Why FULL Potential Anakin Would EMBARRASS Abeloth - Star Wars Explained

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity

Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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Abeloth feared death. Thats how she became Abeloth in the first place. Anakin literally and casually decided to revive himself into a complete other dimension just to defend something almost unreachable.


Due to the fact that Legends was cancelled before Abeloth's arc was resolved, we can conclude the Abeloth actually destroyed the Legends timeline, while being incarnated as her Real life Avatar called Kathleen Kennedy. This is a Z3 Class Apocalypse How!


As you mentioned in a previous video my concern is not if he is powerful enough.. but rather if he can utilize this power in the real world rather than just be a force ghost. I love Anakin’s character and Hayden’s redeemed portrayal of him. I hope they can continue to build upon it and remind everyone who the true hero of all of Star Wars actually is. I believe Hayden deserves this and so do we as fans.


Anakin may be the embodiment of all 3, not just the father


I'm glad Anakin is finally getting the treatment he deserved it always felt he got cheated of showing what we could have seen. I get why but it's good he's living up to what his role is meant to be.


Hayden looked so awesome in Ahsoka, I would be happen with a season of him adventuring with Ahsoka in an alternate reality, via the World Between Worlds. We could have great stories without worrying about the sequel continuity.


I think this is a great theory and it would explain why Anakin( or Ahsoka) didn't bother with the First Order and Palpatine. At that point Anakin was so far beyond Palpatine that he didn't even bother. He concerned himself with far greater forces that could bring cataclysmic events to pass.


"Even masters of force healing have difficulty healing wounds and cannot do it perfectly"

Rey: Hold my plot hole.


Luke killed abeloth, and anakin in his prime has been confirmed as more powerful than prime Luke skywalker


11:45 “We need to address the Bantha in the room.”

I laughed probably more than I should’ve. 😂


That is a HUGE maybe. Even force itself was afraid or despised Abeloth while prime Anakin could be considered " the force itself"


And even when he was on Mortis he was able to completely subdue the Son and Daughter in their beast forms. Pretty sure he was missing his hand already at that point too making him slightly weaker. Now thats completely whole again his strength would naturally increase in the force as weve seen. And even as vader with no arms or legs basically was able to pull back and almost stop a starship mid flight, impressive to say the least. So yeah she should be scared


For those confused, hes talking about a hypothetical Anakin from CANON, not Legends. In Legends, Luke achieved Anakin's potential and was 12x weaker than Abeloth


Funny how the Sith ended up restoring the balance by creating Anakin, rather than make him take over with the dark side. Says something about the force and how much you can bend it to your own will.


They way Anakin wielded his lightsaber was a delight to see. After seeing Ahsoka, Din Djarin-&-Bo Katan with the Darksaber and the entire Sequel trilogy, it's great to see how Anakin handles his blade, it was the Prequels all over, if not better.... His display of technique and effortless form shows he's on a completely different level than anyone else.
And yes, I agree, Anakin as he is now would definitely dispatch Abeloth once and for all.


Yet Luke thought the dagger of mortis most likely wouldn't kill abaloth and that she was a eternal entity.


Whenever yall hear the term "Legends", in your mind does it just mean "Canon that Disney tried to do away with so technically it doest count, but it does"....or is it just me?


It would be very interesting and exciting to see an impossible powerhouse in the flesh go up against the ghost entity who IS the balance that the Force always knew about.


Hmmm what is forgotten is Anakin in shadow warrior was all three of the mortis gods and then some. He created realities and was both light and dark and in between


Ableoth, is the villain that Star Wars has been lacking. Thrawn has a expiration date. Even though they plan to make a movie with him as the antagonist. The true bad guy we have been lacking is one that will require light and dark to overcome.
