Understanding the Psychological Patterns of Alcoholism and Addiction

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Addiction is deeply rooted in the psychology of the human brain. As addiction progresses, it changes key aspects of the person's judgment, morality, and personality. These addictive changes happen in a predictable pattern. In this video, we'll explore the psychological stages addicts and alcoholics go through.

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My husband is currently in rehab. He initiated it. I'm so proud of him. Prayers for us please.


I have to thank you for finally leading me to evict my guy friend after 7 years. He is a drug addict. I'm older and turned 70 in August. I wanted to be happy by 70! I watched your video months ago on a list of things that I had to experience with him. I had all but one! But, I did it! It's been 5 months without him, and I'M HAPPY AGAIN!


13 days sober, never tried to stop drinking before but my alcohol use landed me in the ER and then a week in the behavioral hospital. I'm suffering extreme depression and anxiety after medicating with alcohol for over 10 years and I feel so much that I couldn't feel with alcohol. Watching lots of videos and started AA, but getting out of bed and talking to people is extremely difficult after isolating myself for so long.


You read my mind I did think about sending it to my husband. I'm a grateful member of Al-anon married 20 years my husband was sober for 24 years and broke his sobriety. My boundaries have become quite clear. I got a horse and a part time job and I easily identified with what made happy and what doesn't. I truly the only one responsible for my own happiness. No longer codependent or OCD except maybe with horses! Amen


I was an addict and I would say not much thought is involved. It's actually all impulse. That's why Meditation is so great. You learn to feel the impulse and sit through it and let it pass. If the addict/alcoholic says they aren't addicted or they have control it's their ego trying to repress that fact which is a coping mechanism. The bigger the ego the longer & harder the fall.


My substance abuse stemmed from an intense self loathing produced by emotionally negligent parenting and child sx abuse which I blamed myself for. Once I got the psychological help to explain to me, I am not the problem, I'm a victim, the self loathing disappeared and the desire for mind altering substances left me. Diagnosed Complex PTSD, I'm well into recovery.


Back when my husband was drinking, my mother-in-law always told me you knew he drank before you married him that was like her favorite line to throw in my face. It always got under my skin. One time when she said this to me I asked her what does mean ? That he can’t change he can’t get better? I should just accept it? She didn’t really have an answer for me. I finally had enough left him with our eight month old. She was mad at me for taking away her granddaughter, not acknowledging or recognizing the danger her son’s alcoholism was putting her in. I made her go over and stay with him while I left and he went to rehab. When he realized I’m not going to live my life with a drunk anymore. He has been sober since. I have been able to move on from the trauma from the alcoholism has caused, but I’m finding it a hard time moving on from the words his mother said to me. love your videos. Thanks so much.


Yep I've done all these myself. 598 days sober for me!


This is so helpful! I fell for a guy who, from a distance, was perfect for me. Shortly after our first few encounters, his behavior became super erratic. We ended up going away for a long weekend, and it was on this trip that he decided to show me his problem. I was in shock. Never in my life have I seen someone consume so much alcohol without vomiting or going to the ER. It was upsetting, alarming, disheartening, etc. I was already head over heels for him, so this was a harsh reality to face. Having never known a binge drinker, I was not prepared for the mood fluctuations and bizarre hot/cold attitude. Whenever I feel heartbroken for being unable to help or be with him, your channel is here to bring me back to earth.


✋️. I am a very grateful recovering addict. I am 2 years sober and just started college to become an Addiction Counselor. I have learned a lot thru experience and from you and I am extremely grateful!


You are so smart. Lot's of people derp themselves into self-help channels but I feel like you are actually a smart person with reasonable advice.


If you are a heroin addict and you have been to rehab 9 tines or even a few times and it "doesn't work" get that person to a MAT program. A medicated assisted treatment program. I am a pill addict... The only thing that has ever helped me become clean was getting into an MAT. Yeah at 1st it feels like trading one drug for another but it is clean, u don't know what you're getting on the streets and its monitored by drs and nurses etc then when you're ready while working on your recovery you can titrate until you're completely off. It is the only program I could ever have done. Just trying to detox and get off and play sober in 30, 60, 90 days.... no way! They demonize the MAT program but it helps more then many know. I'll be forever grateful for it.


I've been a addict for many years and I completely agree with everything your saying. I'm currently trying to get off benzodiazepines, since my partner died 2 years ago I've been using xanax or diazepam, even before that I was a addicted to opiates which I no longer use. I'm greatfull for you because you have given me some inspiration and I think maybe strength.


❤ I adore this video! I am trying to carry as many people up the stairs with me as I go on my journey to overcome my addictions. Thus, this video is ideal for supporting them 👌


To TRULY heal from addiction you must question EVERYTHING in your life... keep asking WHY until you the get to the bottom about everything around you. Why I'm I in this job, relationship, etc and then ask sincerely what they want from life... true recovery will mean profound change for yourself and it will inspire those around you. If the changes are not profound then relapse WILL come. The recovery process should make you highly self aware and humble to put that will be able to spot individuals who lack self awareness (even when they are not drug addicts).. you'll almost become a master of human behavior and psychologically.


I always fight with my ex about his drinking but had never dealt with alcoholism in my life, I didn’t know it was addiction. It was after he broke up with me because “I didn’t wanna go bar hopping with him and he’s afraid we will grow apart” and started drinking way more heavily that I realized there might be an issue, and I came across the world of alcoholics.
From the conversations and behaviours after we broke up and the verbal abuse/defence when I bring up his use of alcohol, I always thought he was just in denial. But after watching this, I’m afraid that he’s already in the “own it” stage although his career and life hasn’t been impacted much (other than his family relationships). I’m a bit worried but in the past weeks I learnt to detach myself and draw emotional boundaries so I’m still okay. We have been in no contact for almost a week but obviously I still care deeply for him, just that I can’t control and help him if he doesn’t wanna get help. I pray that he will find peace and get better everyday tho :)


👍 my son admits he’s a drug addict and says that’s just who he is. He doesn’t want to get sober or get help


Yes wil pray. Easy to get into hard to get out but if u are ready for help ! Im proud of u all. Ur husband did the right thing. Wil say my prayers now for him and others who are suffering. Amen x


My husband quit drinking last April but he still has many of the behaviors of the addiction. He makes me feel like the bad person when I express my feeling. He gets angry and turns everything on me to shut me up.


🙋🏼‍♀️ heard all of these comments, even started to question if I was in fact being overly critical of my partner. Thank you for validating
