If You're Feeling Behind in Life...You're Actually Right on Time!

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Scott speaks across North America about emotional wellbeing, mental health and our innate need for connection. His history with mental health challenges have allowed him to develop a strong sense of empathy and compassion with his audiences and those he works with personally. Music is his true obsession as he plays the guitar, drums and sings.
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This video comes exactly at the right time. I'm currently going through a difficult phase in my life where I'm not feeling well mentally. I'm 31 years old and have a large family and know a lot of people from before. I constantly notice that they get married, have children, build houses and are popular in their surroundings. I often compare myself with them and feel somehow sad about the fact, that I cannot achieve such good results. Most of my friends are in relationships and somehow successful in life. Recently I finally deleted my social media (Instagram, etc.) and that has brought some improvement. I have more peace of mind and don't think so much about other people anymore. I realize that everyone is different and we all have our own rhythm. Please don't be discouraged over such things. Don't think that a certain age decides everything... focus on yourself, take some time out and change your bad habits. Everything gets better with time...


27 still living with my parents. I only just went back to school for my bachelors.. working part time in a restaurant. been single for the last couple years. it’s hard seeing your peers get the things you so badly want and just feeling like it’s not in the cards for you


Chase the dream, not the competition.


Helping people to feel good about themselves is the most awesome mission in the world 🌎


I am now 23 years old and I have been feeling this feeling for four years. The feeling that you are not good enough, that you are not important, and that no matter how hard you try, you will not reach their level. The feeling that you are behind, even though I try hard to improve myself and my skills, but sometimes this kind of feeling makes me feel weak and helpless, life is a hard battle، I hope we all win the battle❤


Today, I failed my exam and I have also felt a little bit lost in my life for 2-3 months. I think your video is there for me at the right time. Thank U.


Hey people, wherever you are cherish it. Be proud of your body for being with you for so long, thaf mind of yours for still going on. The fact that you're here n alive. Yes you are resilient. Things happen. After years of struggling with a basket of mental illnesses and childhood trauma I've started believing in change and choices, i dont wait for good things anymore but believe in the strength that i have acquired through all these things that would surely make me last in the long run. Yuppp, im not the typically successfully person nor very skilled but I know that I no more self harm to feel things and can finally begin to see real joy in little things like fleetings of good times. ❤
Cheers to the fact that you're hereeee!!!
I'm really glad.


Wonderful content as always. I’ve been feeling intense waves of depression lately because a lot of my peers are about to graduate college and go on to their chosen career paths that they’re sure about, and I have felt so confused about my long term career desires over the past several years. My 20s have definitely not been the golden years so far, but I’m realizing that everyone’s path is different and it’s okay to not know exactly what I want to do. It’s just hard to accept right now though. Sending love and acceptance to each of you 🙏


I worried about being behind in my graduate studies, but God whispered to me that I'm doing just right...just what I need to be. There will be SO many opportunities in the future for me. More opportunities than I can even accept! Thanks Scott.


My life, my mission, my rules. That feels so nice to say. Very liberating. I think the main thing that gets us to believe that we are behind is all these systems that have been put in place in society. Go to school, then uni then, get a job, then get married, then have kids, then raise kids, then get your kids married, then be a grand parent. And it’s like if you don’t follow the system chronologically you’re a failure. And you know what I was thinking too. God really wants to tell us that their is no one way of living life. That’s why somethings might not go as we plan, and God directs us to something else. For example, you want to graduate but never end up passing you last year and had to get a job instead and start earning money for a living. This was probably the best thing for you. For someone else the best thing for them is probably to graduate then get job. That’s why God is the best of planners. He knows what is best for each one of us. Same thing with getting married. Some people think I’m going to get married early so I can have kids and they get married but can’t conceive! Maybe that is what is best for them. Not to have kids. Yet an other couple might marry old and have kids, because that is best for them.


I feel that a lot I see my friends I see people and I see things advancing and just keep going forward and I feel like am stuck in the same place. Like going to another grade and your friends are going to college and you feel behind. Everything you mention I feel because I see it and I am a very observant person.


I reaaalyyy wanted to hear this. So Glad I discovered this channel.


You're such a genius, you're brilliant! I wish I could have a chance to give you a big hug. We need more people who think like you. Thank you so much!!!


thank you. im going through a really tough time right now these always help just a bit and it is so appreciated. keep it up


I was felling like this. I am now so happy and positive about life, just because I'm doing things differently doesn't make me wrong or behind! Mentally I'm now much happier. Thank you x


Thank you Scott. I'm getting that feeling and your kind words in time help me ❤❤ Love from Vietnam


Aw man this got my teary eyed, thank you, I needed to hear this


This video came at exactly the right time and this is so so true! I think we can all feel behind in life sometimes


Yeah :) That s right! Life is not a Competition it's a Blessing.


Even before you said pull out a sheet of paper I got up and immediately pulled out my art supplies! Thank you for this video- it helped me create a vision for the collaboration I'm seeking in my life! I'm not interested in the rat race and that's reflected in what I drew.
