Gypsy's Childhood Doctor Speaks Out | The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard | Lifetime

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Learn about Gypsy's early life with Munchausen by proxy, otherwise known as a factitious disorder imposed on another, in this exclusive extended scene from Season 1, Episode 2, "On the Run."

The six-hour special features unprecedented access to Gypsy Rose Blanchard.


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The six-hour special features unprecedented access to Gypsy Rose Blanchard, a victim of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy who suffered horrific abuse and made national headlines for her role in her mother’s violent murder. Currently still incarcerated, Gypsy’s shocking story has been told by many others but now, as she approaches her release in December, she is finally ready to tell her truth before she becomes a free woman for the first time in her life.

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I totally understand and believe her when she talks about being scared to go against her mother. Everyone around her thought she was mentally delayed, plus Dee Dee had a power of attorney and used that as a threat over Gypsy. Im glad she is out and free - go Enjoy life girl and ignore any haters! God bless you.


All these doctors need to be held accountable… you‘re not allowed to practice a medical procedure if there‘s no proof of any sickness. The red flags were obvious but still they CHOSE to believe her mother which in court would be considered hearsay. If there‘s no record of a disease you need to run tests to confirm what her mother is telling you. Her mother had no medical degree, so how is she supposed to understand what‘s supposedly going on with her daughter?


I’m so glad Gypsy has a great dad and step mum who love her and are there for her after everything.


Her mother was the reason she even had an addiction to pain pills to begin with!!!! It’s not her fault!!!


Gypsy’s case breaks my heart. As an expecting mother I could never do those things to my baby… and I don’t see how anyone would want too..


That fact that Dee Dee married a 17 year old when she was almost 25 years old says a lot !!


For anyone to fault her blows my mind. This woman was able to trick educated grown doctors and she had surgeries she didn’t need. That is so scary. As far as her addiction, her mother also did that to her and had her addicted as a child. I just hope family gives her the chance she deserves. 😢


I’m so confused, didn’t these doctors run test and realize she didn’t have any of these conditions?


As a mother of a child with cancer since he was 5 years old, I will never understand anyone choosing and wanting a life like mine. It’s a life that tears your heart to pieces and rips your soul out. I lived at the Ronald McDonald House for 5 years straight, as we had to travel overseas for his treatment. We left my husband and other child on the other side of the planet. I was surrounded by childhood cancer 24/7 for 5 solid years, no breaks. I lost over 50 children that I knew, babysat, played with and loved. I watched their parents grieve, fall in my arms in overwhelming grief, and everytime, it took a piece of my heart that could never be repaired. It got to a stage where I could tell when a child was not going to make it, I literally would see the spark disappear from their eyes. Now I partly have survivors guilt and PTSD. My son has one of the most aggressive and fast growing paediatric cancers, and yet somehow, he became stable. He is now 25 years old, not cancer free, but stable, it remains in his spine, hips, pelvis and both femurs. Most of the children that passed, had the very same cancer that he does, and I do not know why he was spared. The cloud still hangs over us, but life has returned to as normal as possible, as there is no other treatments for him to try, and his care is now palliative. Again, how anyone would want to be the parent of a gravely sick child, is beyond my comprehension, I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.


I’m a flight attendant. I had Dee Dee & Gypsy on my flight into New Orleans pre-Katrina. I waited in the jetway with them, talking to both, until Gypsy’s motorized wheelchair was brought up from cargo. Dee Dee was very convincing, Gypsy was sweet, I walked to baggage claim with them & hugged them goodbye! I got sucked into the lies too. Years later I saw a commercial for The Act on tv and said O. M. G. I had them on my flight!! I hadn’t thought of them or remembered them until I saw the ad for the film. Besides who could forget that stripper name, Gypsy Rose?


Wow the step Mum Kristy is such a wonderful human being, we need more step mums like her.


Wishing gypsy rose all the best, she has been through so much and my heart breaks for her. She's a beautiful person inside and out


I'm afraid I hold all of her doctor's and specialists accountable too. You don't treat a new patient without either full blood tests or a file in your hands, not in my experience anyway.


the fact that she got people that love her now more than ever (her stepmom, stepdad and biological dad) despite her childhood being taken away from her and not experiencing everything that a lil kid supposed to, is probably the most important part of her story & her healing journey 🫶🏿☺️, she is a victim regardless of what the media or anybody else says, she did what she had to do to get out of an impossible situation for years.


The fact that she thrived in prison, shows just how much she was being mistreated at home.


I hate that poor Gypsy has to go through all of this it's horrible!! What her mother put her through! I just hope she can get over this and have a great Life


As a person still living under control of her own mother: I feel it all. My mother didn't lie about my illnesses tho but she's the one saying that my actual sickness prevent me from functioning on my own. My illnesses being depression, Crohn's disease and autism. I'm 27 yo and done with living like that.


Gypsys story still blows my mind. I can’t wait for the good she puts out in the world and for her to truly start a real life now ❤


I’m so glad that Gypsy has Kristy, she can be the mother figure that she should’ve had from the beginning. Also talking negatively about a child’s parent in front of them. I’m massively disagree with…you really shouldn’t poison a child’s mind like that, it should be up to the child as to whether they want a relationship with the other parent or not, Rod seems like a decent guy and I’m so glad that they can have the father/daughter relationship every girl should have


People don't realize that DeeDee would of killed Gypsy when her rebellion became to much..Gypsy really was lucky she didn't die .
