Pitching Velocity By Age: How Do You Compare?

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0:00 Intro
0:50 Importance of Developmental Age
2:15 Avg. MPHs Gained Per Year
4:26 Ages 8-9
4:46 Ages 10-11
5:23 Age 12
6:20 Age 13
6:37 Age 14
7:07 Age 15
7:55 Age 16
9:12 Age 17
10:09 Age 18
11:00 92mph = NOT NORMAL
12:11 Big Takeaways
12:33 Factors Influencing Velocity
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my son is 16, sophomore in hs. has never cracked 80 mph. he got clocked at 79 once earlier this year while training for this season. he plays class 6 high school in MO. he just pitched 3 scoreless innings in a JV game by keeping the ball low in the zone, changing speeds, keeping his slider outside and just keeping the hitters off balance.


My son 12U throws 60-62mph on his 4 seam and does it consistently, it’s basically average. His ability to locate and his change up is what makes him a good pitcher.

I did see a few weeks back at a PG tryout in Southern California, a 12U Hispanic kid throwing 75mph every pitch. Outlier was an understatement.


My oldest was 5'5 90lbs with a heavy jacket on and he was throwing 68 - 70 at 12. He's a natural thrower and gains velo easily but is too prone to injury due to a light frame, so this year has been all about arm care, building up his body, eating plenty, throwing just enough to keep the arm oiled but really just focusing on developing his athletic base. Getting professional help with his physical development with a baseball specialist physio has been a boon. He's been watching your videos with me since he was 9 so I like to think that has also had a positive influence too. Hopefully his 13 year old season is reletively free of speed bumps, here's to hoping.


My son is 14, November bday. Hit 71 at 13 last summer in a PG tournament, and last week hit 77 at his pitching lesson. He's 5'10 146lbs currently. Idk how the elbow injury from last fall affected anything. He had growth plate inflammation and didn't throw for 3 months. This is a good informational video. We're working on strength right now since the arm care app put him in the high risk category for elbow injury.


Great vid! My son turned 11 yesterday and is throwing 61, LHP, with good control but I’m not a baseball guy so I didn’t know if that was good. This was very helpful.


According to this my son is an outlier..he is 13yo (11/3/09) 6'-1 245 and pitches in the mid seventys...the problem I've noticed is the amount of pitches his coaches want him to throw..if you count team warm-ups, bullpen warmup, warmup pitches between innings and true innings pitch its an incredible amount of throwing...and has always been a talking point I have with all the travel coaches he's had...so it's great to watch your son kick ass but for their safety watch out for him.. outliers can easily be over used


I’m 11 and when I started pitching I was 9 and my dad built me a pitchers mound and bought me a radar gun and I was throwing mid 50’s when I was 9 and in 10u I topped out at 60 but I kept training and I just turned 11 and I topped out at 64


At one point in the video he stated that some years u might hit a growth spurt and gain about 10mph. This was exactly what happened to me. In the beginning of my 13u season during the winter I was about 5’ 3”, 110 pounds, and was clocked in at 68 mph. This past month I hit a monster growth spurt and I’m now 5’ 7”, 125 pounds. In my most recent tournament there was scouts for a private school by me and they said I sat 75 and topped out at 78 mph. It shows how much a growth spurt can really affect your velocity


Good video and intriguing topic. I read a paper recently about delayed puberty and eventual height. It said kids who have delayed puberty, they end up being on an average 2.8 cm taller than their statistical piers at full growth. That being considered, if you are an average velocity pitcher and also a lower growth spurt kid, you will end up taller than your team mates and eventually end up throwing faster than them in high school. So you don’t want to push it too much in terms of velocity: the goal is to throw strikes and avoid walks.


My son started last summer as an 11 year old 48-50mph at his summer tryouts. After a dedicated year of j bands, med ball, instruction, and playing baseball, he's throwing low to mid 60's just a year later. Although I think improving his technique is what allowed him to gain so quickly. I don't expect those velocity gains to continue at that rate though.


I’m 14 and throw 80 s and one of the top pitchers in Washington and Oregon


What a great video. Couldn’t agree more with what coach said. We all get a little hung up on velocity because, let’s face it, it’s a cool stat. My son just hit 17 last week, a junior and tops out about 83. At almost 6’ 2” he’s 30lbs under weight so he has a lot of physical potential still to develop. But that’s a lot of what ifs…..the fact that he has started the season with 30k’s to 6walks is what shows his development to me. Location over velocity every-time. Greg Maddox anyone?


Complete analysis thanks Dan. When I was 14 I pitched in little league at Odessa Texas got to the playoffs but didn't assist. I regret that all my life becuase I love pitching. Thanks Dan


My son just turned 14, and he throws high 70s. This week at his training, he threw 78. He is 5'5 115 lbs. He hasn't hit much puberty yet. We are excited to watch him develop. All your examples, he was hitting the top 2% outliers.


The whole thought that pitching isn't linear is so important, and true. I was always pretty fast, and was ahead of the curb, but then I was average for that 14-15 age range. I came in my junior year at age 16 and shot 92 on the gun. I was usually around 87-90 on my fastball. I barely gained any velocity after that squeezing out and extra one or two over the next year. You really do just hit a growth spurt sometimes.


My ten year old got 41mph following your advice. Thank you for these lessons! He was at 29-33mph before trying your drills


My son is 14 about to be 15. 5' 8" 150 lbs and recently hit 81 MPH sitting around 78 on FB. i hope he keeps up the progress.


I’m 13 I throw mid to high 70s I honestly think however hard you throw it is more important to sequence pitches and locate over velocity.


I'm 14, I throw low to mid 60s, but have really good sequencing and off speed pitches, so for me, throwing my fastball rlly hard isn't that important. Thanks for the vid tho.


I'm 15. Fit, and love baseball. I never started pitching until this year d4 in New Hampshire. I throw mid 60s and that's rather high in my division lol. Im not really a pitcher or built like one but i have good movement on curveball and changeup but can't find the zone consistently. There are no resources in NH to get good at baseball and to learn mechanics and the game. If I get training I feel like I can get somewhere especially with my bat. I have the work ethic. I always wanted to get somewhere in baseball.
