For People Feeling Behind In Life

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Do you ever feel lost? Maybe you can’t help but feel the looming presence of depression riding on your shoulder. Have you ever have thoughts like: “I am no one. I’m nothing. I’m all alone. My life is over”? We can get lost in our heads, feeding ourselves dark thoughts and cruel insults. Don’t give up hope yet, we can rewrite these thoughts and our future. To help you take a step back and remember what it is in life that is worth living, we’ve made this video just for you.

Disclaimer: This video is for informative purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Please reach out to a qualified healthcare provider or mental health professional if you are struggling.

If you are feeling depressed or contemplating suicide please remember that you are not alone.

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Writer: Michal Mitchell
Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Rina C.
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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Just remember you're not alone. We have listed helpline in the description box. Disclaimer: Video is made for educational purposes and do not substitute for professional advice. Please reach out to a qualified healthcare provider or mental health professional if you are struggling.


If you ever feel broken.. just remember that Mc Donald’s ice cream machine is always broken, but everyone loves it regardless! ❤️


I am 34 and enrolling with university for first time in my life. I am happy, thankfull, and proud.


I needed this. In my early 30s, disabled since birth, never married nor engaged, and am working a job that could pay more but doesn’t. This video is so comforting.


31 and basically done nothing since I was 19. 12 years behind on jobs, relationships, mental health, everything. 1 short vacation, no relationships, work 2 days a week, smoke, drink, no friends, 2 nights out in that time. I love my family though. They're why I'm here. Stay strong everyone <3


"your born to be real, not perfect" - Suga


Hey fam! I hope I'm of help
1. Life isn't always happy - 1:17
2. Everything in life is sure to pass - 3:12
3. Acknowledge the good in your life - 4:13
4. Write your own life - 5:21
5. Your mind can lie and knows how best how to convince you - 6:13
6. There is... Or can be someone out there who loves you - 7:27
Remember everyone.. I'm going through this crazy time too.. always remember that there is someone who'll be there for you.. believe me if you have none.. you have YOURSELF the precious human ever
Love you guys don't lose hope.. NEVER 💜


This feeling can get even worse when everyone around you pretends to have it all together when they actually don't... and this becomes particularly true in social media. Most of the times, when we feel behind in life, that sensation stems from comparing our achievements to other people's, and often those are not even real or entirely so. Bear this in mind and focus on yourself because being yourself with your weaknesses and strengths is your superpower.


Ever since I graduated college, I haven’t done much except staying at home for months. It doesn’t help that my parents still treat me like a child and doesn’t trust me to drive nor do anything else on my own. I’m not even allowed to work any jobs until I finish university. I see my friends travelling around, earning money, making memories while I’m here, living the same day over and over.

Every time I try to express negative feelings, my parents would brush it off since they’re not emotionally capable to handle these emotions. So, I’m managing on my own. I feel disconnected and useless.

People around me expect me to be a growing, capable adult but at the same time, still treat me like a little child. Who doesn’t get confused on how to act? I can’t… Society is just too confusing

Not to mention the financial situation I’m in. I can’t help but blame my parents for making such stupid financial mistakes before having me, to the point where I can’t enjoy the same financial ease my siblings had. My siblings never had to worry about money, while I had to grow up thinking that if I have no want or desire, our financial situation will become better.


When my anxiety and depression starts getting really overwhelming (which is nearly everyday since I’m not on antidepressants) I try to rewire my thinking to be more positive. I remind myself to take it “minute by minute” in my head until I can get myself into a better headspace. I hope this helps someone 🙂


I fully support the increasingly psychedelic nature of these cartoons.


Whenever I feel alone (and I feel alone a lot), I remember a quote I found online- "The Sun is also alone, but it still shines." It really cheers me up.


I had undiagnosed adhd that affected all my relationships and took my career, money, etc. I’m 40 today and just finding this out is freeing but also devastating


We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.


Definitely needed this reminder today. I’m feeling really alone and “ghosted” by those around me. But as much as it hurts, I will keep fighting and will not give up!


I can attest that there will be a dawn. After 4 years of deep depression and solitude, I am finally seeing the good more often than not. Don't give up on you. You are worthy of the life you are living.


Not everyone can put themselves back together after falling into depression I almost didn’t; I nearly pulled the trigger on my own life about a year ago. To make the story short, I became overwhelmed by other people putting their depression on me and my own depression to the point where I couldn’t recognize what I had that was good vs the bad. After that I started taking note of 100 things that I was thankful for in life for about a few weeks and started to have some change for the better. At this I’m a bit better because of what I did and I learned that things are only as bad as you make them. For anyone who may be going through a rough patch like what I went through that took the time to read this, please remember that you are amazing and are loved.


I'm always trying to tell myself that I'm not alone, that I can do this, that I don't have to end my life but when everyone proves the opposite to me and sometimes I just feel like why Am I even fighting for? Are these struggles even worth it? What if I don't even have a future? I just... don't know what to do anymore and things became meaningless..


It's painful knowing that I kinda feel left behind in life. I know life has so much to offer in terms of future experiences and opportunities, stuff like that, but honestly time literally flies by so quickly that I couldn't even immediately catch up to it on time. Despite all of that, I still continue to push myself cause giving up for me is simply not an option. Taking away your own life is also not an option. With a forced smile on my face, I gotta keep moving forward even though it's so hard from time to time.


This showed up in my feed last night as I was sitting and crying about this exact thing. It felt like the universe heard me. Thank you for the hope.
