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Is salt really bad for you, especially if you have high blood pressure? In this video, Dr. Eric Westman reviews Dr. Jason Fung's insights on the connection between salt intake and hypertension. Discover why low salt diets may not be the solution they’re made out to be, and how other factors like processed foods and carbohydrate intake play a crucial role in blood pressure. Stay tuned for Dr. Westman’s final thoughts on salt, lifestyle changes, and the potential root causes of hypertension!

“Change your food, change your life!”

Dr. Eric Westman and his Adapt Your Life Academy team are on a mission to empower people around the world to transform their health through the science-backed benefits of low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets.

Dr. Westman is an obesity medicine specialist and trusted expert in the therapeutic power of carbohydrate restriction, and clinical research, and has treated patients using low-carb keto diets for over twenty-five years. 
He makes keto SIMPLE, so that YOU can LOSE weight, REVERSE chronic disease and GET the RESULTS you want.

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Dr. Eric Westman, Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine & Internal Medicine, & founded the Duke Keto Medicine Clinic. He is a Fellow in The Obesity Society. He is the author of The New Atkins for a New You, Cholesterol Clarity, and Keto Clarity, and End Your Carb Confusion & co-founder of Adapt Your Life.

Disclaimer: Nothing on our channel is medical advice. 
Dr. Westman and the Adapt Your Life team do not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions online. We provide education to help people better understand their own health and support their well-being. Make sure you are working with YOUR licensed provider to monitor your health and medications. These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual. We do not promote or endorse affiliate links and/or products unless they are our own.
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The fact that nobody talks about censored book called The 23 Former Doctor Truths really gets to me. Always loved people like Rachel, they open our eyes


A friend decided to start keto for weight loss, and it took me a few weeks to realise I should have warned her that if she was on blood pressure medication, that she might get too low blood pressure with keto. So I called her, and it turned out that she was on the medication, but said she had already noticed the low blood pressure, and stopped her medication (she's a retired nurse). As Dr Unwin says "Don't blame salt for what the sugar did".


TYPO in the Title! Reduce not Reduse! Keep up the good videos!


My own blood pressure has went from 220/180, yes it was that high, to 140/90 by going on a keto diet and loosing about 30lb.


I refuse to have my blood pressure checked at the doctor's office. There it's always high, at home it's always perfect. It's been that way for over 40 years...


Dr. Fung (and Prof. Ben Bikman) does talk about hyperinsulinemia, and how it causes renal sodium retention, thus high blood pressure. Reducing carbs and fasting does heal hyperinsulinemia after a few months, and this also automatically and sustainably reduces blood pressure. Been there, done that, and still astonished how effective this was. I even had to _increase_ sodium intake from an already moderate level after going keto, to prevent BP from going too low.


Thank you for once again wading through all the misinformation in order to bring us the truth.


Dr Fung's books are free online as PDFs. Great easy reading but still with substance.


This is a longheld belief by many. Thanks for this discussion to clarify this info.


Two great teachers in one video. Thank you, Dr. Westman.


I have significant white coat hypertension, my systolic pressure, when the doc takes a measurement, is always 30 to 40 mm higher than my frequent measurements taken at home with both an electronic and a manual stethoscope and cuff. My average BP at home is 114/64. The Doc wanted to put me on high beta blockers and calcium channel blockers. He did not believe me.


It would be Potassium Chloride that lowers blood pressure. Since i quit eating high glycemic garbage i add redmond salt with normal blood pressure. I take a pinch of potassium and salt in my coffee every morning


So sugar, carbs and processed foods are the big problem?


No mention of Potassium? It is not about too much salt or not enough salt. It is all about the balance of potassium and salt. The body retains salt whereas it cannot retain potassium. So the doctors advise to lower salt whereas they should be advising to increase potassium. This has something to do with the sodium-potassium pump which every cell in the body has. The potassium is inside the cell and sodium is outside the cell and this facilitates an electric charge between them. The body prioritises potassium for the blood, so a blood test will not show up deficiencies of potassium inside the cells.
I think that insulin resistance is an important piece of the puzzle also as processed carbs also leach out the potassium and no doubt the insulin is telling the kidneys to retain sodium as Dr Westman pointed out. Dr Berg has a lot to say about the importance of potassium as an electrolyte which is horribly deficient in our population.


Prof. Benjamin Bikman has a video on his channel Insulin IQ where he explains the mechanism by which insufficient salt intake causes insulin resistance and weight gain (and hence high blood pressure). The video was posted last summer.


My biggest regret, so far, in my entire life, is taking blood pressure medication. I was going through a stressful period and suffering from dizzy spells, so the doctor prescribed them to me. He didn't even bring up lifestyle changes or anything. I stupidly took the medication for a little while until my legs were getting super swollen (to the point where I could barely walk anymore). That had NEVER happened to me before, even on long plane trips etc.

TL;DR: Two whole years after I stopped taking those pills, my legs STILL swell up regularly. I just happened to go carnivore a little over a year ago (to try and cure my rosacea) and my blood pressure unexpectedly returned to normal within the first week. I feel better than I ever have before! My rosacea isn't gone, but it's more manageable now. But, my legs still swell up almost every other day. No rhyme or reason to it??? I am 100% convinced it's damage from that medication somehow. I even went to a blood vessel specialist a while ago and my veins are perfectly healthy too. They have no idea why it keeps happening. It's uncomfortable and makes it difficult to wear most shoes, but I have kind of given up hope that it'll ever go away completely. :(


Thank you, Dr. Westman!!! I needed this video!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Please salt should not be table salt! Celtic salt has lots of minerals...a few grains under the tongue and drinking water is appropriate....we need salt as we are electrical circuits in our bodies and our hearts need this to work correctly, right? Also having the salt when drinking the water allows the water to enter the cell instead of peeing it out through the kidneys.


For support that it is excess insulin that causes cardiovascular disease see Drs Jason Fung, Ford Brewer, and Phillip Ovadia


I carry a bag of Redmonds Real Salt and will just pinch a bit on tongue when I need it. I usually roll with two or three beef patties as well! Hahaha. I went through a few years of AIP and was salting everything that was still not enough. I was very sick (randomly passing Out). I saw an integrative doctor who said to just add three salt drinks a day. Within 3 days, my symptoms improved. My electrolyte balance was off. My regular doctor wanted me to go through all kinds of unnecessary heart testing. Currently I am more carnivore for healing and getting rid of my high oxalate issue from the AIP diet. I also use the unflavored LMNT which is helpful.
