Thes 2:10-11)

God does turn people over to a reprobate mind for imagining they are wise, refusing to be corrected (ESPECIALLY for refusing correction according to God's Word!!) they become fools and slowly they become incorrigible (Rom 1:18-32) one can only suppress the truth in unrighteousness for so long and it is eventually going to be the snare of the devil they slip into (2 Cor 4:4, 2Tim 2:22-26) <--- but notice how we are to handle them...
"in meekness instructing those who oppose themselves, if God will grant them repentance to the ACKNOWLEDGING OF THE TRUTH so they may *_recover themselves_* out of the snare of the devil"
and Jude does not mince words in his instructions to us to
"Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. and of some have compassion, making a difference: and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh." (Jude 1:21-23)

Most importantly we need to pray for these people... we need to protect ourselves from a root of bitterness lest we too become defiled..
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled (Heb 12:14-15)


Many Calvinists cannot admit that Sproul shouldn't have said what he said because they idolize the guy.


Calvinism: Transforming the conflict between David and Saul into a game of Rock 'em Sock' em Semites!


I love James White in areas other than Calvinism, particularly when he talks about Roman Catholicism. He seems to be so knowledgeable and wise. However, it's frustrating to hear him speak about provisionists. Does he purposely mischaracterize us? All in all, he may be the most knowledgeable person I watch on YouTube. But no, believing that we must willingly accept salvation does not mean we believe in works based salvation.


Calvinism: The favorite theology of "Vulcan" cosplayers at Star Trek conventions the world over!


If Calvinists are brothers, brethren, then they are saved, why waste efforts trying to correct them? Wouldn't it better to spend time saving the lost?
Can you alter scripture, promote a false gospel, depict God has wicked and be saved?

Galatians 1:6-9


Every Christian should be fighting against Calvinism and fighting for a clear understanding of biblical truth.

Also, you may be right about the phrasing Trump used after the person killed someone with their car at one of the rallies, but he's done and said many things that show he is no one that any follower of Christ should ever endorse. It baffles me how any Christian could ever support him in any way, and makes me question either how much they were paying attention, or what kind of person they are.


Eric seems to be aware that Calvinists are are not far from the left wing media in their tactics against those who disagree with their cultic adherence to the teachings of the devout Roman Catholic, John Calvin.


YES, someone is finally teaching John 17 right.


Calvinism: Where all it takes to smile is "1, 2, squeeze..." #Thinkaboutit


Please stop being defensive and speaking defensively. Speak the truth of Scripture, Christianity and Provisionism. Do it assertively and unapologetically. Don't give ground to the 'enemy'.


I’ve already explained that there are those who reject that the WCF even teaches determinism, so it’s not the case that to affirm that God hath decreed whatsoever comes to pass you must be a determinist.


Come Sproul never said you’re an atheist if you don’t hold to the
