Is The Giant Schnauzer Right For You?

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In this video, Garret explores the incredible Giant Schnauzer, a robust, hardworking, and fearless guardian breed from Germany. Discover the unique characteristics of this imposing and loyal dog, including its strong natural guarding instincts and athletic build. Learn about their size, coat types, and the distinctive beard that gives them their name. Is the Giant Schnauzer the right breed for you and your family? Watch this video to find out!

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As a long serving K9 trainer and Behaviourist in the UK, I thank you for the videos on suitability of differing breeds. Many problems with dog ownership stem from people buying too much dog for cosmetic reasons. Great videos Sir.


Omgosh ! Thank you Garret for this video❤️My Giant Schnauzer, Marschall Dillon, is 19 months old now and because of you❣️ training him with your techniques is helping me turn Marschall in to my dream dog. He loves playing with our Miniature Schnauzer and two Yorkshire Terriers. For a big dog, he’s very gentle with them. Even our two cats ! He is everything you described in this video to a “T” Literally !! The right owners will love this breed


Two generations of personal home dogs ago, when my two boys were young, I had a perfect male Giant Schnauzer named Amigo, who has imprinted himself on our family history. He was extremely accepting/submissive with the kids climbing all over him, while being naturally protective of them.

One thing we'd do to exercise him is to take him to a football field. The boys would be at the 20 yard lines. Starting at the 50, he'd easily catch one son running into one end zone. He'd run back to me at the 50, when my other son would take off to the other end zone. Doing that back-and-forth over the full field 5-6 times would have Amigo taking a big lay-down break. A tired puppy is a ____ puppy. Bottom line there is that he covered ground very well. Overall, I say he wasn't extremely quick/agile, but fast. (Comparing him to a German Shepherd. A Belgian Malinois might be as fast overall.)

His overall favorite game was "Catch Daniel" (my youngest son). He'd chase Daniel anywhere, with no end-game predatory behavior. I would't call the G-Schnauzer extemely smart compared GSDs or Belgian Mals, etc., but Amigo did things like teach himself to navigate playground apparatus. He could climb ladders, crawl across rope nets, and go down straight or spiral slides to CHASE Daniel.

He ended up around 110 pounds as a adult, and had a very strong bite. (What's the saying about them? A fast as a German Pinscher with a bite as strong as a Rottweiler.) He could take a cow leg bone and bite chunks off it until it was gone, so we had to limit his time with a bone. Pig ears were like potato chips to him... gone in seconds. (He was a food driven boy.) There's some good Schutzhund videos out there of Riesen Shnauzers on the run just rag-dolling the guys in bite sleeves.

A Giant Schnauzer's bark is very deep and loud. We live in Alaska, and I can confirm hearing him from over a mile away.

He was very friendly towards all people and animals, with a few exceptions. Small kids could come up and hug him, and he loved it. For some reason, he hated moose. He wouldn't attack them, but they had to Be Gone. He'd shepherd them out away from our house and neighborhood. If a moose charged him, it called for a play bow, and an increase in intensity... Wierd but OK by me once I saw how he could easily avoid getting stomped.

On the dog aggression side, the only dog I saw him react negatively to was a Pitbull that snapped at him, trying to bite him. (I won't go into depth on that, but Amigo didn't end up hurting the other dog... which is good.)

Amigo's only negative was that he had epilepsy. It showed up at about 2.5 years. I'd guess it took some time off his life. He lasted to just a little over 10 years. If you're experienced with dogs, and can live with the size and the shorter life-span of a large dog, I'd say go for it. (Also... There are some more aggressive G-Schnauzers, but we picked a great one as a family dog. A good breeder should be able to steer the selection.)

Sorry for the long post, but Amigo was a great dog.

More military and police K9 handler interviews would be great.


I grew up with a giant schnauzer, some 40 years ago. Best dog in the world. Very loyal, very protective. Fantastic with us kids


Thank you for this video. I spend much more time trying to talk people OUT of a giant schnauzer than praising them. I have two large females and spend hours of consistent training, grooming, etc. All you mentioned here. When people see our girls, they see the product of firm boundaries and consistent work by them and for them. So many giant schnauzers end up in rescues and shelters, even as early as 8 months of age, because people have no idea what they are truly getting. I tell everyone that walking with a giant at your side is similar to carrying a weapon, loaded and cocked. If you can't handle that level of responsibility, get a mini.


Giant Schnauzers i think are the best all around breed for anything. They can be trained to do literally any kind of work protection, scent, agility, service animal, etc... Requires a lot of training like Garret mentioned but they are amazing breed. Anyone looking for one i would highly recommend Skansen Kennels in california. The owner Cynthia has been breeding this breed for over 70 years. She knows whats shes doin haha. One thing Garrret forgot to mention is that they are Hypoallergenic and dont shed. Thought id mention that.


I love that video. My family had 3 Riesenschnauzer and I loved all of them. They had very different characters and the last one was a very loving gentle soul.


I am so glad this video was created!!! I have been wanting a schnauzer for a while.


As a german myself, I love to see that breed!
And Garret, you sound a little bit like Arnold Schwarzenegger, while holding the Bierkrug 😊❤


Thank you Garrett for being honest about the dog breeds you talk about - I wish more people would be too. This is not a dog breed I would ever recommend to most of the people I know who are not super active.


Great video. Giant Schnauzer is a great dog in the legal aspect of owning a dog. You almost never find them in the lists of your neighborhood banned breeds like often happens with GSD, Doberman, Corso. The same situation with insurance prices. Animal Liability Insurance is two times cheaper than for Dobbies. It is so ridiculous but it is as it is


The editing is top tier . This is very entertaining and educational


The best most detailed breed videos! So helpful to see this breed next to Thanos. But when Garrett came walking out with the Black Russian Terrier side by side!?? Awesome!!!! 🙌🏼


Such great dogs. We got our first 6 years ago and have fell in love with the breed. My wife is an exercise junkie and loves taking 10-15 mies hikes with our girl. We just got our new boy 6 months ago. At 8 months he's 86lbs already. He will be 100+ for sure. Our girl is 85 and comes from an agility and protection bloodline while our boy is a show bloodline. Two different dogs. LOL. Our girl is the FAFO pooch. She's had training and has eyes and ears like Superman, Our boy likes to play, eat and nap. LOL


I just picked up my first dog, a giant schnauzer a few weeks ago. Little over 10 weeks old now. I had standard poodles growing up as family dogs, but my parents did all the training. Definitely a crazy first dog to get, but I love my boy. For being a first time owner and very inexperienced, he already knows name recognition, sit, down, and is potty trained. I introduced place command yesterday. all of your videos are very helpful while i navigate new puppy ownership. Thank you Garrett and crew.


There are the best type of videos, quality and reliability honest info. Please drop some more protection breed dog videos. (And first comment I think too)


Awesome video, I have a BRT he’s 9 months old. He’s currently 115 lbs. he’s amazing. I had a schnauzer previously that passed away. The BRT is a calmer dog overall. Please make a video on the BRT. There are not many out there.


we had 2 giant schnauzers when i was a kid and the neighbor thought my pappy was nuts letting me walk them. they were trained very well and walked off leash and everything. But if they sensed danger the male would walk ahead and the female stood by me and stopped me from walking. i was safe for sure lol they would herd me back to the house lol


As an active person this is my dream dog. I can't wait to get the money and living space to make him part of the family. Thank you for this video !!


Good timing for this video as it's getting close to Oktoberfest! The Riesen Schnauzer were used to guard the beer halls in Munich! 🙂
Personally, I love the breed, and I'm a dog groomer! They aren't sketchy or quarrelsome like some other breeds.❤
