4 MORE Spoiler Free Tips That Will Improve Your User Experience | Elden Ring

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4 tips involving menu navigation that will make your life easier.
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Being able to sort the menu based on order of acquisition is such a handy tool but one the game barely points you toward. I'd have gladly sacrificed all the other info pop-ups if I could've learned to do that sooner than 100 hours into the game


As a little added tip to consuming Rune items for runes: the items themselves sell for the same amount they're consumed for. So if you go to a merchant that you can sell to, it will save you the time it takes to go through the animation and menu business.


Didn’t know any of these features as someone who has beaten the game. I can’t wait to see your analysis of ER’s lore and your review of it in context with your prior prediction video.


I may have already known about all these features, but what I don't know is how to give such a clean and concise explanation of them! Thankfully, you have provided me with such a method to spread information through a simple YouTube link.

Banger after banger, loving this stream of content, keep it coming!


The consumable item tip is really useful I hated having to go back into the menu. Cheers!


Turns out there is a sort by newest option in the game! Admittedly, though, it's so obscure it might as well not be in the game for most people. Elden Ring is so packed with secrets you can find some in the menu lol.


The L3 sort blows my mind. I've wanted a "sort by acquisition" input for Souls games for so long and this is exactly it. Did I per chance miss it in DS1 and 2 as well?


I get annoyed by people that say Elden Ring doesn’t have a tutorial because it does, you just have to not miss it. That being said these types of tips would be very useful for the game to give you. There are button prompts at the bottom of each menu screen but obviously that’s not enough as so many people miss it. My biggest tip for new players: after reading about a new weapon, shield, bow or casting tool decide if you want to use it and if not store it in your box from the site of grace menu. Then sort your inventory by weight. Now, instead of equipping 2-3 weapons on your right hand try equipping just 1 and if you want to switch simply open your equipment and switch there. This saves your carry weight and can help you wear much more armor. I do the same thing for talismans, it helps you adapt on the go


When sorting items, in the "select sorting method" popup you can also press X instead (square in the Playstation probably) to sort it in a descending order
You can see the button option at 2:56
A: Asc. B: Back, X:Desc.


I already knew how to use all of these except tip#1, but I cannot wait to see more of your videos. You're so we'll spoken and thorough in your explanations of things. I also enjoy how you objectively analyse things and then find the words to effectively get a message across. Loving the content!


Bonus tip: you can sell Golden runes to merchants for the same amount of runes of using them, and it's a lot faster because you can sell in bulk.


Holy cow, that first tip is so damn helpful. I really thought I looked at all the button prompts carefully but somehow I completely missed it (60 hours into the game btw... lmao). And I was always annoyed I had to scroll all the way down to get to the Roundtable Hold, damnit. :D
The other ones I new already (though I always forgot to actually use the acquisition sorting) but I agree they are really good to know.
Love your videos man!

On a side note: I love the "by type" sorting the game uses, it is so much easier to find things the way both item and equipment are visually split off into different usage or weight classes


Nice! I've learned something new👌🏻

Sidenote: I wish they made it so that the two pouch items you can only reach from within the menu are on top of the pouch items you got shortcuts for. This would save many clicks getting to them.


When you are using the golden runes, you can hit use selected and break as many as you want at one time. So you don't have to wait for the animation over and over


First tip is so useful... I had no idea, thanks! Insane to see the growth on your channel mate! Congrats!


straight to the point, no ad, no bullshit usefull guide


These are such good tips! I always get annoyed when I have to re-enter my inventory after using a golden rune


Sorting by the most recent item is a genius quality of life feature by Fromsoftware. They have truly grown and learned so much since demon souls!


That last menu tip about looking up latest item found was the tip I needed. Thanks!


That last tip is pure gold, I had no idea about that one!
