Whole Foods Meat Haul

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Here's my meat haul at Whole Foods…

Meat and organs are arguably the best source of the most essential nutrients for humans…

I believe that avoiding processed foods and making meat and organs the center of your diet is key to radical health…

It's always meat / organs / fruit / honey / raw dairy.

This is an ANIMAL-BASED diet, and I believe this is the most optimal diet for humans on the planet...

00:00 - Start

00:08 - Organs

00:32 - Beef!

01:33 - Lamb

01:39 - What I'm NOT getting

02:42 - Bacon & Pork

03:13 - Salt

03:35 - Lineage Provisions


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Disclaimer: Dr. Paul Saladino received his medical degree from the University of Arizona Medical School. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Saladino is a licensed physician in California, but he no longer practices in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Saladino and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#wholefoods #groceryhaul #animalbaseddiet #dayofeating #carnivorediet #animalbased #fitness #health #seedoils
Рекомендации по теме

Hey Paul I watched a video and basically said you can't lose fat as long as your eating carbs including fruit. You need to deplete your liver of glycogen in order to lose fat and eating fruit prevents this from happening. Something along those lines. Maybe you can talk about this specifically and why people think this?? I truly appreciate the work you do . I watched all your videos over the past 2-3 years but there's is so much conflicting information.


People on here complaining about meat prices! I went from spending 800-1000 down to 300 a month. Even in this fucked up economy, you can save money by cutting out the junk. Also support your local farms, and butchers instead of big corp grocery stores! Health is wealth!


Liver - sold out
Beyond burgers - not a single employee has ever seen someone physically buy one in real life


"Come Together right now, over meat."
John Lennon
The Beatles 1969
Abbey Road Album


I think a lot of people are missing pauls point. He isn't TELLING you what to eat. He is EDUCATING you on what NOT to eat and show alternatives for a healthier lifestyle. Not everyone can afford what pauls getting in his cart. But what you can do is now look for making a better change in your diet. Buy what you can afford, now that you have a better idea of what to look for. It doesn’t have to be perfect 👍.


Hello, wanted to thank you for giving me another chance of life with an amazing diet you’ve discovered. My wife had a new born about two months ago, right when my health began to go downhill. Short version, I ended up on the ER with my hemoglobin levels at 5.0 due to possibly internal bleeding and a stupid Keto diet that made me loose 17 lbs. I ended up weighing at 201 for a 6’2. I switched up my diet to an animal based diet after getting out of the hospital. Started eating grass fed meat everyday with raw milk, honey and eggs. Within two weeks I brought my hemoglobin levels back to 12.7 thanks to your diet.


Paul, Just bought your book. I've been watching carnivore, keto influencers for months trying to get a handle on what is the best direction to take my diet. I've decided your approach is one of the best to try. It makes sense to me. I may have to modify the amount of fruit intake because I'm pre-diabetic, but still think the diet approach will be beneficial.


Dr. Paul, I love your food hauls. So fun & educational.
I grew up on Red Meat -- 5 days per week & 1 day was beef liver which my dear Mother destroyed. No matter.
I live & preach your CARNIVORE DIET -- Yes the more fat the more delicious/the better!
Thanks for all you do. I'm also hooked on 3 of your Supplements.


F**k yeah I love these grocery vids🙌I stopped eating out often bc I'm always cooking since finding Paul's content 3 years ago


This morning, I did a fairly similar shopping as you I bought ox tongue and kidney and lamb mince


I love how disciplined Paul is, I can relate to that.


Super helpful video. Keep up the great work Paul!


Living the life Dr Paul. Thanks for another great vid.


I agree with the people who say we can't afford this. I go with 80/20 ground beef most of the the time cuz the 85/15 grass fed is too expensive.


Paul, I really wish you’d link up with Dr. Sten Ekberg and try to have a nice dialogue with him. Apart from you, he’s who I trust most for my health guidance. I think he’s knowledgeable and unusually grounded and not talked about enough in this nutrition space.

Thanks for all you do for the public. I always refer to you and your belief in eating animal based when I’m making my food choices on a daily. You are my guiding light! ✊🏾🙏🏾


Lean ground beef is dry AF. Unless you coat it with tomato sauce, it's almost impossible to swallow. I almost choked on some 90/10, to where a co-worker was seriously considering a Heimlich.


Since linoleic acid accumulates in the chicken fat, if you were to get a conventional chicken, would the breast be the best option because of its lack of fat?


Congrats on your success in your business ventures, my friend.


NYC will never have this products!!! Especially organic!!!


Paul, had heartburn ever since doing a lengthy prednisone cycle. I want to go on the meat fruit diet, but fruit and simple carbs consistently give me heartburn and I feel lethargic on just meat, but i haven’t done it for more than a week. Cooked veggies like broccoli and cauliflower seem to mitigate the heartburn so perhaps adding them to meat/fruit would be my solution. I’m wondering if this is unique to me or if you have heard this before? Perhaps, fruit should only be added once the meat only diet has been run for a while to cure underlying diseases—similar to what you did.
