Controlling the Universe Makes God a Narcissist

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today we are discussing a recent video from @KevinThompson1611 , who has gone so far beyond the fundamentals of Christianity that today he is discussing psychology and narcissism would someone who has no idea what he's talking about.

in this video we will be discussing God's sovereignty, his election in Salvation, and we bring in scriptures from all over the Bible. there are so many references that I got tired of putting the text on screen, but feel free to research and respond to every claim that I make.

what we have in this video is the typical anti calvinist propaganda that is exploding on YouTube these days, but only goes to further Express how the carnal mind is at enmity with God

#god #bible #reformedtheology
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That dude with "Beyond the Fundamentals" is crazier than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.


So they think man has a part in his own salvation, and we are the narcissists?? 🧐


I doubt anyone with such a cavalier attitude as these guys are truly regenerate.


It always comes back to them having a problem with God’s sovereignty. You hit the nail on the head when you said he speaks of God like an atheist.


Does anyone notice how similar anti-Calvinists accusations are to Atheist accusations? And then they say they are not man centered. How much more man centered can you be as an Atheist?


I had a back and forth discussion awhile ago with both these guys. The old guy said " he wants to grab Calvinists by the throat he gets so mad at them" I called him out on that but to no avail. These guys are enemies of the gospel.


So sad. To use human philosophy to degrade scriptural truth is appalling — especially by professing Christians.


"That he knows everything, that he's not wrong, and that he needs to be submitted to"

He just described 3 undisputed attributes of God - as a narcissist


"They CAN'T look at the world with any other perception....they CAN'T get out of themselves"

Sounds like a freedom of the will already !


These are the people that think you have to explain how God intends to explain his reasoning behind what he chooses to do. As if God is somehow dependent on their understanding of what he does. They can't understand how its a completely circular line of thinking.


I don't need modern day psychology to tell me that people are broken and need to be born again....When I hear the word narcissist, I see King Nebuchadnezzar. The prayer of the Christian should be for the Lord to humble those who are like Nebuchadnezzar in a similar way. God, with no regard for the man's own will, humbled that man and opened his eyes to see that he was not the center of the universe. God is the one who works.

Daniel 4 : 34-35
At the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High, and praised and honored him who lives forever, for his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom endures from generation to generation; all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, “What have you done?”


You don't understand Calvinism, Mr doctor.


Great analysis of man-made foolishness. It never ceases to amaze me how the "Reformed hunters" on YouTube violate Proverbs 3:5 and Colossians 2:8 with philosophy, psychology, or analogies based on their own presuppositions. They believe their emotional objections is the foundation for their theology. Once they go there, they're not only in error, but they also believe their own lies. And if God doesn't reveal something specifically in scripture, then as believers we must appeal to Deuteronomy 29:29 and Romans 11:33-36. When these folks don't get an answer to their objections that suit them, then they continue to come up with their own view of Calvinism to argue against. At the end of the day, they're just like the atheists; they hate the God of scripture, but instead of outright rejecting it like the atheist, they'd rather change God into a "god" of their own making.


Did he legit say this about God @12:35 "He's attempting to be in control of everything"? It's like these guys don't even know the God of Scripture, they've created a puny God (as Dr. Lawson says) who is effeminate and ineffectual, timid and passive, even at the expense of this same puny god holding man as sovereign and ruler. I hate thinking this but maybe these types are lost after all, since they seem to have an understanding of the doctrines and vehemently hate that God.


Always a good day when I see a new video from Rogue Calvinist! Keep up the great work!


Sorry carpet bombing the comments here but this guy is insufferably and unwittingly mocking the very scripture he thinks he's been called to defend, another trait of a narcissistic god - "Which kid he likes over the other"

Genesis 22:2

2 And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
(keep in mind Ishmael was already born)

And of course Romans 9:13


The Beyond the Fundamentals guy says Jesus' life is what saves you, not his death. So by that way thinking, even though he would say no, Jesus could have died of old age and not go to the cross.


I love your non live videos man you do a great job with editing I’ve been busy with work but appreciate what you do a guy tried to show me this guy to disprove Calvinism and it solidified my Calvinism


Excellent video. In fact so much so that I'm saving it to my short theological reformed videos list. It floors me how so many Christians hold to philosophical beliefs about Christianity of which they either have no Biblical support or they have to twist and eisegete God's word to try to support it. Sounds to me like the guest at some point decided he didn't like how God clearly describes Himself in His word so made up an unBiblical "God" that he likes better. In fact I think that's pretty much the overall story of professing Christians who abhor reformed theology.


Why can people just not grasp that God delights in making his creature conform to his will, which is a blessing because he does it because he loves us and works all things for our good? It is as if people hate the idea of what sanctification is.
