Decoded: The Top 3 Lies Women Say When NOT Interested In YOU

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Decoded: The Top 3 Lies Women Say When NOT Interested In YOU... In this dating love and relationship advice video, I will discuss the top three lies women say when not interested in you. If you are dating or in a relationship, you need to know when she's not interested in you on first dates, online dating, or elsewhere in the dating process. Pay attention to this relationship advice and ensure you watch the entire video.

Trust is fundamental in any relationship and assuming that all women lie can damage that trust. Today's dating advice will help you identify the lies women say when not interested in you. Pay attention to this video to understand women and learn how women lie.

It is essential to remember that you will meet some women who are not interested in you but won't show it. However, if you know the lies women say when not interested in you, you'll avoid wasting your time on such women. Watch to the end to know more about the lies women say when not interested in you.

As your wingmam, female wingman, and dating coach for men, I want to make it easier for all of you to date. I hope and pray that you find this dating advice for men video helpful.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Lies women say
- Not interested in you
- How women lie
- Lies women say when not interested in you
- When not interested in you
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.


I hope you enjoyed my video, "Decoded: The Top 3 Lies Women Say When NOT Interested In YOU"

Love is the answer, people! Don’t give up. DO. NOT. GIVE. UP. HOPE. God loves you and so do I! You got this.


Men's Resources❤


DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychologist, licensed therapist/counselor, medical advisor, or lawyer. The videos are opinions only, not advice. Therefore, you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Obey the law. If you have mental health issues or are considering harming yourself or others, seek appropriate help immediately.

#LiesWomenTell #NotInterestedInYou #HowWomenLie #WaysWomenLie #WhenNotInterestedInYou #DatingCoach #UnderstandWomen #DatingAdvice #SheIsNotInterestedInYou #Wingmam
#winggirl #courtenayryan #joyanima
#emilywking #sadiapsychology #oriontaraban
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I hope you enjoyed my video, "Decoded: The Top 3 Lies Women Say When NOT Interested In YOU"
Love is the answer, people! Don’t give up. DO. NOT. GIVE. UP. HOPE. God loves you and so do I! You got this.
Men's Resources❤


Never trust a woman's words, trust her actions. Once you observe disinterested or even garbage behavior, it has more value than the meaningless words.


The moment a woman makes you doubt her interest in you or starts playing games, break it off with her and stop all communication. Becoming unresponsive to women is their kryptonite. I did this to a woman nearly three years ago who tried to give me an ultimatum and she still messages me from time to time, I'm living rent free in her head for eternity.


1) You're a nice guy
2) You'll meet a nice gal "someday"
3) I don't want to hurt your feelings
4) If it's meant to be, it's meant to be (as in I'm constantly indecisive and irresponsible)
5) You never know what can happen
6) I'm not attracted to you
7) I just wanna be "friends"
8) I have a boyfriend (or rather a "boyfriend")
9) There's no one else (sometimes followed by "honest!") (sometimes phrased as "I'm not cheating on you")
10) You're not my type (as in "I prefer other men")
11) It's not about money


If you can't tell whether she's into you or not, the probability of her not being into you is very high .


TRUST somebody wants to be with will find out a way to make that happen. If they won't. That is the way of the world.


I see these videos and I can't help wonder why this is such an issue. Learning to reject someone with dignity and learning to accept rejection with dignity is a part of growing up. Most women are not interested in me and I accept that. They don't have to lie and I don't have to be a jerk about it.


1. I have a boyfriend.
2. Not ready for a relationship.
3. Just want to be friends.


On a lighter note from my previous comment: My response years ago to a woman who, after I asked her out after having a really nice conversation, told me she had a boyfriend: "Well, he's not invited." We had a big laugh over that, and then I politely walked away after telling her it was nice to meet her and that I hoped she had a great night.


Well it was not exactly the case of a girlfriend in the strict sense of the word (although no idea what she really wanted), but once a woman told me that she was not interested in communicating with me anymore, and I sincerely thanked her for her straightforwardness and sincerity. How easier things would be if everybody was like that.


We can't control what other people do or say or how they choose to experience the world.
But we can control how we respond to it, what we allow in and what boundaries we set.
Great video, information and you are beautiful, inside and out - 3 truths.


Recently had a conversation with somebody who was told the #2 lie when he asked her out. If I ask someone out, say for coffee, and she responds with "I'm not looking for a relationship", I think a playful response might be, "Oh, I was just suggesting coffee, not marriage"....and then see if she laughs.
This video encouragingly reminds me that it's been 20 years since I've been told the #3 lie and friend zoned. I took it at face value and let it go at that. when I did meet someone else later whom I dated, she told her we were more than just friends. That almost put me in hot water. I guess she wasn't really my friend afterall. 😁 Luckily the woman I was dating at the time believed me and not her. I've never been friend zoned since.


Saying "I'm busy" all the time whenever you ask her out (and answering "I don't know when" when you ask her when she has free time). If she was really wanting to meet you, she'd make even a small window of time, and she'd be able to give you an estimated time of when she's free.


I have been rejected by many many women - and I new the rejection was coming even before the rejection occurred. Easy to spot.


If a guy hears, "I want to be friends" or "I'm not ready." Run for the hills! If some woman really wants you she will not say either or these lies. The "friends" thing seems bogus because what dude wants his wife getting calls from her "friend" Hank??? Or what husband wants his wife "Edna" to go out for drinks with her good "friend" Dougie??? And if a woman is always rescheduling that is a bad sign. If you really like someone, you won't constantly be rescheduling or squeezing that person in your schedule. You'll always make time for people you like.


At this point no woman is interested. It's fine. I just don't care anymore. I take myself on dates and do things alone all the time...being alone isn't so bad.


This is the realest, least toxic channel for this kind of stuff. My goodness, you're one of the most helpful people ever! More people need to listen.


Once a woman tells you she wants to be "just friends", walk away. It's as simple as that.


I experienced #1 in my younger days. I went on a date with a woman who kept talking about _another_ guy she was interested in and wanted to marry! 😀
Very effective technique. 😊


I agree that only if a man does not care about losing the friendship is the only time he should tell her how he feels.
