The Papacy Debate with the Orthodox w/ Erick Ybarra

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Love the show, I love the balanced opinions that Eric always brings


I love Mr. Ybarra's work. Great interview!


God bless you. This is exactly what we need, to understand the current situation. People like where Peter is and Lofton will lead us into a very difficult situation.


Tim and Erick are the best thinkers we have today.


When I left the evangelical world I only had two options, Catholicism or Orthodoxy and the Lord really blessed me through Eric who helped me to have confidence in the Catholic Faith
Pax Domine sit semper vobiscum


This was an excellent discussion and made better by knowledgeable people who are at least attempting to be fair and level in the criticisms.
Dialogue such as this is the way forward between all groups.
Thank you for the discussion.
-An Orthodox brother in Christ.


Love the Fatima icon on the left, Flanders.


I've read some ppl say it is hard to square Mystici Corporis to Lumen Gentium. I have read LG, and have a copy of MCC on order. Any thoughts on this?


Interesting conversation, though two thoughts came to me.

Mid-way through Erick is speaking how all other Christians already have this distinction between what a fallible person can do and also produce something infallible (like the scripture authors or the bishops in a council). I think a problem when looking that was and at Papal infallibility is that Both of those, outside of Catholicism, have sort of consensus view that recognizes them as such (the ecumenical council one is difficult, . I know there is debate in Orthodoxy as to what "makes" an ecumenical council and I know the modern Catholic answer that a pope ratifies it but I think that only negates Erick's point. It all flows back to the Bishop 2.0 as Tim called him earlier in the conversation.

The second thing That comes up near the end is when Erick says that it would be easier (but cause more problems) if Vatican 1 taught the pope was always infallible whenever he taught without qualification but I think we are being too subtle here. For example, Nicholas I wrote a letter to the Bulgarians when asked about a host of issues (one funny one is that their men wore pants and Nicholas said its no barrier to the christian life). However there is a part of his letter where he seems to say that Baptism in the name of the Trinity and in the name of Jesus alone are both effective. Mr Nuance Lofton might get all on his high horse and say how this isn't infallible because it's only to a part of the church and it isn't a DEFINETIVE statement or something but my question would be "How can something be true for one part of the church but not true for the whole thing?" If the Pope is making a firm declarative teaching on something relating to morals to a group of Italian priests, why is that not a relevant teaching to the entire Church?

Anyhow enjoyed the conversation otherwise


32:05 So your solution is to give illegitimate authority to one corrupted bishop, like hence the mess the Catholic Church is in. Rather than empower the Church to have bishops simply call out corruption when it happens you want the Eastern Orthodox Church bishops to be silenced, essentially to make the same mistakes Catholics did . No thanks.


if you listen carefully, orthodox sound like protestants when they argue for their side, specially on the "Father Alone" (vs, Filioque). imho, the rejection of the Papacy is more form geopolitical reasons, than Theological.


With the Vatican walking back the Papal claims, now what?


does anyone have the quote from Hadrian II on resistance?


I've grappled with Eastern Orthodox constantly as a "traditional" Catholic back anf forth for the last few years, for me and others the claims of Rome that the papacy is this great gift of being able to sort out any issues, making decisions from the top etc I find in Francis pontificate was actually detrimental not beneficial, what sounds good on paper can in reality not be a good thing.

I've decided to remain in the church and attend a Norvus Ordo church as the Roman Pontiff says that it is the only unique expression of the Roman Rite, so as a good Catholic I have abandoned the latin mass and am now taking my children to a mass with eucharistic ministers, everyone standing and recieving in the hand and the odd guitar and 15 mins per week confession. I feel this is detrimental to my childrens faith but I trust God will provide ... Am I truly content and happy? No


Good video! I have to admit that Catholicism’s drift into legalistic-rationalistic-neoscholasticism, especially that centered around the Papacy, is repellant. I share Martin Mosebach’s view in that we need to understand and embrace Catholicism through an Eastern lens. We need to reclaim the supernatural mystery of our religion and its traditions. Using law that is man-made to defeat Divine Revelation as Apostolic Tradition is not Catholic.


Can you spot the trinity within the Orthodox Christian government ruling over the most successful, and longest running empire in world history?

“…Greek Christian, Roman Imperial Standard of the Christian, Roman Empire (AD 330-1453). The crown with the cross at the top surmounting the double-headed Imperial Eagle represents the authority of the God-anointed Emperor, who ruled with the Orthodox Church’s blessing; the double-headed eagle itself represents the symphonia/harmonia/cooperatio of the Orthodox Church and the Imperial State, governing and leading the Empire in tandem, one in politics, the other in religion. The eagle on the left, holding the sword in its talons, represents the Imperial State led by the Emperor, and the eagle on the left, holding the imperial orb and cross, represents the Imperial Orthodox Church led by the Patriarch of Constantinople….”


I find it disingenuous that catholic podcasts keep bringing on ybarra to explain orthodoxy. You could bring on someone orthodox to explain their own views and then have ybarra refute it. Or have ybarra refute a EO father or statement of faith. I'm a protestant and I have the same facepalm reaction when protestants try to explain catholic views. I once heard a protestant claim that the RCC could afford to build beautiful buildings because of "indulgence money."


1:05:19 I lasted Upto here… so I put in a good effort. Too much nonsense, and manipulative lies. The best way to work this out is through debate… not a monologue. Running from debate’s won’t help.


Why do you have the flemish lion flag?
