What No One Tells You About Being Assaulted

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“It happened to me, but I am not alone…”

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Quiet Lament, Last Man On Earth, Apart, Silent Collision, Whirling Tops, In Fragments, Stay Close, Minds Eye
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.


Steadicam Operator - K. Stiller @googlyeyesonfilmequipment
Director of Photography - M. Miller @mattmillerdp


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I don't know what's worse; getting assaulted by a stranger or somebody very close to you


So *powerful*... You can tell *_Daysha_* wrote this... They all did such a good job speaking their part though. A perfect sequel to the video they did before :)


I am 14 and I am very fortunate that this has never happened to me. My heart goes out to all of the survivors and their families, as well as the victims and their families.


For me, the worst part was not the assault itself but when people asked what I was wearing because that might have sent the wrong signals. Right. My cocktails dress told him I wanted to be raped.


I started tearing up within the first 10 seconds.


i've been in these people's place, i was sexually assaulted for 11 years by my step dad, it didn't stop until i was 17. i was an innocent child, i never asked for it. i didn't deserve it. these people are so strong and i respect them all for speaking out.


This makes me so sad. All 3 of the survivors in this video are beautiful people who deserve way more than to be disrespected like that. And it hurts me to hear that people are so oblivious to the fact that an assaulter could be anyone. Even your own parents.


i was 4. by my own brother until i was 11. my mother blamed me, told me she loved her son and that he would never do that. it hurt me so much. i almost completely blocked it out of my memory until i was 14. when i decided if i didn't tell anybody, i would end up taking my own life. i stepped up told my family and they shunned me. i spent years self harming and hating myself, blaming myself for telling because it made my life so much worse. i developed anorexia and bulimia thinking i wasn't good enough. that i was a liar. it happened to me even though nobody believed me


It happened to me while babysitting 4 children and i can still hear their mother accusing me yelling at 2 in the morning that i was effing daddy that i was marrying their daddy. It was terrifying to be put in between a man assulting me and a violently mad mother saying it was all my fault


I hate when someone says "it's no big deal." No matter what you're talking about if it means something to you no one should say that it doesn't matter. If someone hurt you, then they should help you through it. If you're scared, no one should make fun of you. And if you've been assaulted, the last thing ANYONE should say is "it's no big deal."


It happened to me 3 times, by 4 people (I'll let you work that out for yourself). I was 8, 9, then 12. I am now 15 and despite still being repulsed by physical contact, I am beginning to heal. To anybody who is still struggling with memories: I need you to know that, over time, they will become easier to deal with. The pain will heal and you will begin to love yourself and others around you❣


It happened to me...even though I was their daughter....


it didn't happen to me but i hope the others can get thru it.


It happened to me, even though it was my boyfriend. Even though I was only 13. I couldn't move, I froze. I barely tried to get him off of me. I don't know why I froze, I don't know why I couldn't even say anything. And after it happened, why did I still feel attached to him? Shortly after, he dumped me. I couldn't tell anyone he hurt me, I thought they would think I was lying. lying about being abused. I still remember what they said when I finally spoke out. They said "you're just saying that because you're mad he broke up with you". I felt guilty, as if it was my fault. Four years later, I still hear about him. I hear about how he's a great guy, and he could never hurt someone. But he did. Why do I feel compelled to forget what he did, to forgive him? Why do I still feel attached to him? Four years after it happened, I still remember the feeling of pure terror and disbelief. I still remember everything, and I won't ever be able to forget.
This is my story. My story about a young girl who got abused. I still can't say the R Word, it hurts too much.


i had to paused it for a moment when Shane starts telling the situation.. it can happen to anyone.. how unfair to think that boys cannot be sexually assaulted..


it happened to me... even though we were surrounded by others


Why is everyone being so disrespectful in the comments? This is expression leave them alone.


It's so sad and sick that how I'm looking through these comments and so many people were assaulted. We live in a sick world and the people were assaulted are strong and don't let anyone take that away from you. 💜


I was sexually molested by my dad from when I was 2-6, and We went through the process and my mom is like "you know, people have forgiven their molesters"


daysha is the most beautiful person i've ever seen
