Why Did Jesus Suffer and Die? - Swedenborg and Life

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What was the significance of the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus? Swedenborg offers us a different way to understand how Jesus bore our sins and saves us.
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In this episode, host Curtis Childs explores eighteenth-century scientist and mystic Emanuel Swedenborg’s spiritual writings about the purpose of Jesus' life and its relevance to us today.





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★☆★THE HOST★☆★

Curtis Childs is the digital media producer at the Swedenborg Foundation. While obtaining his degree in communication studies from Oakland University, Curtis experienced an internal battle with depression that led him to question God and his lifelong interest in Swedenborgian theology. After a period of intense suffering, he recovered from his depression with the help of modern medicine, therapy, and a return to the spiritually uplifting messages he found in Swedenborg’s writings. Now, Curtis is applying his education and desire to help others find peace through Swedenborg’s insights by producing and hosting weekly webcasts.


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Love, Love, Love, this one guys. Swedenborg is the only one who could make sense of the bible for me. He helped me fall in love with the word of God.


Thank you so very much Curtis, A "MASTERPIECE" Presentation, Swedenborg certainly explained Jesus' trials, tribulations, crucifixion in a manner which touched my heart and Yes, One's life is a "Work in Progress", Thank The Lord for His Sacrifice thus Our Salvation .... Many blessings to ALL


I asked Yeshua for more understanding...He led me to You


This was such a fresh take on this issue. I have never felt truly satisfied with the standard church reason for Jesus' life. Swedenborg as usual comes up with something that makes more sense! Thanks Curtis and OTLE!


“It does not say anything about it being instantaneous and easy to understand “. I feel that we are so conditioned to find easy answers and to not have to work hard to find the real truth. As for me I find it extremely difficult to reprogram my mind to get to the real truth, even though I never believed that garbage foisted onto me by those who wanted power over me just to control me. Thank you so much! You making such an impact on the world, now and forevermore. God bless.


this was wonderful, I love information as it is given here, thanks for your kindness, thanks for being here.


Thank you. As I am led and guided by the small voice within me, which is how I got here.. :) I will surely come to a place of peace and understanding about it all. I truly appreciate your teachings and the combined effort of you, your family, and crew in getting Swedenborgs writings out to us. Blessings to you all.


I am more than thankful to be enlightened with the deeper and profound meaning of Christ saving us and the atonement. The Word nowadays are pretty distorted by self insight explanations and elaborations rather than that of what truly God means. Its a blessing to have watched this video, really. I just passed by a post in facebook about Swedenborg and his life promoting entirely the deeper truths about God and decided to search it on google. Now I have started reading some of the books and it reallg bless me in a more wide range of my life that I could share to some of my fellow churchmates and disciples. Thank you so much for this. May God blesses you more.


The way you described the purpose and meaning of the atonement and how it works is exactly our belief in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Lord Jesus Christ took upon himself our sins and every other horrible thing that we and the world goes through so that we don't have to pay the price of hell ourselves, if we are wiling to go him and repent of our sins and follow him and keep his commandments. He is everything to all of us. It was really nice to see that Swedenborg says the same thing. Thank you Curtis and your crew.


So true when we look around and talk about the real meaning of our beliefs, people like us are hated by those who claim themselves as believers simply they were being taught or bring up with false believes.... very sad . Why we are here is to identify the truth from the false. Thank you for making these videos. So meaningful


I have been searching and thinking about what the Bible is all about for a very long time, couldn't get anywhere. I couldn't get beyond the physical word but still believed that something is behind it and kept searching....at last Swedenborg books and episodes like this gives me a lot of answers, now for me, the Bible has real " spirit and life".
Swedenborg was able to receive more light than many of us...!!!! it is really amazing!
Thanks Curtis for all this.


I love listening to these discussions. It feels so right and good to be part of this.


When Jesus was in the world He was fighting hell, hell within ourselves and the chaos we are in the midst of. Because of the ground work Jesus laid -- the steps He made continues to form a path for us to follow. With that and those things, we form a partnership with Truth and goodness -- Great discussion.


Explains a lot. I'm glad you made this video available. It sparks a light where many misconceptions are rampant. Thank you so much!


Curtis...Love your channel and the great way you present this incredibly important information!  I am now a Swedenborg fan and will be exploring his work from now on. Thank you for all you do...Blessings to you.  Cate


Hi i never heard anything like this before it is wonderful! Did Jesus really rise physically from the dead? Until watching this i believed in the awakening, Christ consciousness and oneness. Now i want to know more about Jesus Christ.


Good verses Evil, positive and negative, happiness verses sadness, love verses hate, light verses darkness. I learned that to enjoy living in this world is to to look for the good in every situation and avoid everything that feels negative, every human being was made by God and every human being is unique. Black, White, brown or any other color does not justify superiority other one another only what is bad or evil verses what is good and loving towards one another. “You reap what you sow”. To me love thy neighbor doesn’t mean only your next door neighbor but showing kindness and understanding to everyone who crosses your path. I love learning to navigate my journey through life and I have learned goodness will always prevail over evil. Thank you Jesus for letting Curtis and friends explain what the true meaning of your existence is meant to be .


These are exceptionally good vids. Curtis is a great host. These vids have made Me start to read Swedenborg for My own wisdom and comfort. I originally found these when My best friend left the earthly plane and I was looking for information on the Afterlife. His ideas and visions really resonate w Me


Whenever I see the name Jesus, I see the word Love. They are synonymous for me. It's even that I FEEL love when I see the name Jesus, and more, Yeshua. It's beautiful!


Right on Curtis! Details and how you express all of them are wonderful...* Thank you brother!
Nicky D'
