a video for anyone feeling behind ... i needed this

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I love you all so much for everything. I wouldnt be here if it wasnt for your never-ending support and I truly appreciate every thing. Every single one of you have changed my life for the better. YouTube is someting I've always wanted to do and I couldn't have asked for a better group of supporters. You have changed my life and I thank you.
- Courtreezy

FTC: this video is SPONSORED by Cerebral.
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this came at the perfect time love u miss adanna <3


She really got up this morning and thought, ‘let’s make a million people feel better about themselves today’


I feel like so many people in their twenties feel like this and we need to start talking about it!


As a 17 year old girl seeing all my friends move on with their lives and doing better, I’ve been feeling like I’m getting left behind. But I know that everything will come together for me soon, I just have to be patient. Thank you so much for this Courtney 💗


I read this title and instantly clicked. This is something that I know I needed to hear. I missed a lot of high school because of many reasons but education has always been important to me. Now that I am healthy mentally and physically I am focusing on my education, but I am still in highschool while all of my friends have entered into college. At times when we hang and they talk about them enjoying college, I sometimes feel as if I failled life all together but I have learned to understand that I must move at my own pace and focus on my path in life. To not compare my self. If you're reading this, remember that you are capable but most of the time we are just standing in our own way. Just take it day by day and understand it's never to late to have the life you longed for.


She’s the type of person to be by your side whenever you’re feeling down✨✨❤️❤️


This is to anyone: If you feel like a cry is about to happen, then cry. You have to let it out, please don't hold it in. Cry your eyes out and DON'T EVER apologize for it. Crying can be an excellent cleanse. 🤗🥰❤💜❤💜


Can we talk about how courtney just boosted our confidence in just a 17 minutes video!! She's the one 💅💞


When all is lost, Courtney comes to save the day and cure my depression


I’m 22 and I felt like I was on top of the world when I was 19, bc I had a job and was helping to provide for my family, while saving up for a car, at 17 I graduated, at 18 I got my A.A Degree, and was able to treat myself to my first concert and got to be on stage/take pictures with the band I went to see. Fast forward to now and I’m currently unemployed, not just due to this never ending Pandemic, but because I developed chronic pain. It hit me like a truck and I’ve never felt more helpless before in my life. I even developed muscle spasms, so I twitch and shake involuntarily, which has made me feel anxious about being out in public. I’ve been forced to slow down and live my life with moderation. I’ve been forced to celebrate the little wins—Getting out of bed, sitting or standing for longer than 30 minutes at a time, doing basic household chores (with assistance most times). Slowly, I haven’t had to “force” it as much, most days I’m just happy to be alive. Today, was a hard day, bc I was hearing good news from my immediate to distant family members. How their lives are moving in positive directions and how productive they’re being… It tore me up a little, bc “I was suppose to be there too”, but I’m so glad I saw this video was posted. I feel better knowing that for now this is where I’m supposed to be. There’s a lesson to be learned from this debilitating illness. I learned that my self-worth in my family is not based upon how many burdens I can bear by myself. I’ve learned to trust my family and have been sharing my pain with them, in the sense of being more vulnerable, and asking for help. I didn’t feel loved, but rather like an inconvenience—I don’t feel that way as much anymore (still a work in progress). Anyways, I can’t wait to catch my second wind, whenever it comes, so that my future self will look back and be like, “wow—You didn’t think you could overcome this, but you did!” Thank you for sharing 🖤🖤🖤


At school all the girls dress femenine, always have matching outfits, always have cute hairstyles shoes, ect. while i'm always looking plain. I get so focused on trying to be like those girls because everytime they come to school they're always talking about things they did during the weekend or how they are going to get the new pair of shoes that just came out. Growing up i've always been that "weird friend that never changes" & by the time I was getting in sixth grade all my friends started to get more mature, it made me feel left out.

middle school really made it no better for me since you meet people from different schools with totally different looks, voices, life, and personality than you. When i made friends in middle school it was the worst since every girl there acted so cool, looked cute, and just bragged on what items they were getting and how clean they were. I won't lie I was a very messy girl and I was lazy so I kinda felt like I could do better.

Then I started thinking about things, how people liked me, thought I was funny, cute, nice, mean and and how my friends aren't as neat as I think. 1 of them failed a grade another has bumps all over her face and got rejected another gets called rude names by our other friends because of how she acts i could keep going on for hours!

compared to them i really seem like a very cool person.. we all just get so used to our bodies to the point we are not even impressed by anything we do anymore! but when we see someone new we think that person is just soo cool. but really they feel the same way as you!

stop trying to impress everyone. stop trying to look cool. stop trying to go out of your way to look as if your life is all together because it's not! i hate the fact we put ourselves down so much just because of what we think everyone else thinks. you could drop a book and feel like you just ruined your life and that everyone will not like you but really nobody even cares you drop the book because we all just trying to seem like were cool ourselves.

just be you, don't worry about anyone else but yourself. trust me.


As a 13 year old i really needed to hear this. I just always compare myself to other girls for being nauturally pretty and i just always wished i could look like them💔🥺


Not court making my day 🥹💜 hustle culture can make anyone feel less than but having reminders like this really helps 💜


The fact the when she makes extremely funny reaction videos, she does her best not to make fun or offend the people she's reacting to for the content, and now she's here motivating us just proves that she's one of the best person to be given a platform here on youtube.


Trust me, the ppl getting up at 4am, gyming everyday, perfect work/social life balance, never in a bad having a mental breakdown every 2 days!!!! Never neglect your emotional needs through productivity.


Wow it’s crazy about how many people in the comments feel this way. Ofc probably because the title, literally brought everyone here but it feels nice knowing that you’re not alone in this situation. Thanks for the reminder Courtreezy, it helps a lot! 😊


Ok but, this really made me feel so much better about myself- thank you so so much Courtney, knowing I'm 17 and all that I feel the exact same way, so thank you. I love you girl


I really needed to hear this. I've been having these exact same thoughts just last night, about what i'm doing with my life and everything is going so slow and I feel like i'm wasting the best years of my young adult life doing nothing. I turned 21 in february, I've spent the last 3 years at home. First cuz of covid then cuz my mom got cancer and I had to care for her. Now that she's passed away I feel even more pressure to start doing something with my life. I've just recently started going to driving lessons to get my driver's license so I can then go get a job and shit and I STILL don't know what I want to do after that. 😭


I cannot believe the timing of this video bc I was JUST spiraling because I feel so behind in everything and like what's the point anymore if I can never do anything right. I will keep working on myself and doing what I need to do one day at a time. I'll practice finding the small wins because they're still wins. Thank you for posting this <3


"Normalize introversion" no but seriously can we do that
