Parenting a Child with Down Syndrome - Shauna Amick

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Shauna Amick has always been a pro-life advocate for more than years. She currently works in radio marketing for Joni and Friends, and before that she worked for a crisis pregnancy center.

In 2005, Shauna was surprised to learn during her third pregnancy that her child would have Down Syndrome and a life-threatening heart defect. Shauna’s doctors immediately and repeatedly recommended termination, which she refused to do, relying upon pro-life verses she had learned from the Bible.

Today, Sarah is a healthy, spunky teenager. She’s happy, full of God’s love, and is the first to volunteer to pray at church. Her language skills are poor, but people are blessed by her prayers. Shauna praises God for Sarah’s Down Syndrome because that’s who He made Sarah to be and she brings glory to His name.


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This topic is close to my heart as I have a 15 year old beautiful daughter. She was born with Down Syndrome, and had a hole in her heart. Through her, God has taught us true meaning of love, patience, compassion, and perseverance. God truly doesn’t make mistakes


My sister Arlene is Down Syndrome and she is 50 years young going 51 this July 11. She is the treasure of the whole family. Praise the Lord!


Thank you focus on the family for this broadcast. I just found out yesterday my 6th child has down syndrome and severe heart defects. Abortion was the first thing offered. My husband and I wouldn't consider that as an option. There are just so many unknowns right now and it's nice to hear someone else's story.


This has been a blessing. Thanks for sharing.


I hope Focus can use it's platform to encourage all Christian Schools and teachers in public schools to advocate for inclusive practices in the classroom. Especially people who are pro-life need to advocate for the inclusion of all children in schools, churches and activites. When you are continually told that the schools, churches, and children's activites "cannot support her needs" it's discouraging and absolutly unjust. It's society that has the need.


Watching this as I prepare to visit a family with down syndrome..thanks alot for sharing


How tragic she was immediately offered an

Jesus thank You for blessing & gracing this momma to choose life in a society where life isn't valued. Thank You for being her Father, Lord, Savior, Strong Tower...only Your Presence & only a living relationship with You empowered this momma to choose Your ways (life) over her feelings & fear.


Your Sarah is absolutely beautiful and perfect!


I don’t give forgiveness, only. Jesus. Those without sin, cast the first stone. I lay my stones down. I will always be your mother. That is my job. I love you. God’s blessings.


Everyone speaks abot disability as if its THIER STORY
ITS NOT, its not about you, its about a child that will be left one day in this world totally unable to live his life like everyone else‼️
