What If Mother Talzin Raised Anakin Skywalker

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What if instead of the Jedi or the Sith, the Nightsisters took Anakin in and raised him from a young age? Would Anakin be the same man or would his values change? Would he find love or forever remain a slave to the ways of the tribe?
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Mother talzin:you’re a slave no longer now you own the slaves my son


What if Anakin was taken in by Mandolorians as a foundling without them knowing he was force sensitive.


Anakin found himself in a Harem basically.


This would be an incredibly powerful Anakin; one that could wield both the Light and the Dark Sides of the Force, and NEVER had to worry about being corrupted by the Dark nor be limited by the Light. An ichor sword would make a great weapon, and Night Sister Magic in the hands of someone like Anakin would be a well-neigh unbeatable ally. Being raised by Mother Talzin and Oldaka would be like being raised by Yoda with an added maternal bond and a familial bond with the other Night Sisters.

Malachite Dusk was an interesting, more peaceful and more balanced, alternative to the Separatists and the Republic that got rid of both the Jedi and the Sith. The prophesy of bringing balance to the Force was fulfilled. This was even better than one other involving joint training by Qui Gon Jinn and Mother Talzin on Dathomere. A Night Sister spouse was also more suitable and a better balancing influence for Anakin than Padme. Trez was well suited for this.


Awesome as always.

What if upon learning of Qui-gon's death, Dooku:
1)Stayed in the order and the light and trained Anakin, as Obi-wan was still too inexperienced.

2) Left the order but stayed firmly in the light, and trained Anakin, as the counxil was just too stubbornly orthodox.

3)Left the order, trained Anakin, embraced the dark side, but did all that without falling under the manipulations of Sidious.


What if Obi-wan saved Satine and left the order for her, Anakin left the order with Ahsoka and went official with Padme, AND they lived.


This might be one of my favorite endings thus far in our journey together...


Just imaging Anakin with Nightbrothers tattoos. 🤣


What if Obi-Wan secretly married Satine, much like how Anakin did the same?

This will deepen the understanding of Anakin's heart's desires due to the pair having similar situations. Obi-Wan could potentially become a ruler of Mandalore, adopt a few Mandolorian aspects and blend it with his Jedi philosophy, much like how Anakin blended his Pro-Republic political views and his Jedi philosophy.

This would also give Mandalore stronger ties to the Republic, or could cause a rift between Kenobi and Skywalker much earlier than RoTS.

These are the aspects that could be covered in this Fan Fiction.


I like this one best over the other If someone else raised or trained Anakin. It shows him bring balance the force. The true prophecy


Enjoyed the story mostly but why would mother Talzin be okay with Anakin basically killing her son? When she herself is attached to maul so much so she died protecting him. You would think she would drive that sentiment home with Anakin so he would view maul as an older brother. Would have been more interesting if Anakin didn't go, maul still gets captured and then Anakin and mother Talzin have to go save him. The entire point of maul's capture is to kill Talzin. Sidious will always try to kill any polential threat he doesn't fear. With Talzin he is more powerful but she in the same tier as he is and could potential surpass him with sith training. She was at one point was gonna be his apprentice until he decided to take maul instead. It doesn't make sense for Talzin to be that negligent in Anakin to go with her son whom she went through all the trouble to find and restore. Much like Anakin she has a special bond to maul and wouldn't want in fighting between the two sons. that was the main thing I found very weird but another than that great video.


A theory i find interesting is what if Ima-Gun-Di was sent more help instead of dying? or survived? what i mean by this is we know him and his men sacrifice them selves till the republic brought the Twi'lek people supplies but what if the Nikkto Jedi use force burst and manage to escape the droids and regroup with syndulla and the others


I’d love to see what if general grievous was given magicks, what if anakin was healed by dathomirian witches, or what if mother talzin taught anakin the power to save padme.


One specific theory on the Old Republic: What if the Republic lost the Mandolorean Wars? How would this affect the development of the new republic, Revan and Malik's rise to power, the creation of the Dark Brotherhood, the Rise of Darth Bane, and the Clone Wars?

If this did happen, how would Mandolorean culture effect the Star Wars Universe and the Jedi/Sith as a whole?


Here's one: What if Star Wars went along with the "A Long Time Ago" Theory? The one where Star Wars exists IRL.


I'm not sure about the Asajj involvement, would she have ever gotten to the point where Dooku had given up on her if Anakin wasn't involved in the Clone Wars? Not saying she could take Obi-Wan on his own outright but that's not even remotely the only effect Anakin had on her path leading up to that point. 20 minutes in though, so far so good. :)


I have always seen Anakin as a figure similar to Revan in that he is powerful in the light and dark. As such I have wondered what would happen if Anakin after becoming Vader still maintained much of the light. Maybe he would be convinced by Padme or defeat Obi wan but spare him and defect from Sidious become a loner who wandered the galaxy searching for balance. Perhaps in this universe Padme would live since Anakin wouldn''t lash out to her or get wounded himself and as such he could become a figure much like Revan and find an order with his children that would study both the light and the dark.

Tell me what you think and if you would be willing to do a story like this.


I like to imagine that without anakin there to podrace, Jedi Master Liam Neeson decided to do it himself.


Not to mention if Anakin had been trained by mother Talzin from birth he would have had 9 years more training than he ever had in canon which is absolutely insane, so as far as force powers are concerned he would be more powerful than even Yoda, Palpatine or Talzin at this point


Positives: Anakin had a better life

Cons: No Prequel memes
