7 Evidences Of A Narcissist's Delusional Thinking

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Dr. Les Carter describes how narcissists operate with alternate reality leading the way. They will gaslight you and attempt to twist your logic. Not only do narcissists attempt to delude you with all sorts of wrong ideas, but they have already tricked themselves into thinking what is false is actually true. Your task is to develop the awareness that will keep you from becoming unnecessarily burdened by their dishonesty.

Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who lives in Dallas, Tx. In the past 40 years he has conducted more than 60,000 counseling sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder.

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They think their critical behavior is justified, yet they can’t handle even the slightest criticism themselves.


1) They are always the victim
2) life is a score card. every interaction is a transaction
3) there is only one correct way in how anything is done - theirs
4) they got a raw deal hence everyone owes them
5) whoever does not follow their assigned "role" is defective
6) they are extremely paranoid
7) they don't believe they need help nor even want it


Talking to a true narcissist is like listening to radio. It's not talking, interaction. It's information, propaganda and orders. You are just audience. You better be low key.


And VERY notorious for "running away" when that's huge!!! Thank you Dr


Living with calm confidence means boundary setting with a narcissistic . Walk away. Life is too short for toxic drama. ✅


They think they are smarter than anyone in the room and will tell you so. Never wrong never say sorry. Always right live in another world. No insight no empathy. Always first and so so entitled


When the narcissist is over 50, just walk away you'll never ever reach them as a human.


My domineering mother once said to me, "I'm not trying to control you. You can do anything you like. All I ask is that you run it by me first."


So in other words, they are insane. See definition below :
insane- in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.


They definitely do not live in reality.


I’m so grateful for how the general population is waking up to this and related disorders. I am so grateful for all the YouTube therapists who helped me recognize my codependency and attraction to narcissists. Now I’m so “woke” to these types, I’m able to spot them in fairly short order. I’m no longer afraid to date because healthy self love makes me invulnerable to narcissists. I stay in my body when I’m with others and my gut registers even the most subtle put down. I’m so excited about my future! Something wonderful is possible for me now! Thanks, Doc❣️


It's so hard when they are family because I felt for years that you're stuck with them forever. I was wrong about that. I should never had held into my entire life thinking I had to be attached to them for the rest of my life because they were "blood" . You don't have to and shouldn't wreck your life trying to hold onto a family that's willing to bring your whole life down. DONT DO IT


"I'm over you"
"You just don't matter to me anymore"

Perfect sentences to get the narcissist...to..finally.... realize you are a very poor source of supply for them.


Being in love with someone like this messes with you so much. Wow, who knew. So dysfunctional. Still trying to feel clean and clear headed after months broken up.


It's sad that I'm not with him anymore, I love him but I don't like him anymore and I don't trust him, it's nice to have peace in my life


It is truly difficult to deal with narrow minded people, when they also think they are always right.
Since I know more now about the reasons why they are this way, such as limited acceptance of input, lack of self reflection and empathy, I refrain from interacting with them on a personal level.


They always blame you to shift the focus of their abuse


I've found the more I try to explain the more trouble I get into. Liberation came when I realized I didn't have to explain anything to them. It's my decision, and that's that! So one of my favorite lines:

"Well, that's one way to look at it."


More on the human radio 📻
My dad used to have monologues all the time. Wasn't satisfied until he had hijacked and could lecture for 10 minutes.

He had two favourite tactics.
1: If you stated something, anything, he said "Now hold your horses " You got nervous, and lost the ball. A quite shitty thing to do to a kid. It felt like you had lost the plot, right from the start. Very effective. Then he could rant.

2: Asking totally impossible questions, like "Do you know how mercury behaves i water?" or "Do you know who Tesla was?"

He only asked stuff he knew you didn't understand. You got insecure, and lost the ball in a second.

He's such a prime example of a covert narcissist.

Thank you, Dr C, for giving me that term : covert narcissist. Brilliant!


My freedom came when I realized that they brought nothing worthwhile to my life. I was so emotionally battered having had three in my family of origin, a significant other and a couple of lifelong friends who all had heavy narcasisstic traits. I was a social worker and a giver and, boy, did they take!! Once I gently disconnected, I realized how upsetting and negative I'd allowed them to make my life. I am much happier, healthier, calmer and financially well off now that I set myself free. And I have time for positive new relationships.
