See What Happens To Your Body When You Drink A Pint Of Beer Everyday
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Feel guilty about drinking a beer or two? Don’t feel guilty. Contrary to what you might expect, moderate beer consumption is actually good for you. Science has shown that beer can bring many surprising health benefits even though it’s usually perceived as unhealthy. However, remember the key to good health is moderation like a pint a day. Binge drinking on a Friday night will do way more damage and it would be unwise to justify poor habits with false science.
So Here are some remarkable and surprising beer benefits that might change your perception of the drink.
1.It can help prevent kidney stones
A study conducted in Finland established that moderate daily consumption of beer can reduce the risk of developing kidney stones by 40%. This health benefit is attributed to beer’s high water content (about 93%) that helps flush harmful toxins out of the body and keep the kidneys working properly. Also, compounds in hops used in brewing help slow the release of calcium from bones, which in turn prevents build up of lost calcium in the kidney in the form of stones.
2.It can help reduce risk of heart disease
One eye-opening study conducted at Italy’s Fondazion di Ricerca e Cura found that people who drank a pint of beer daily had a 31% reduced chance of heart disease. This heart protecting power of beer stems largely from beer’s natural antioxidants called phenols. However, the study also showed risk of heart disease increased in people who consumed higher amounts of beer.
3.It can help minimize risk of cancer
Beer contains an important antioxidant known as xanthohumol. Xanthohumol is known to have powerful anti cancer properties that help fend off cancer causing enzymes in the body. Specifically, moderate beer consumption helps prevent a certain chemical reaction that can lead to prostate cancer in men. Beer has also been shown to reduce the chances of getting breast cancer in women.
4.It can help reduce cholesterol levels
If you’d like an unorthodox method for cutting your cholesterol levels, indulging in moderate beer consumption may be the way to go. The barley used in brewing of beer contains a type of soluble fiber known as beta glucans that has been shown to help in lowering cholesterol levels.
5.Reduce risk of stroke.
Study discussed on Web-MD found occasional beer drinkers had a 12 percent decreased risk of ischemic stroke, compared with nondrinkers. On the flip side, heavy drinkers have a 33% increased risk of ischemic stroke.
6.Lower blood pressure.
If you have a choice between beer, wine, or a cocktail, choose beer. Men's Health says a Harvard study found beer drinkers are less likely to develop high blood pressure than are wine and liquor drinkers.
So now you have a reason to drink a pint everyday, remember the key to reaping these amazing health benefits of beer is moderate consumption. Overindulgence in beer and other alcoholic drinks can be disastrous to your health.
DISCLAIMER: The materials and the information contained on Natural ways channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by your health professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provide.
So Here are some remarkable and surprising beer benefits that might change your perception of the drink.
1.It can help prevent kidney stones
A study conducted in Finland established that moderate daily consumption of beer can reduce the risk of developing kidney stones by 40%. This health benefit is attributed to beer’s high water content (about 93%) that helps flush harmful toxins out of the body and keep the kidneys working properly. Also, compounds in hops used in brewing help slow the release of calcium from bones, which in turn prevents build up of lost calcium in the kidney in the form of stones.
2.It can help reduce risk of heart disease
One eye-opening study conducted at Italy’s Fondazion di Ricerca e Cura found that people who drank a pint of beer daily had a 31% reduced chance of heart disease. This heart protecting power of beer stems largely from beer’s natural antioxidants called phenols. However, the study also showed risk of heart disease increased in people who consumed higher amounts of beer.
3.It can help minimize risk of cancer
Beer contains an important antioxidant known as xanthohumol. Xanthohumol is known to have powerful anti cancer properties that help fend off cancer causing enzymes in the body. Specifically, moderate beer consumption helps prevent a certain chemical reaction that can lead to prostate cancer in men. Beer has also been shown to reduce the chances of getting breast cancer in women.
4.It can help reduce cholesterol levels
If you’d like an unorthodox method for cutting your cholesterol levels, indulging in moderate beer consumption may be the way to go. The barley used in brewing of beer contains a type of soluble fiber known as beta glucans that has been shown to help in lowering cholesterol levels.
5.Reduce risk of stroke.
Study discussed on Web-MD found occasional beer drinkers had a 12 percent decreased risk of ischemic stroke, compared with nondrinkers. On the flip side, heavy drinkers have a 33% increased risk of ischemic stroke.
6.Lower blood pressure.
If you have a choice between beer, wine, or a cocktail, choose beer. Men's Health says a Harvard study found beer drinkers are less likely to develop high blood pressure than are wine and liquor drinkers.
So now you have a reason to drink a pint everyday, remember the key to reaping these amazing health benefits of beer is moderate consumption. Overindulgence in beer and other alcoholic drinks can be disastrous to your health.
DISCLAIMER: The materials and the information contained on Natural ways channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by your health professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provide.