How Much Money You NEED To Save (How To Save Money)

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This is how much experts recommend you save by every age than how much the average person actually has saved by age. When it comes to saving money and investing it can be hard to tell where you should be and what you should be shooting for. as a financial minimalist i try to save save enough to have freedom at a early age so thats why these numbers are different then what others recommend you save.

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This is not financial advice this is for entertainment purposes only. 
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Saving is not so easy especially when you always have needs for money, best develop good habits like regularly putting cash away in intervals for solid investments, at least this way you get to earn passive incomes


I've no debt or mortgage, and spend no more then 20.000 dollar a year.
Allways worked hard, and now retired at 55 and having a great time.


All good points! One of the best ways to retire if you dont have a lot saved is by lowering your fixed expenses of housing and transportation. The better “defense” you play, the less you have to score on “offense”, another great video!


Every time I see a video with your brand I feel chill. Appreciate the quality and service you give to us.


I’m sharing this with my daughters, ages 21, 26, and 28. Great explanation of why saving young is being good to your future self.


I really appreciate the care and effort you put into editing these. I don’t have the patience to edit videos, but I’ve taken enough 4D media classes to know it’s a lot of work and not for me. Kudos!


These numbers stress me out about the future. Wish my parents had taught me this stuff when I was growing up. They knew nothing themselves.


Thank you for positively influencing me to change my life :-)
Please keep up the great work, I hope you get your Tesla soon!!


Being generous is very important. Building a life is wise


Well, I'm officially depressed ....but motivated to do something my sitch. Thank you.


Nice video Gabe.
This makes sense for a stable economy. But definitely won't fly in an economy where cost of living almost doubles in 2 years.
In such a case, have you any tips?


I feel like averages are very deceptive. The medians are much better picture of what's going on with normal people.


Most of the people I knew didn’t finish high school or elementary education. It was just the way it was. They took care of their big families and had some loyalty. Very street smart and succeeded well in many ways. No shame in that, it’s what you do with what you got!


Love your hairstyle here! .52 with the hat.


Thank you. You are very inspiring and wise for your age. I've been encouraging my 17yo son to check out your channel. I'm trying to start over late in life (48yo) after an avalanche of bad relationship choices plus health scares starting at 24yo. By the time I was 21, I had the modern equivalent of $10, 000 savings plus all the stuff I needed and a good paying job. If I had made better choices and had focused on my needs first, I would have been living a comfortable millionaire life right now. My biggest advice for anyone who is young is to focus on your own needs first - it's not selfish, it's smart. Also, don't commit to any relationship until you have your own health (including mental) under control and can survive any financial emergency without much impact. You'll be a better partner (to someone equally healthy) and a better parent later on (if that's what you want).


$50, 000 a year to live off of in retirement is great until you need end of life care and you blast through $300, 000 in one year. It's important to plan for emergencies and worst case scenarios after retirement. Decide whether you want to go to a retirement home or assisted living facility or if you want to stay in your own home and hire help to come to you.


I loved how in your video, debt punched me in the face and knocked me out lol!!! Transitions always 👌🏾👌🏾💥💥

Great video, gonna share with esp with my young friends hahaha. Things I wish I knew in my 20s but thankful to be in a much better place now as I approach my 40s!


Enjoy watching your video until too much marketing over too many different companies that diminish your being Minimalist as a lifestyle or just for making more $


I’m 19 and mostly do investments into my personal but I’ve been trying to max my Roth each year so when I’m actual retirement age I can get another lump sum of money I can access

Most money is set to help me get land in the next few years to start homesteading


Well... 42 here and I'm not at this point whatsoever. 😬 Living paycheck to paycheck. Trying to pay off debt, so my kids don't have to deal with it. If something happens to me. But I am watching these videos because it does help me. Better late then never, right?
