3 Lies Your Kids Want To Believe (2 Corinthians 11:14) | Dr. Frank Turek

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Dr. Frank Turek shares the significance of standing up for Christian beliefs in the public square, the need to equip young people with the tools to defend their faith, and the use of logic to identify false claims—particularly in the context of relativism and postmodernism.

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Wow, I'm only 14, but I thought that hit different. That's not only for dad's. I will send that to friends and family of mine, keep it up 👍👍👍


"if you just want to live for "you" all the time, you'll end up divorced, addicted, broken, alone, and probably prematurely dead..."...absolutely the truth...


I am a mental health therapist and will be showing this to my patients at alcohol and drug rehabilitation center! This Is Fire!!!🔥 🙌🏾🙏🏽👏🏾


boy...so many things i want to say after watching this...regarding not affirming people in evil: "faithful are the wounds of a friend"...someone who loves you will tell the truth, even if it hurts them, or hurts the relationship...


I never get tired of listening to Frank


As a first time visitor I am so thankful to have come today. What a great impact this message has done in my life, the kind of impact that I sense my life has been forever alter. Thank you God for using Dr Frank Turek. Funny thing is I didn't know who he was when they named him but when he started to talk and I start to understand....I was at the point of tears and it was not because it was an emotional message, but because of so much truth that I want to be prepared for when I speak about my faith to others


I lived this. Left the church at 20 years old and destroyed my life. Thank God i married a good man later in life but it was too late for me to have kids by then. I chose partying, drugs, sexual sin and career chasing over having a family. I'll never know the face of my own child.


"Emotion makes life fun, logic makes life safe." There's no doubt the Western societies now focus far more on subjective emotion rather than reality-based logic.


(23:55) _Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres._ (1 Corinthians 13)
_You don't protect people when you're approving of the evil they're doing you're doing the opposite_
—Dr. Frank Turek

_A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another_ (John 13)
_Love for us means sacrifice. It doesn't mean approval. Do you know when we fail to say what we know to be true because we don't want to hurt anybody's feelings we're not really loving people; we're enabling them to do evil. A lot of times we won't tell them the truth because we don't want them mad at us. We do that because we want to take the easy way. We will sacrifice them for our benefit, rather than sacrificing ourselves for their benefit. That's what love is—to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others_


Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the father except through him.


I wish everyone would watch this. God bless you all.


Dr. Turek, I believe you prayed and studied richly prior to delivering this message, and it shows.
You did honor to Jack & his Faith-Family,
and I am compelled to forward this to several people I care about.
Thank you, Frank!


I pray that pastor Jack will be OK. I know he works very hard and has opened up scriptures to me no one else could! However I am very concerned for his health! Please rest pastor we love you!


I have watched many of Dr. Turek's videos here on YouTube, where he answers the questions students ask.
I'm glad I'm one of the two out of 100 who go to church. I don't think my father ever went to church while I was a child. He got involved with the Jehovah's Witnesses when I was about 6 years old. It was a major cause of my parent's divorce. 10 years later, my father preached at me nearly every day using their literature. He was all messed up with a mish-mash of Catholicism and the Watchtower Society "theology" along with diagnosed schizophrenia. The ONLY thing that saved me was Jesus.


This is probably the best presentation (sermon)I’ve ever heard from Frank.


Familiarity with the science of Logic is CRITICAL, no matter how smart a person is. No one is immune from committing errors in his/her reasoning.


"it's really hard for the heart to rejoice in what the mind doubts..."...truth bombs all over this vid...


1:02:58 Christianity is the only worldview where you don’t achieve your identity, YOU RECEIVE YOUR IDENTITY 🙌🏻💛


Amen brother! We have gotten to a place for people no longer fear God they don’t want it to be true, but don’t realize the circumstances of their own sin


Wow, thats my first memory, too! Im 3, playing on the floor, and my mom, 26, is ironing and bawling her eyes out at the same time watching the news about the President being shot. 1963.
