Basic Finger Workout (Guitar Lesson BC-135) Guitar for beginners Stage 3

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This video explains a very basic finger exercise to help develop your strength, independence and stretch!

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The Justinguitar Beginners Guitar Course, a series of over 100 lessons on guitar for beginners. Text support is on the web site and also in a proper old skool paper book which can be ordered from the web site of your local music store :)

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Please watch: "The Justin Guitar Beginner Song Course by FourChords for iOS & Android JustinGuitar Easy Guitar Song"
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1) Place thumb on the back of the neck keeping space below the neck, keep thumb almost at the middle of the neck, not the top, this will help you not twist your index... believe me... the index is far from straight on the first fret.
2) If you find it hard to stretch on the 6th string and your hand hurts, it's totally normal, start on the bottom string and gradually move up, keep in mind that you have to stretch your hand as much as possible and train your fingers for minimal movement.
3) Your pinky is a bitch that has to be tamed, there's nothing that can be done about it except for practice, or chopping it off. I hope you'll make the right decision on that one.
4) try to find the most comfortable position for you on all of the strings, practice getting the fingers as straight as possible and on touch the strings with your fingertips.

I won't wish you good luck, instead I'll wish you good practice.
It comes with practice folks.


my fingers love each other they just dont separate :)


11 years ago and I'm learning now 11 years laters. Decades later, people will still come here watch his videos to learn guitar . This is his legacy, thanks ❤️ . Dont have budget for guitar classes rn and this is a gift


I’ve been practicing guitar for 2 days so far since I have so much time in the summer. And I know 8 chords, single string notes and am getting better at switching between! I hope I don’t lose motivation and strive to keep practicing even when times get tough. Thank you for these teaching vids!❤️❤️


Dude I love the inlays on your fretboard


Before this lesson i was not able to grab chords. This made me able to start playing anything on a guitar, this is more than gold, priceless lesson. Ps. You are the best teacher on YT, thank you so much


Wow. I realize I have zero pinky strength. Hahaha. I've got a lot of work to do. And my pinky is crooked... lots of work to do. Thanks Justib


Still struggling with finger stretches but definitely improving.


You make it look so much easy, but in fact, without practice, its so much hard!


Justin really amazing.. ! Thank you sir..
I started from 10th fret since my fingers are quite small.. i'll practise it and go to first fret..
Thanks a lot.. Loved ur videos..


You're a mad man! You're a crazy person!! (Yes, it's my first day and holy cow do I feel the stretch.)


Oh wow! I feel like I just went to the gym with my fingers!

I am literally holding my fingers in the positions with my other hand, just to get my fingers stretch 2 those positions, because they just dont wanna go there!..

I also tried 1st finger' then the 4th finger' - then putting the other ones in because it just wouldn't go

(GREAT FINGER EXERCISE BUT; U can literally feel it stretching & working out finger muscles I never knew I had!
Feels goody


once on the thickest string, is it ok if some of the strings below are muted? can't curve my pinkie enough when reaching the thickest string.


thanx a lot justin u made my day at first i was unable to stretch my finger when i saw this video then i tried for sometime and i felt so easy.


i fluintly can play the guitar left handed but beacause of an injury im tryin to learn right handed and its very hard tryin to change hands....but this is helping, my left hand is doin the right thing but my picking hand isnt picking the the strings i want to pick....its like starting all over again


It was okay for me doing it the first time, it went from 9th fret all the way to 1st and back to 9th. At first, I had problems keeeping them all on the frets, but it improved over time. The only problem I have is with twisting my hand.


I just started learning to play today.
Oh god my fingers hurt so much


A few years back (in my 20s, now im more than 30) there were times when it looked like Id finally made it, my fingers would really feel independent, I could play scales quite accurately and with speed !! But then after a few days later it was all gone, like starting from zero.

Ive really never been able to play a good solo, I just ended up playing scales ok from time to time and after a lot of frustration when my fingers started failing I would quit. That happened a lot of times.


Sweet exercise. I just started with guitar but I played the violin for many years. As I go further down the fingerboard, I feel like I'm playing a cello with how far apart my fingers are :O


sorry you probably get asked loads but i'm looking to get a new acoustic what guitar are you using in this video, and i am very grateful for all your videos thank!
