Solitude Citizens reactions on Stormcloaks Victory. Skyrim Anniversary Edition

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Solitude Citizens reactions on Stormcloaks Victory.
Skyrim Anniversary Edition
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Hearing the temple priests say “nine divines” instead of eight is so satisfying at the end of the Civil War. Thalmor BTFO


Falk Firebeard hides his bread so you won't steal it.


It's just... So somber, Elisif remains forever as the widow of Solitude. It's fitting really, the puppet Jarl alone on her throne, paraded by her conquerers, not much different from when the Empire was in control, except the one controlling her is also her husband's killer

And Balgruuf at the end... Ouch

Also I find it ironic how Ulfric only trusted in the democratic process of the Moot only, and only when all of the Jarls are on his side


I remember there was a vid of someone with a bard mod who sang Age of Oppression to the grumpy jarls in the basement. That was funny.


Ever since martin septim died, tamriel has fallen to shit.
He would've made an astonishing emperor.


It's annoying to hear Elisif say she had the rightful claim to be high queen. That isn't how it works in Skyrim. Whenever the high king/queen dies, all of jarls meet to decide the new high king/queen and they are essentially equals in that moment. She has no more claim than any other jarl and no more so because she was married to the former high king. I think Balgruuf would be best suited to be high king, that decision goes to the jarls who vote between themselves.


Glad the Talos bust restored in the temple of the Divinies in Solitude after stormcloak victory


“Now it would seem Ulfric has his wish, and there truly is no justice in the world.”

Justice? Where was justice when the Imperials nearly cut my head off when I wasn’t even on the list? Where was justice when the Thalmor forced the hand of the Imperials to imprison Ulfric after he retook Markarth? Where was justice when Roggvir was executed without a trial? Where was justice when Thonar Silver Blood framed me for Eltyr’s murder and locked me up in Chidna Mine?”

Dont act like you know what justice is Elisif


There are only two times in Skyrim when you see all of the Imperial jarls together in one place: when they e lost and when they go to Elenwen's party to kiss Thalmor ass like the traitors they are.


It's funny when I go to pro Imperial video. 75% of everyone in the comment is cheering.

But when I go to a pro Stormcloak video 75% of everyone in comment getting all butt hurt.

It's just a 10 years old game lol.

Wen Elder Scrolls 6.


Honestly With The Jarl Balgruff Situation I Weigh That Out With The Fact Three Other Imperial Jarls Are Admittedly Worse. Falkreath's Jarl Let's Bandits Raid His Hold Purposely, Riften's Jarl Literally Let's The Thieves Guild Operate Continually, And Markarth's Is Ruled By A Puppet To A Bunch Of Mobsters.


No sympathy for Elisif the clueless, This is what is called the good ending


I always side with the stormcloaks, I like their way of doing things.


I'm siding with the imperials, but that doesn't mean I like the thalmors. Heck, if I see a thalmor while wandering skyrim, I would kill 'em.


Balgruuf could not be more wrong about Ulfric he may be ambitous but you cannot deny his love for Skyrim and her people. As he said Skyrim does not belong to him he belongs to her


I just can't backstab Balgruuf by supporting Ulfric. It doesn't feel right


I stayed loyal to the Empire.
Even if the cause of the Stormcloak is right, They forgot that their true enemy is not the Empire, but the Aldmeri Dominion. Without the Empire, Skyrim is doomed.


The fact that the Moot never meets in-game points to the Dragonborn ultimately becoming High King. Either through respect or fear, they can easily get enough of the Jarls to fall in line to support their claim.


My first character was a Nord named Yokai and i accidentally join the stormcloaks and don't now how to get out, so i just win the war in the side of Ulfric, in the end only remains pain. I make so much mistakes with him, Joining the Dark Brotherhood, Kill Paarthunax and a several numbers of npc. My new character was a Imperial Orc named Akuuma, i make him to be the Hero than Yokai was suppose to be

Note: Sorry for my poor English, that is not my main language, and that's also just a report from my first experience with the game. Sorry Yokai, maybe in another world you can be the Hero you suppose to be


Me: Hey, I know your father is dead and I helped his murderer defeated you but... *Put on Amulet of Mara* are you seeing anyone?

Everyone in the room: *Look at me with shock and disgusted looks*
