How to Avoid Overwhelm: 5 Steps to Stop Spiraling Out of Control

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You aren't human if you've never been overwhelmed. Many of us, however, don't know how to avoid overwhelm which can be dangerous because it can lead us to spiral and feel out of control. It can influence bad decision making, too.

I've gone through a number of situations in my past that have led me to believe that I was done for, from when I was laid off to when my website was hacked, and more.

In this video, I want to share 5 steps you can take to calm down, gain control back, and begin to make any overwhelming situation a little bit better. You can get out of it, but it takes some time, and I hope this video gives you a little boost if you're feeling it right now.

One important thing is to realize you're usually not alone in these situations. Many people have likely experienced similar, or worse things in the past. Team Flynn, if you're comfortable sharing, please share in the comment section an overwhelming experience that you've recently had (or are in), and just know that we're all here to support each other and help one another through these situations together.


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I think one of the most important thing to remember is that overwhelm is a symptom of our HABITS, not our TASKS. If we don't look at the patterns that led us there (boundaries, routines, bad habits, mindset, everything), we'll just wind up there again.


Thank you so much! My current crisis is finance, I have a business that I need to scale and the customers but don’t have the capital to do it, I don’t have the credentials for a loan. I have been very anxious and stressed so I will be applying this video and rewatching it!


I was literally messaging my a friend, about how there's not enough hours in the day, when I got this notification.

Thank you.


Nice words. We shoud know that, but many times people (we) need to hear what we need despite of beeing easy


Great advice. Thanks for sharing your experience and hard-earned wisdom.


Love this common sense wisdom, Pat. Keep up the amazing work!


So glad I subscribed, your videos are just the ticket for the year ahead.


Great tips, especially for this time of year that can get crazy if we overbook ourselves.


First. :) Much love and respect, dear Pat. 🌹


Hey, Pat,

Thank you for making this video. My current crisis is one where the behaviors & habits that I want to employ, are not all happening. I'm not buckling down with enough discipline to stop what I shouldn't do, and keep going with what I should do. Or as Paul puts it, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do ... For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." (Romans 7:15, 18. Granted, he's talking about sinning, but the concept is still the same.)

Specifically, I want to be an entrepreneur. Even more specifically, I want to be a YA novelist. But I'm also 20 years old and I don't want to live in my parents' house forever. And so I know the most efficient way is to wake up earlier (4:00am for me), then spend the next 3.5 hours working on exercise, my personal spiritual time, hygiene and then my VITAL work. But half the time, the family's lifestyle and environment around me doesn't allow for me to go to bed early enough to wake up at 4:00am. 17-year old college student me used to be able to thrive on 4.5 hours of sleep, but apparently, I need a little more than that now.

And I don't think it's all the family's fault; I think a portion of it is my lack of discipline and poor time management, b/c there have been days where I HAVE pulled this off.
It's just not consistent. (And I've read The Compound Effect. I understand that consistency and momentum are powerhouse forces that lead to habits.) Also, I believe I've allowed fear to creep in. Specifically, I'm afraid I might get kicked out for demanding that I don't handle "commitments past my bedtime, " so I haven't really worked out a sleep schedule that I adhere to above any other person's needs.

In a nutshell, I think that there are a few things keeping me from the work I know I need to do, and the work that I desire to make me a lasting income. But I've also conditioned myself to think that all of those things are my fault, and because of that, I believe that I (and only I) need to solve those problems in order to better my circumstances. The best way I'm trying to solve those problems right now is just by powering through and working.

But on a day where I roll over instead of get up...on a day where I'm racing the clock to make sure I shower before my day job...on a day where I don't have enough time to spend with God...on a day like today, I feel so defeated. I recognize that I'm battling depression. Battling burnout. Feeling overwhelmed that I'll never reach financial independence from my parents.

I think that's my current crisis. And I apologize for just dropping all the contents of my brain here. But I think just looking at it all here helps. Thinking about it enough to work it out in my mind and here on this screen helps, just a little bit. Identifying the problem rather than living in the shadow of it.

So thanks, Pat.


So needed this rn. Thanks for the vid Pat! ✌🏼


sorry, I'll watch the rest of the video soon, but I just gotta say how awesome your shirt it :P


Your videos are so helpful! Just starting my business and feeling like I should have everything under control. This helps me to stay grounded. Thank you (:


I'm now stuggling how to survive my business.


My life is spiraling out of control! It keeps spiraling faster! I keep procrastinating, losing concentration on schoolwork, I’m always tired, I’m always getting distracted, putting aside important things to do other important things, I need help. My junior year at high school is a mess. I need somebody to help me...


Good perspective. I need a list... On board with CK via your link.


i have a programming addiction and should do more marketing lol
