Are we justified by faith or baptism

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Simply put, we are justified by faith when we have faith, not when we perform a ceremony! Check out the scripture to prove it.
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This was the topic that led me to your website over 15 years ago. It helped me witness to ICOC members.


I had a few more minutes so I decided to continue to comment and like some of your videos. Good job Matt!


This is a bogey question. Who said that baptism is work? Baptism is faith expressed in action, just like James says that faith not expressed in works is dead (James 2:26).


Yes, this is so clear. A ritual can not save us, only faith does.


James 2:21-24 "Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? (22) Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? (23) And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. (24) Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only."

Rom. 4: 9-12 cites Abraham's pre-circumcision faith, however circumcision was still required of him under the threat of being "cut off" for refusing it (Gen. 17:14). Similarly, it is no coincidence that New Testament water baptism is likened to circumcision (Col 2: 11-12) and with the same emphasis of essentiality (Mk. 16:16), with many scriptures indicating that repentance coupled with water baptism in Jesus' name is useful for the remission of sins.


What does “justified” mean in this context? I think of justified as meaning that one’s behavior is expected and excused.


Baptism entails faith, but problem is people get “baptized” long before they come to faith. Which is man’s version of baptism rather than the biblical version.


People who need to ask this question don't really understand what faith is or what baptism does.


Baptism, faith and grace all go together they are not in competition with each other with the end result being works.


If Mark 16:16 is to believed you will need both faith and baptism to be saved.


Baptism is not our work. It's God's work, His gift to us. Faith and baptism aren't opposed to each other.


"For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." Romans 10:10.
It is the Spirit's work to bring thought, word, and deed into unity in Christ. Baptism is public confession of one's inward faith.
Faith is greater than just a momentary assent. It is a daily trusting walk with our Lord, a contrite heart that rests in repentance.


We are justified by God through faith not through works. We are not justified 'by faith' to say it like that gives faith the 'power to justify'. God does all the justifying. God freely choose the path to salvation to be through him justifying people through faith - that is the gift. Then one might ask 'What justifies faith?". God does. Through what means is God happy to justify your faith? Good deeds! At least according to James. You could have a faith like demons and that won't save you.


Again, false doctrine. What does it mean that Abraham was justified by "believed" God...? This gentleman wants you to believe that BELIEF is mental assent, when in fact, to believe in God, means that you OBEY Him. That belief is culminated by being baptized, and that's why faith is explained precisely that way in Hebrews. Simply put, Abraham obeyed God by going to sacrifice Isaac as well as leaving that country when God told him. By the way, baptism isn't a work. It's in the passive voice, meaning one submits to BE BAPTIZED by a male member of the church of Christ, which coincidentally is the ONLY body of believers that will be saved.


Your first 16 seconds were wrong. We ARE justified by BAPTISM because being baptized is part of the salvation plan. If we have FAITH in the word of God ---then we will be baptized for the remission of sins. Acts 2:38


This is the problem with fundamentalist theology. It tries to separate that which is not meant to be separated.


Baptism is a work, but a work of God that we partake in.


Justified? For the HATE, IGNORANCE and PREJUDICE that is Christianity?
