Helping Divorced Women Start Over: Applying What I Learned | Oraynab Jwayyed | TEDxUCO

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It’s difficult for working mothers to manage a household and a career, which forces many to exit the workforce to focus on their families. This leaves them at a great disadvantage when they divorce. Their troubles are only magnified when child support and alimony issues arise. Oraynab Jwayyed discusses the obstacles that hold divorced mothers back and how they, and their community, can overcome them.

Oraynab Jwayyed lives in the Oklahoma City area, where she works as a money management consultant for women. She launched Business Interludes, LLC to teach women to manage their money.

She has published two books. Her latest, ‘Starting Over: A practical guide for women after a money crisis,’ includes an 8-step guide that walks women through saving, investing, and managing debt. The book targets women who find themselves thrust in divorce and must learn to start over financially and manage their own money. Her first book, ‘Financial Literacy for Women: Helping women help themselves,’ discusses the issues women have with managing money and learning basic financial principles.

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I am 68 years old, divorcee. I want to urge mother's to become financially independent. I did not and have been suffering from it, going back and forth to court for thirteen years. Great video. Want to learn more. Thank you, Oraynab.


Lesson learned: Choose the man wisely. Some are just narcissistic who will discard you and doesn't have the basic life skill to fix your marital issues


Married women with children are like tightrope walkers. Those who have a good job have a safety net, while those who left the work force to devote all their time raising their children have no safety net.


Lesson learned: women should NEVER sacrifice her career for family. NEVER!!!!


As a mother of two small children I now understand that children are a huge liability; for both women and men. Motherhood is exhausting and if you add a difficult husband, a house, a career or a job on top, it is too much of a burden. It takes a village to raise a child, but nowadays there isn't much of a community anywhere. Not having family close by makes it harder. Think twice before having children. They are a huge responsability, they cost money, time, energy and much of your life.


Women wouldn't have to sacrifice their careers if men pulled their weight.


Excellent job doing by Oraynab Jwayyed, Definitely i will read her both books, even i am divorcee but i am proud that raised my voice against wrong person. Today i am on a mission to transform 1 million women's life and i am writing my book very soon i will launch.

How many of you feel after Divorce you grown/ succeeded in life???


Thank you for speaking up Oraynab. What you said about society helping women become financially independent is spot on. Women don’t want handouts, but God willing enough pay not to work 60 hours a week to barely get by.


I went through a lot of financial crisis after my divorce, I had to raise my two kids alone, Currently I'm living smart and frugal with my money. Bought my second house already. Saving and investing lifestyle made it possible for me; even till now I earn monthly through passive income. I'm planning on retiring when my kids finish college, just hope it encourages someone that it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any of them right now, you can start TODAY regardless your age INVEST and change your future! Investing is a grand choice I made. Great video! Thanks for sharing!


I'm 65 and going through a divorce. My husband is the breadwinner. I can't even afford a lawyer


Another good reason to speak up for an abused woman….
If he is a clever narcissist he’ll never show what’s going on at home, to the outside world.
So when the woman makes the abuse known she is labeled crazy, dramatic, a liar, because it was hidden so well. Then the poor children pay the price every other week with no protection from the mother anymore because of divorce.


Thank you, I was feeling do alone. this is my case and all to common. I put my ex through three failed businesses and finally through school, once he was done he shipped out (, unfortunately that's not the worst of it all but) I didn't finish school, I lost my job and am being evicted. It just breaks my heart that I'm going to have to tell my senior high schooler that I will have to pull him out of his school to move out of area. How do these men live with themselves, I just don't understand because I don't think they are bad men, but certainly Thank you for giving us a voice 🙏


8 millions suscriber and 141 views?? how is it possible??..


Forwago program helped me not just to build a better-looking body, but to feel healthier and to have more energy. I wanted to share this because I think more people should find out about this amazing program. Thank you, Forwago!


Great topic, so happy people are talking about it


I am a single mother, from a domestic violence situation.


Yes! This is so important and one of our biggest challenges in our country.


This is great! Alimony is a family killer an$ needs to be abolished!


Is always harder for women even if we work, we have to juggle and is expected to bee cocks, sicologist, uber, nurse, teacher aid and also keep her aparence, bring home same income even when she can't make decisions how is the money spend, and many women are been treated that she is not enough because it doesn't make the same income when it has a disadvantage from the start


I wouldn't move to Amarillo Texas to start over if you're getting a divorce. I left the State of Texas and things got better for me. I'm thankful for the move and out of the state.
