What is a strip loin?

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Our head meat cutter, Phillip, shows us all the cuts that come from a strip loin.
What is a strip loin?
Strip Loin Breakdown Tutorial
The Butcher's Guide: What is a New York Strip Steak?
How To Cut Strip Loin into steaks (New York Strip Steak)
How To Cook The BEST New York Strip Steak | Step By Step | Cooking Is Easy
Save $75 At The Grocery Store By Cutting NY Strip Steaks At Home
The Complete Guide to Cooking the Perfect Steak
Steak School: New York Strip (Strip Steak) #shorts
IDEALNY STEK #shorts #kanałkulinarny #recipe #gotowanie #cookingshorts #smakowitedania #food
Perfect Steak - The Striploin | Broil King
6 Steak Temps (Ketchup - Vampire) #shorts
Whole Beef Strip Loin - How to Save HUGE $$ on TASTY Strip Steak!!
Breakdown of Beef 180 Strip Loin, Boneless
New York Strip Roast - How To Perfectly Cook a Beef Strip Loin
Be a Grill Hero: Cut Your Own New York Strip Steaks
How to Cut a Whole Strip Loin into Steaks and Save Money 💰
Butchering A Whole Strip Loin Into New York Steaks - Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
How To Grill The PERFECT New York Strip Steak (7:54 Min Exact Time)
Cook A Simple NY Strip Steak to PERFECTION In A Cast Iron Skillet - Step By Step 🥩
How I cook my steak
How to Cut a Whole NY Strip Loin | Chef Michael Heaps | Tips & Techniques
Cooking up our 8oz strip loin 🥩
Pan-Seared New York Strip Steak| How To
How to grill a New york Strip Steak for beginners! #bbq #pitboss #pitbossnation #steak #beef #food