Obi-Wan's Thoughts When Darth Vader Was Redeemed & Killed Palpatine - Star Wars Explained

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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After Anakin died in his son's arms, Obi-Wan called out into the void, "Anakin."

A moment later, Obi-Wan heard a familiar voice return from the darkness. "Obi-Wan? Master, I'm so sorry. So very, very -"

"Anakin, listen carefully, " Obi-Wan interrupted. "You are in the netherworld of the Force, but if you ever wish to revisit corporeal space, then I still have one thing left to teach you. A way to become one with the Force. If you choose this path to immortality, then you must listen now, before your consciousness fades."

Obi-Wan sensed confusion and remorse in Anakin's psyche, then Anakin answered, "But Master . . . why me? "

"Because you ended the horror, Anakin, " Obi-Wan said. "Because you fulfilled the prophecy. Because you were . . . and are . . . the Chosen One."

But Obi-Wan knew in his heart that those were not the only reasons. He added, "Because I was wrong about you. And because I am your friend."

Anakin answered quietly, "Thank you, Master."


I feel like the end of the Return of the Jedi and Luke's victory was the ultimate and best ending in cinematic history. Luke won, not because he overpowered his enemy with pure strength or skill, he won because he stuck to his own principles and morals. He won because his beliefs were stronger than that of Palpatine's. In the end, Luke could've killed Vader, but instead, he stuck true to being a Jedi and showed compassion and love, instead of fear and anger. And in the end, Love and Compassion overcame Fear and Anger. The Light overcame the Dark. And Anakin defeated Darth Vader.


One of the reasons I love Anakin and Luke as well as their relationship, as short as it may have been. No one believed in Anakin’s redemption, no one could see the good in him as Vader, and no one could bring him back to the light. The only one who could was his son


The fact obi wan immediately forgave Anakin for all the suffering he caused is very palpable to me. Obi wan truly did love him like a brother with all his heart.🥲


Interesting that the only two people not convinced Anakin was gone were Luke and Palpatine.


Yoda never pushed Luke to kill Vader - only Obi-Wan expressed that. Yoda said Luke must "confront" Vader, but could not foresee the outcome and was wise enough to recognize that killing Vader was not the only path.


Anakin- I was so lost
Obi wan- I’m just happy you found your way back.


Anakin: Master... Forgive me, I have done so much--
Kenobi: Aight shut up and listen if you wanna be able to manifest yourself as a force ghost


I think if Obi Wan listened closely when Vader tells him that Anakin was dead and Vader killed him....that was the small bit of the Light Side still inside of Anakin/Vader. Wouldn't a Sith Lord want his opponent suffering in pain? Wouldn't Vader rub it in Obi Wan's face, that Obi Wan did kill Anakin? That it was all Obi Wan's fault? Just a few minutes before that, we had Obi Wan letting go of the past and embracing the future, thus regaining and deepening Obi Wan's connection to the Light Side, allowing him to defeat Anakin/Vader. Instead, Vader releases Obi Wan from the obvious pain and suffering that Obi Wan had endured for 10 years.


Notice too that Obi Wan says:

"He's more machine than man now, twisted and evil" seeming to think he can't be redeemed.

Luke also tells Vader to run away with him and Vader responds:

"Obi Wan once thought as you do"


Windu trying to kill palpatine is what cemented his change to the dark side. Palpatine trying to kill luke in an almost identical scene is what cemented His change back to the light.


The rise, fall, and redemption, of Anakin Skywalker. One of my favorite stories.


I think the fact that both Yoda and Kenobi had lost faith in the will of the force and now believed that Anakin/Vader couldn't be redeemed shows how far the Jedi of this era and fallen away from the will of the light side and why Qui-Gon Gin would not accept the seat on the council.


I mean Obi Wan tried twice. Had he realized the Jedi had their flaws, I’m sure he would’ve had a better chance, especially if he listened to Qui Gon more. It’s fair for Obi Wan to think that. That’s why I love that Obi Wan and Ashoka could only break each half of Vader’s mask but only Luke could really take off the mask. Which is why I truly don’t believe Luke would’ve been tempted to kill Ben Solo, and think that force ghosts Anakin and Obi Wan would’ve done more to help Luke and Kylo. But that’s another discussion lol.


I find Obi-Wan's lack of faith disturbing.


God I'd love to see the conversations Anakin and Obi Wan would have after Anakin redeemed himself. "I missed you my old friend..."


Obi-Wan never stopped loving his brother and him training Anakin in his last moments proved that.


Kind of interesting how Obi-Wan thought killing Vader would be helpful for Luke. It did not help when it came to Dooku nor when Mace Windu told him that Palpatine needed to die. Making him choose or think death is the only option when Anakin was going for a different path is mostly what lead him further towards the dark side not away from it.


I think Luke had a leg up being his son. Harnessing all the good he had and the parts of padme existed through him too. I think that soft spot was able to help Anakin overcome Vader in the final moments.


I like to think that the Jedi's idea of balance was extremely flawed. They believed that the Light Side overpowering the Dark Side was balance. And they had mostly achieved that by the time Plagueis was around. The Sith were around, sure, but not a major threat in the immediate time frame. To bring balance, the Jedi needed to be brought down to the same level as the Sith. And when this happened, it was an OVER correction. So Vader betraying Palpatine was the final correction. All of this leads to true balance.
