Binaural Beat - Delta Wave Frequency |90minute| 100% Pure

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Binaural Beats Delta Wave no Additives for a 100% pure Delta Wave

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This video in its entirety was created by HQ BinauralBeat Studios. The tones you are hearing throughout the channel have all been crafted, mixed, and designed specifically for its own unique purpose.
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I saw these guys live in concert. You should have seen the mosh pit, everybody was sleeping.


You've saved my life. Chronic insomniac, going through withdrawal of my sleeping meds. This put me out and let me sleep through the night. Can't stand that stuff set to music. Pure tones much better.


Great song. I like the part that goes wahwahwahwahwahwa


Good experience.

I meditated to this while blindfolded(to block the afternoon light) and felt like I was in a dream. When I finished it felt like I've just woken up from my usual 2 hour naps. Though I only meditated for 15minutes!


I listened to the theta version of this for like 10 minutes. Then I listened to this one, I felt so weird. I felt the falling sensation twice, then I was high and then I was able to visualize literally anything. It was the closest thing to a lucid dream I had ever experienced.


I don't know if anyone will read this comment, but I will write it anyway.

You can be happy wherever you are, you don't need anyone's approval, you are enough, you are strong, other people can be part of your journey, but they cannot and will never be your destination. Never put your happiness in someone else's hands, it doesn't work like that, it's more like a state of mind, but you can achieve it, no one but you. You can be happy in a small cabin, you can be happy in a big city, as long as you are a friend to yourself. You are loved and worthy, do not let others make you believe otherwise. Only you know yourself well, they see only an image of you that they made their mind. You are capable of everything your mind. If it's there, you know it's possible. You are the center of YOUR universe, you can do whatever you want. And yes, you are strong enough to do it. Even if you are scared or insecure, trust me and trust yourself. You are able. You set your own goals. Remember: the point is to be happy. You can never dream too big or too small. Your goal is to be happy, so go ahead, do whatever it takes to achieve it! I believe in you and I love you. You know it's true
If you read this, no matter where you are now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful day and night, a happy and peaceful life where all your dreams come true.


*Clicks binaural beats to study homework, then realizes he clicked the wrong one only after falling asleep*


This is 100% positive for those suffering from Depression and heavy anxiety. My muscles (especially my neck) are always tense because of my daily stressful life of anxiety. This calmed me so much I can feel the difference instantly. I recommend ppl to give it a try. I am about to go sleep without any biting of my cheek, lips eating, thoughts that will keep me up from sleeping- processing the day. Just right to climb in bed and rest. This will be part of my daily MUST'S.
I am pretty sure this will help me with the severe headaches I get often.


As soon as you close your eyes, the urge to keep listening and fall asleep becomes irresistible...


When i put my earphones on and layed on the bed and was listing this frequency my eyes were at the time but suddenly i was dreaming it felt so real but when i opend my eyes i almost slept for an hour and i didn't know when my eyes closed.
Such a great experience


This delta wave is just entertainment. To activate delta wave just simply meditate and focus on moving eye left to right and right to left for a minute and ur delta will hit very high levels


Ok this is crazy. I stopped the video, but I’m still hearing a buzzing and vibration sound in my ears 😱


Last night I tried binaural beats for one of the first times and I just woke up in the morning after a good night's sleep with my big clunky headphones still on and the video ended. Damn, they really do work.


I don't know if "brain entrainment" works. But this makes me feel as if my mind has been scrubbed out and reset.


Perfect for waking up early and feeling refreshed and staying up late for the Autumn equinox, which is tomorrow. It's great for any special occasions, and any day too.


This sounds exactly like the ceiling fan in one of my friend's house. Now I know why I felt so relaxed whenever I went over.


This gave me the best sleep in my life, i have adhd and i meditated to this. I feel so refreshed. Feels as if i took a 12 hour snooze my goodness 🙏❗🗣️


Estava procurando um vídeo em específico mas como não encontrei utilizei esse. Estava tendo uma noite péssima porque estou doente e meu nariz entupia todas as vezes que deitava na cama, coloquei o som e simplesmente capotei, acordei as 4 horas da manhã porém descansada(fui dormir as 1 da manhã).

Estava procurando um som que quando ouvia conseguia sentir meu nariz se abrindo, mesmo que não estivesse entupido.



It's strong.. really strong. Knocked me out. First time I messed with this stuff. It's a great tone. Just don't loop it. Or expect to remain concious! ♡


Thank you for this I just passed the hardest exam of my life. I forgone taking the test for 15 years! Wow! Amazing!
