How Much Should You Exercise?

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Physical fitness authorities seem to have fallen into the same trap as the nutrition authorities, recommending what they think may be achievable, rather than simply informing us what the science says and letting us make up our own mind.

For more on all that exercise can do for our bodies and minds, see:

Some tips for maximizing the benefits:

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Image credit: Kristina DeMuth. Image has been modified.

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I run about 4-5 hours per week and walk another 1-2 on recovery days. Never felt better. A year ago I did pretty much nothing, sitting at my desk, weighing 25 pounds more than I do now...


I try to exercise every day. The physiological and psychological effects are unbeaten in my opinion. Thank you for the video Dr. Greger!


Dr. Greger is a godsend to nutritional studies.


Dr.Greger, what about jogging? Weight training?


If you've got a job + kid(s) the crucial change you can make is diet, NOT exercise: I do push-ups and run staircases during 10 minute breaks at work —most people do not have time (and, thus, a vegan diet is even more important).


I cycle to work everyday, so that is 40 minutes 5 times a week, plus I stand and walk around the shop where I work all day too. Now I added an evening workout routine which is between 30 and 45 minutes 5 times a week, in a mix of cardio, hiit training and weight lifting. I think I'm pretty covered now lol


It's infuriating that those making federal guidelines treat the public with kid gloves by advising the population to eat &/or exercise in a manner that those writing the guidelines presume the public can 'handle' or find 'doable'. Wouldn't disclosing the most optimal, honest facts be more ethical, therefore allowing for people to make the most informed decisions about their health?
The work you put into educating the public by providing easily accessible resources to the research you decipher, cross-reference & share is invaluable, Dr. Greger! Thank you so much.


I exercise for 90 minutes 5 times a week and I would not have it any other way.I feel amazing when I am doing it and amazing for hours afterwards.If I don't exercise for a few days I get tired and irritable and I can feel myself starting to seize up.


Let's not forget, that exercise doesn't necessarily mean going to the gym. It's also walking to buy groceries instead of using your car or going by bike if it's too far to walk to the next store, using stairs instead of elevators, taking breaks from sitting in the office and walking a little (maybe even walk every time you're on the phone if that is possible at your job). Little things like this do add up in the long run. Also how about doing some pushups before going in the shower, some squats during commercial breaks while watching tv, leg lifts while brushing your teeth etc. I don't have time to go the gym for 90 minutes, but nearly everyone has 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there to do a little something throughout the day.


Excellent work Mr. Doctor ! You'd deserve Nobel prize for peace - for all the effort you always put into world health and well being !!!


I walk about ninety minutes a day. During summer time I walk 120 minutes or more. I find myself in a very good shape. As I can climb stairs without losing my breath. Keep in mind I have not been to the gym so often the past year or so.


i use my tread mill for walking 90 minutes a order to avoid boredom ..i watch netflix...while on the for me :)


NINETY minutes! Well that is what I used to think. It is actually easy to accomplish. I have had ninety minutes 90 percent of the time for the last month, wish it were ninety days, and plan to keep it up indefinitely. I use an elliptical and I an under he desk bike to use while watching YouTube. Thanks, Dr. Greger, for giving us what you know we should and CAN Do.

I'm currently in the process of losing 50 pounds.


Who follows or even knows about these guidelines? Does it really matter what they recommend? I can't imagine people making their exercise routines based on government guidelines :D


A-men! Been a walker since university, due to what I thought then was the ridilcous walk to and around campus (I think 4-5 miles daily). It's an activity mostly everyone can do. Even when I was in chronic pain/hip/spine issues I could walk daily. 4mph is fast though - you need to work up to that - otherwise you'll get issues.

One thing that's also needed is resistence. Reduces the risk of injury/fractures in later life - which keeps you mobile. You gotta look after your body, in order to let it exercise. That doesn't mean lifting big weights, but functional things or making sure you carry groceries home etc.

Treadmills for me are extremely unnatural. Your body is designed to walk in real space and get sensory input from your eyes and feet and odd shapes you walk on. If that's all you can do, especially due to work or pollution then I get it.


there are whole categories of peoples which exercise more than 90 minutes per day, they are laborers in service Industries.


I am pretty much always walking when I am at work, and can easily exceed 12 miles of walking at work according to a fitness tracker I barrowed for a couple of weeks.


The average American already walks 160 minutes per week walking from the couch to the refrigerator and microwave.


Go to animal shelter. Get rescue dog. Walk rescue dog every day for the rest of it's life. Problem solved!


How does training intensity affect this? I imagine if you HIIT or weight training you don't need that many minutes of exercise per day.
