Why Is It Important To Pay Yourself First

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Hello Community!!! Welcome to Financial Synergy’s Channel. You are currently watching: Why Is It Important To Pay Yourself First.

The investment world has this old saying or you can say a simple strategy to survive the volatile market: pay yourself first. If you don’t have anything in savings, if you can’t face an immediate emergency, here’s something for you. Before doing any investment, start paying yourself and collecting enough to spend on future luxuries & expenses. Learn why it is important to pay yourself first before any big investments if you are short on money.

Money provides you with independence and control over your life. We will share practical ways to help you get on the right track to financial independence and financial freedom in this channel! We'll go over a few steps you can take to get there, such as starting to save early, budgeting your expenses, and being debt-free as soon as possible. We'll also go over the top 10 tips for things like building wealth, personal finance management, early retirement, and living the next-level life that we all desire.

00:00 Introduction
02:13 Figure out how much you can afford
02:53 It Sets Proper Priorities
03:20 It's an easy approach!
03:50 It Taps Into the Power of Dollar-Cost Averaging
04:18 What's Last Is What's Left
04:51 It Builds Discipline
05:15 It Creates a Healthy Work/Reward Cycle
05:39 It Models Smart Financial Strategy
06:08 Provide Sustainability
06:45 Develop Momentum
07:10 Building the Profitability Muscle

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Financial Synergy

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