Could Full Potential Anakin Defeat Abeloth - Star Wars Explained

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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Imagine what a fight between these two would even look like. Anakin being the embodiment of balance and Abeloth being the embodiment of chaos. Dare I say these two fighting could potentially break the force itself


Anakin is the Chosen One of the Force itself. Although I'm not 100% positive if he could KILL her, I do believe that he'd at least be able to hold his own against Abeloth in one-on-one combat.


I do believe that a full potential Anakin could be a better match for Abeloth than even his son Luke. You have to remember that Anakin never had a natural birth between a Father and a Mother. He himself did have a mother in the flesh, but his “Father” would have to be the Force itself. Yes, Luke was able to inherit his father’s potential yet he’s a completely mortal being having both a Father and a Mother as well as his mother not being force sensitive. Only Luke and Leia inheriting what I would think is a fraction of what Anakin had within him all along. Now back to Anakin due to him having a pure creation through the Force and given to Shimi Skywalker he had both richnesses of Light and Dark, but he had to find the purest form of both Light and Dark similar to the Bendu. Now back to Abeloth, she’s a mortal that was changed into a Dark Entity from both richnesses of the Light and the Dark while Anakin had both richnesses of Light and the Dark brought into mortal form. I wouldn’t say that he would be able to easily defeat her or even be able to kill her outright, but I do believe he would stand a better chance at facing this entity if he had a complete understanding of the Light and the Dark, not the Jedi and the Sith. The subjugation of both the Daughter and the Son is a perfect example of what Anakin could’ve achieved if he was given the pure training let’s say from someone like the Bendu to harness both side of the Force to use to fight off the entity of Abeloth.


It'd take about 6.5% of the High Ground to beat her.


Well Lucas said Anakins power is beyond anything we could imagine and never seen done, anything me of those abilities is to open, move and close black holes with ease, so if he could do that abeloth would be easy


She is basically an embodiment of chaos, a force of nature, an extension of the force itself. Only possibly feasible way to get rid of her would be to allow Darth Traya to succeed in killing the force entirely.


I think that there shouldn't be an entity as powerful as Abeloth in Star Wars. Atleast not a single one.
It is a reoccurring thing, that some people writing stories for the same franchise try to out do each other and create even more powerful creatures, to a point that it becomes ridiculous.


Maybe if Luke & Anakin dealt with her together. Like both of them at their full potential


Also in The Clone Wars I'm sure the Father pretty much says that Anakin's destiny is to eventually replace him so there is someone left to maintain control over the Son and Daughter when he's gone, surely putting Anakin on the same level as the Father? And if the Father's depiction in EU was equal in power to canon (I genuinely don't know) and he still decided to flee Abaloth then I think it would make sense that Anakin couldn't kill her outright, like Luke he'd need help just to seal her away without being killed himself.


I think the only being who really has an advantage against her would be darth nihilus. Because the stronger someone is with the force the more dangerous he is against them. So nihilus with be almost like a perfect counter to abaloth.


I'd think so, if Luke could hold her at bay, a fully realized potential Anakin surely could as well.


Anakin's prophesied role is to bring balance to the Force. Abeloth puts the Force drastically out of balance. She is the direct opposite, stealing the power of the Force, while he is born of it. In short: yes, I think that he could. In fact, my personal theory is that was what he was meant to do.


Unfortunately you really can’t say since Anakin never reached his full potential, however, he would have no rival if he reached that potential


Okay, so it is stated that Full Potential Anakin would be equal to The Father in power. It is also stated that The Father is more powerful than Abeloth. By transitive property we can assume Full Potential Anakin is more powerful than Abeloth and would beat her.
On a more interesting note, you used art work from a Star Wars Legends book coming out later this year (0:21 - 0:33). That book is called Supernatural Encounters : The Trials and Transformations of Arhul Hextrophon. That book takes a deep dive into the world of the celestials of Star Wars Legends. Abeloth in terms of power is a very low tier celestial. She is very weak compared to the other celestial of Star Wars Legends. The most powerful of them being, “Nahkash”, The Father of Shadows. I’m excluding The Supreme Maker because he isn’t a celestial per say he’s just the god of the Star Wars Universe. There is though one character more powerful than The Father of Shadows. Son of Suns Anakin Skywalker. This version of Anakin is a celestial version. He has actually surpassed his full potential in this version. He struck down The Father of Shadows in this version. This version of Anakin is the second most powerful character in all of Star Wars Legends besides the god of Star Wars, The Supreme Maker. Son of Suns Anakin Skywalker would atomizes Abeloth while yawning. He is truely an insanely powerful character.


I think we still forget Anakin's shortcomings as was showed to us by Obi Wan. Could he have even been disciplined enough to fight her.


Okay here is a scenario. The Wills of the Force VS. Abeloth. Who would win? Perhaps do a video on that fight


I think in an alternate universe where Anakin reaches his full potential and uses the force to expand his life span so that he can join with a full potential Luke, I think Anakin and Luke teaming up in their full potentials might be enough to rival Abaloth or possibly stop her. Because Luke and Anakin would combine their power to defeat her. The bond of a Father and Son is a powerful thing, something that goes beyond the force itself.


Personally I don't believe any of us can fathom how powerful full potential Anakin would be. He was a straight up prodigy. So impressive that the Jedi were shook & Sidious made plans since Anakin was a child


I think intelligence and cunning would play a large part so it is hard to say if Anakin could defeat her. Power wise Abeloth has the upper hand by a rather large margin I think,


My only question is with abalov still living could the chosen one ever truly bring balance to the force
