3 Lies that will Stop Spiritual Growth #shorts

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"Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, And whose sins are covered; Blessed is the man to whom The Lord shall not impute sin.”Romans 4:7, 8


I suffer from a sleep disorder that is making it hard to have energy to do much of anything, really. Please, pray that God will still find a good use for me.


Allie Beth Stuckey's book titled "you're not enough (and that's okay)" explains all of these points really really well for anyone who's interested in checking it out I cannot recommend it enough


I haven’t watched the video yet, I just came to a realization as to why I clicked on this video. I’ve watched you before and can clearly see that you’re my brother. Brothers hold brothers accountable and don’t let each other believe lies. I clicked on this video because I trust you to tell me the hard truth about my own spiritual state because you love me as your Christian brother despite us having never crossed paths in the real world. God bless you and your ministry, brother.


The first one is one point, but the opposite is also the cause of lack of fire for God. I mean when someone, thinks they don't need help then they blind and drowned by pride, but if the do the opposite and think bad about them selves then they'll life is depression for years but I realized we need balance in life, if we want to get closer to God.


As long as I'm humble, God can use me and I won't have to to do things alone.


Thank you for sharing this I definitely needed this. As I’m struggling currently. Although I’ve made a lot of progress in battling the flesh. Ever since I got saved and baptized. I was able to cut out porn (mainly hentai. I hated actual porn 😳)
It’s hard to write this because. Admitting sin is difficult, but it’s key to forgiveness.
My main struggle now is just trying to stop (well mast…. You can finish the sentence)
And maybe satan is trying to attack be when I fail.
I’m trying my hardest to not put myself in situations where I might end up doing it, but we’ll I’m not perfect and I mess up.
It’s hurts especially because I feel like I’m trampling on gods grace.

I honestly don’t know what to do anymore. And I found you’re video.

Thank you for your message.


Yes! The Bible is FULL of examples of God using IMPERFECT and DEEPLY FLAWED people to advance His Kingdom. Let’s look for how he can use us too!


I agree!! Please do more of these Lord willing


The enemy was destroying my mood during a college retreat a couple days ago. he made me question my worth or even if i was a false convert. at the end of the trip, God spoke through a woman i didn't know and He reminded me that i do have worth and that there are plans for me that He has set for me. after the retreat i realized the only reason i was at that college was because it was my own path that i was making and not God's. God then told me the college i was to go to and its funny because i wanted to go to this college and my sister wanted to go to another Bible college and after the retreat we found out that we're both going to the college each other had originally planned on going to. God sure has a sense of humor lol. Jesus loves yall <33


The Holy Ghost pours out his Spirit and brings the increase in the name of Jesus. The latter rain proceeds the second coming and it is what waters the seed. Without the Spirit of God no one is saved. Believe in your idea of Jesus till the end of time, it does little good. You need to accept his ambassador and representative. So when the Holy Spirit shows himself and is rejected that is the unpardonable sin. To grieve the Spirit of God is to reject life.

The supreme witness of Jesus Christ (King David) is reporting for duty.

He was a man whose tongue held no lies,
For he was the direct descendant of our father in the heavenly skies.
Born to a body of fleshy sin,
Though what laid beneath was unlike the rest of his kin.

Jesus had the utmost grace,
Never being wavered by evils face.
He was wise beyond any years,
Performing miracles that would bring crowds to tears.

A beacon of light on top of a starless mountain,
Where words of wisdom poured out of him as if there ran a cosmic fountain.
His eyes pierced through you with a single glance,
Leaving even the most hardened individuals in quite the trance.

The Holy Spirit so ever majestically flowed inside this man,
Naturally people caught notice and became a fan.
Students began showing up from every mold,
When they heard his words their hearts were sold.

Wicked men put a price on Jesus's head,
He was wanted alive or dead.
Despite this he and his disciples continued their teachings,
Where on occasion they endured terrible beatings.

One of the twelve apostles turned to black,
No longer having Jesus's back.
Judas Iscariot had done Satan's bidding,
And it is in hell where he now is sitting.

Jesus died on the cross to pay for our shortcoming,
However don't be saddened for if you believe in him you will see him at your homecoming.
There he sits at the right hand of God's throne,
Being the voice of truth and love that we all have known.

Satan's tongue is coated in a layer of deceit,
And he tramples over promises with his feet.
He's a being who is bound by deceptions,
Whose very essence oozes with misconceptions.

He struggles to look you in your eyes,
For his gaze holds nothing but lies.
On occasion he will give you his hand,
But don't be fooled by his stand.

He seeks to corrupt your heart,
You would be wise to avoid him from the start.
Seeking quick pleasures and casting aside love,
He traverses this land with push and shove.

Now Lucifer was once not lost,
But pride blinded him at a cost.
Disobeying God he waged war,
Becoming detestable to the core.

Today he is the ruler of Earth,
Though for all his power he has no real worth.
However most of us have still been sold,
Giving into sin and becoming cold.

Nearly everyone is a puppet dancing on strings,
Marching to delusion for their unjust kings.
My people have given into lust,
Becoming robots full of rust.

However you my child are the exception,
So when you meet me don't forget to mention.
That you alone have been granted the key,
And before your glory they shall all bend a knee.


“Apart from Me you can do _nothing._ ”
(John 15:5)


There's this lady in my friend's church. She earns about 25, 000 naira per month which is the equivalent of 60 U.S dollars per month. She pays a tithe of 15, 000 naira which is 36 U.S dollars. The church doesn't acknowledge her even though she pays more than half of what she has. Meanwhile, there's a rich man in the church that people appreciate so much because he pays a lot. I'm almost certain he doesn't give up to quarter of what he has while this lady gives almost everything she has. She gives to the church more than the rich man does. This is an example of any event that happened in Jesus's time and He acknowledged the poor !It's disappointing. Let this be a reminder that there are a lot of people who claim to have a ministry but all they have is a ministry of lies. Continue with your preaching daily disciple. There isn't a single day when I don't think about God. Thanks, you speak the truth.


Great video men. Isaac I have a question. I have 13 years old cousin, she is an atheist and I want to convert her to Jesus and I dont know how to begin. Have you got any advice for me, I really want her to be in realationship with Jesus. I think that I really grown in Faith lately and I think that this is a test from God for my love and Faith. Could you help or you, my Brothers and Sisters in Faith.


God loves you the way you are but he loves you too much to leave you that way.


16For God so loved the world that He gave His one and onlye Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.


Jesus Christ went to the cross and now lives to set sinful you free from death and hell. Repent and turn your heart to Him before it’s too late. If He calls your heart, say yes!


Lie #4 : “I can grow in Christ just by watching Christian YouTube videos”


“If you declare with your mouth “Jesus is Lord, ” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). Now is the time to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. Obey His commands and repent of your sins because Jesus is coming back soon. Tomorrow isn’t promised.


..here are three that are much more damaging..
....lie number 1.. ..that God is a trinity..
....lie number 2.. ..that we are immortal souls..
....lie number 3.. ..that God DID NOT create evil..
