What Happens In Mormon Temples? | 3 Mormons

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Have you ever wondered what happens in Mormon temples? 3 Mormons discuss the sacredness of what goes on inside a temple of the Mormon Church.

Shelley puts it best when she says that the main goal of the Mormon Church isn’t for people not to know what goes on inside the temple, we as a church want everyone to know what goes on and to receive the same blessings we do. The Mormon Church and all its members invite everyone to take and read a free copy of The Book of Mormon, to visit with Mormon Missionaries to learn more about our Church and the Temple!

What is the difference between secret and sacred? This question is discussed when Shelley and Ian go to the campus of Brigham Young University to discuss with other Mormons about their thoughts on the temple and the sacredness of it. Each Mormon member they talk to gives insight to the matter of secret vs. sacred and that the things we do inside the temple are sacred and bring us closer to our Heavenly Father.

Kwaku talks about when Christ did teach certain things to his Apostles that he didn’t teach to other people. The same goes for the temple. When Mormons enter into the temple they are taught sacred principles and lessons that are to bless their lives.
The 3 Mormons have many thoughts an opinions on the sacredness of temples, but we want to hear from you! Comment below and tell us your thoughts!


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a temple sealer once told me "the difference between sacred and secret is, Secret is hidden from light, and sacred is protected by light"


Here's my take :
SECRET: Something people don't want you to know
SACRED: Something we want everyone to know, but they must be ready


I'm getting baptised in two weeks, and I hope to be ready for the sacred ordinances sometime in my life. I can't wait! :D


The biggest complaint against the Mormon church is often the fact that no, we are not traditional Christianity. But I have never seen any definition of the word, traditional, in any dictionary, to also mean truth! Being traditional in any field does not guarantee it's truthfulness!
This is a sacred responsibility for each of Gods children, we have got to find out for ourselves. We have got to press forward in searching for the real truth! Or we will have no one left to blame, for our salvation but us!


Honestly, look at the comments by these Anti-Mormon bashers. Do you feel anything spiritual after reading their posts? I don't either, because it is hate filled. Don't let them decide what you think or feel. I don't see anything brainwashed or terrible about these great young people on here. They seem happy, fun and quite normal to me, even with all the rules they follow.


I am giving a talk on preparing to go into the temple this Sunday for sacrament and this video gave me great inspiration in preparing for it


hey could you link that vedio you mentioned?


Question: where do you all get the instructions for the temple layout / architecture, and for the ceremonies that go on in there? Like, are the instructions on the D&C, the Book of Mormon, or the Bible?


Just yesterday, I saw a video saying that the the temple was not in the new testament as we know it today and therefore it shouldn't be doctrinal. That didn't sit right with me. Then today this video popped up in my feed and the ending especially really helped my conscious. Thank you


I always think about asking other people not of the faith, "What is the most special, personal, experience you have ever had in your life?" Then I would ask them, "Would you want to tell everyone about that experience, knowing some people would laugh and make fun of it?" This is one reason members are very guarded about it. The promises we make with God are just that special and personal to us.


The part that I don't understand about the Temple is that it seems very much like the Temple in the Old Testament, which had areas where non-Jews couldn't go, areas where women couldn't go, but when Jesus died on the Cross, the Temple Veil, which separated God from mankind and made the Holy of Holies unreachable to all but the high priests, was torn. This is from the Gospel of St. Mark "And Jesus cried out with a loud voice and breathed His last. Then the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom. When the centurion who stood opposite Him saw that when He had cried out like this and breathed His last the veil was torn, he said: "Truly this Man was the Son of God." - Mark 15:37-38 Doesn't this mean that the whole "Only certain people can enter my house" thing was done away with?


Concerning “secrecy” vs “sacredness”.

The endowment, pre-1990 mentions, “secrecy” five different times. Below are three of these mentions:

“They are most sacred, and are guarded by solemn covenants and obligations of SECRECY to the effect under no condition, even at the peril of your life, will you ever divulge them….

I will now explain the covenant and obligation of SECRECY which are associated with this token, its name, sign and penalty…

This token has a name and a sign, but no penalty is mentioned. However, you will be under just as sacred obligation of SECRECY in connection with this token…”


6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. - Matthew 7: 6

6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. - 3 Nephi 14: 6


Hey I just wanted to emphasize how great the blessings you can receive from attending the temple, and it's a shame more people don't start their own journeys towards doing so. I can testify the power of the Savior is very real. I'd like to hear you guys on how temples have helped you, maybe in a new video.


“However, the Most High Does Not Live in Houses Made by Human Hands. As the Prophet says:

49 “‘Heaven is My Throne,
and the Earth is My Footstool.
What Kind of House will you build for Me?
says the Lord.
Or where will My Resting Place be?
50 Has Not My Hand Made All These Things?’ (Acts 7:48-50)


Its so sad that mormon's can't worship in their own temple unless they are up to date on their 10% tithing payments. That is not Christ like. He never put a monetary value on worship. Very sad. I know of no other church who requires this before entering a place of worship.


I'm a member and I still don't know exactly what goes on in the Temple.


It's not secret, but it's so sacred. We receive instruction from the Lord. We make covenants with the Lord. We get married there, and baptize by proxy for the dead.


At 2:30. Isn't that a plant? Sabrina has been on 3 Mormons before.


Thank you so much for talking about this. This has help me so much. Im getting ready to become a members of the Church. My goal is by Aug 9th. Is my personal date. For 1 reason is thats my husband birthday. And he is a member of the church. And scene we started going back to church we are so much closer scene this has happened.
