What If Abeloth WAS Anakin Skywalker's Mother

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What would've happened had the Mother, one of the most vile, evil creatures the galaxy had ever seen, was the mother of Anakin Skywalker? How would Abeloth raise Skywalker? Would she build a bond with him or would she force him to do her bidding?

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What if Darth Vader secretly cloned Anakin Skywalker’s body and performed essence transfer after ROTS?


Despite what happened between her and the rest of the "family", she truly loved them before she was imprisonned in the Maw. Abeloth could create Anakin with the original plan of using him as a tool of revenge or old feelings she thought lost could resurface when he's born and she could actually love her "son".


"Users of the Dark Side like the Sith and Abeloth feed off of the Darkness and hurt the Force, while users like the Nightsisters use the Dark Side to access greater knowledge, thus in agreement with the Force."

I think that's a greater explanation than just "the Dark Side hurts everything, always." The Nightsisters are in balance with nature, as twisted as nature is on Dathomir.


Love the Bane reference to Anakin seeing light😂


He'll finally be able to get rid of sand everywhere


What if Padme was a Jedi and was Qui Gons student while Obi Wan was the learner of Shaak Ti?


What if Anakin met the Bendu instead of the Mortis gods?
What if Anakin and Padme adopted Hera Syndulla?
What if Anakin and Padme adopted Din Djarin?
What if Count Dooku trained Obi-Wan?
What if Count Dooku's force ghost trained Luke?
What if Anakin trained Grogu and Ashoka at the same time?
What if Anakin trained Kanan Jarrus and Ashoka at the same time?


Title: “What if Abeloth was Anakin’s Mom.” Me:


When describing anakin waking up on Mortis I loved how you quoted Bane from batman “born in the darkness, moulded by it” epic!!!!


Thanks. That was a good one.

What if Steela Gerrera survived?

What if Anakin died to torture? (I don't know what you mean. -Dooku)
What if Captian Tarkin died at the citadel?
What if Anakin was born a women? Kendall Skywalker.
What if Asajj Ventress and the Nightsisters successfully assassinated Dooku?


That's a beautiful story! I absolutely love how you excluded the Jedi and Sith from this story, it made the story so much more believable. Anakin, despite having a life experience of a child, was still able to make the right decisions and use the right tricks to defeat the second most powerful being in the galaxy, that's amazing! Love your stories, and wish to see more of them! Btw, I loved the focus on the Force here and I think your writing experiment is an absolute success! This mystical and somewhat cryptic story with an open ending is great because it leaves so much for the imagination, and actually blends really well with Lucas' vision of Star Wars lore: the vast, unknown galaxy which has secrets yet to be discovered. Perfect ground for the imagination.


4:19 Bane. You think the darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn’t see the light of day until I was already a man. By then it was nothing to me but blinding.


I love when you use EU characters. This actually ended differently than expected. I thought it would have turned out with Anakin gaining galactic domination or being a embodiment of darkness.


What if the Skywalkers were descendants of Darth Marr?
What if Iokath made new eternal fleet ships and unleashed them on the galaxy during the clone wars or galactic civil war era?


Yoda had been searching for years for the Jedi Order's chosen one. He had searched every corner of the galaxy, but had yet to find the one who was destined to bring balance to the force. That was until he discovered the World Between Worlds.

Using the power of the World Between Worlds, Yoda was able to see glimpses of the future. It was there that he saw a man named Rick Grimes, a former sheriff from a distant world. Yoda knew that this man was the chosen one, and he knew that he had to find him.

Using the World Between Worlds, Yoda was able to travel to Rick's world. There he found Rick, who was leading a group of survivors in a world overrun by zombies. At first, Rick was skeptical of Yoda and his claims of the force, but as he saw the power of the force in action, he began to believe.

Yoda explained to Rick that he was the chosen one, and that he was needed in the Star Wars galaxy. Rick was hesitant at first, but he knew that he had a greater purpose. Together, they used the World Between Worlds to travel back to the Star Wars galaxy.

Years later, Rick had become a Jedi Master, and he was tasked with taking on a young Padawan named Cal Kestis. Together, they embarked on a journey to understand the force and to bring balance to the galaxy.

On their journey, they encountered many dangers, including the infamous pirate Hondo Ohnaka, the cyborg General Grievous, and the assassin Asajj Ventress. But with Rick's guidance, Cal was able to overcome these obstacles and become a powerful Jedi in his own right.

Eventually, they found themselves on the planet Mortis, a world steeped in the power of the force. There they encountered the three beings that represented the force itself - the Father, the Son, and the Daughter. It was there that Rick and Cal truly understood the power of the force, and the importance of their role in bringing balance to the galaxy.

Years later, Rick and Cal continued to fight for the greater good. They knew that their journey was never truly over, and that there would always be more battles to fight. But with the power of the force on their side, they knew that they could overcome any challenge that came their way.


What if master Fay traind Anakin Skywalker


I'm excited for the What if Anakin Skywalker was BORN in the Old Republic era, and trained by Satele Shan upcoming series you're creating! It will be cool to take some inspiration from the events like in the cinematic trailers and the game itself. So excited.


Finally, the pure essence of the dark side of the force...like the Son...is here!


So was the Anakin being a wound in the force to difficult to write lol
