Nutrition Advice to My Younger Self

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What nutrition advice would you give your younger self?

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I wish I didn't take life and school so seriously when I was younger. I made myself sick over expectations from school and my family. I would have had the same results if I didn't obsess over what other people wanted from me all of the time, and I probably would have been a happier teenager.


Dear younger Jenne, you will one day inspire hundreds if not thousands of people to eat vegan and better their lives. You rock girl, love ya!!!!


The advice I would tell my younger self would be to stop worrying about what other people think about you. I have spina bifida and for many many years I worried about what people thought about me walking different. Now I don't care, people who get to know me love me(haha)and people who don't know me who cares. Love your videos. And of course I would go vegan sooner. ❤


This is great! Oddly enough, I noticed a dramatic decrease in my monthly cramps when I "quit meat". I am still eating eggs and a bit of fish, but the diet change (from eating "lots of protein" and meat) made a noticeable difference. It's interesting you mentioned something similar.


Dr. Greger announced that he will be writing a whole book on nutrition and mental illness, and it will cover depression, anxiety, etc. Stay tuned...


Thank you for this advice. At 22, I needed to hear all of this! 🦋


I also wish I had gone vegan way before I did. I've always been into nutrition and even got my bachelor's degree in it. I truly thought I was being healthy by eating chicken and forcing myself to eat salmon (even though I hated it.) Ugh, if I could only go back! I am over a year vegan though and I can honestly say it is the best decision I have ever made and I am so thankful my husband came around to it as well! Our son is 3.5 and also proud to be vegan! 😊


"Well, yes, I drank too much"😂😂


Uggh I get tired of eating lol
You are so right you are what you eat. I feel like junk and really need to purge. I can smell the junk food on my upper lip seriously. I'm gonna try again. Talk pray for me, wish me luck, and send good vibes 💕
I'm very serious here lol


My tips to my younger self is stop letting other people's judgement stop you from following your dreams! Honestly it took me so long to jump from vegan to vegetarian because people around me (family) would straight up tell me, you can't be vegan - I won't be able to cook you anything. God it still frustrates me so much! And once I did become vegan I still feel embarrassed to talk about it. The judgement is real. I'm learning to not let others' fear of change make me uncomfortable. <3 Love ya Jenne!!


I sincerely hope the younger generation "gets" this great message and takes it to heart! I have been attempting to provide my own kids the same advice ... so far, without much success :)


Advice to my younger self: Avoid all packaged snacks. Stop drinking milk, it doesn’t do your body good.


Oh this was so fun to watch! I love your tips! A year ago I started my vegan transition and my life has improved. 😀 I loved your tips to your younger self. I also wish I never ate so much dairy. Yuck. Its unnecessary and I noticed so many changes cutting that out the most. Greek yogurt made me absolutely bloated and lathargic...and I just didn’t connect the dots. So thankful for all the awesome new vegan products our there now. 😀


Lady Ma’am where have you been all my life. I’m 61 and l’ve always thought I was a health freak I thrived on it. Introduce it to my kids to it then my daughter grew up (24) she told me to watch a program called what the health. Now I’m going vegan thought it was going to be hard because I quit my stressful job in 2018 after mom pasted now I work security at 12 hrs. a day and love it. I didn’t think I was going to have the time until I watch one of your shows you see in my family I’m the sweet baker, and I love cooking. Like sweet potato Carmel, oatmeal pie use to take out the oatmeal and put in chocolate for mom. But when I saw you make potato sweet pie, I said I can and I will do this. So my daughter and I are becoming vegans. THANK YOU THANK YOU and again for your show THANK YOU.


Man I've been vegan for 10 years and vegetarian for 22 years, and try to eat mostly whole foods. I wish it had cured my acne and uterus/menstrual problems and chronic illness. Well, it makes me feel better ethically and how I'm impacting the world, and that's enough, even if it doesn't make me healthier. :)


I'm 21 and I'm approaching the vegan lifestyle, your words are really inspiring! love this kind of videos :)


@sweetpotatosoul I'd tell my younger self and everyone out there to love yourself. Because for me, when you love yourself, you automatically start doing all these things you talked about. I mean, how could you eat junk food or eat poorly in general, when you love yourself...or how could you cope with things in a way that hurts you when you love yourself...or or or... It all starts with self love, guys. We all are unique, worthy and we all are enough. Treat yourself the way you deserve! <3


Love this!!! You GLOW, it inspires me so much to become healthier!


I love your channel so much, thanks for these reflections!


This great video is right on time for me. I'm in my early twenties and I really identify with the younger version of you. It sounds just like me lol. I've been working on being less picky about food, trying healthier options and just changing the way I live overall. Your videos have been a great source of information while I'm on this journey. Thank you so much for all the effort you put into these videos and being a great example. It makes big lifestyle changes seems much easier.
